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Utilizing Righteousness as Armor in Spiritual Warfare - Episode 161

Writer: Daniel MooreDaniel Moore

Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Daniel Moore: 0:03

No matter how much Satan accuses us or tries to deceive us about God's forgiveness, we can find reassurance in the promises of Scripture. Through faith in Jesus, we receive the gift of salvation and the power of His sacrifice on the cross. His love and grace surpass any accusation or lie that the enemy may throw at us. This week, we continue our extensive study on spiritual warfare. On this episode of Connecting the Gap, we continue our series to battle within overcoming the Invisible War. This week we will study Part 8. We'll be back right after this and it worked from our sponsor. Be sure to visit my sponsor's website. We are WarriorsApparelcom. For those of you that like hats, he also has a hat club there as well Some awesome looking hats. You can go check that out. We are WarriorsApparelcom. Well, I'm Daniel Moore. Thank you guys for joining me.

Daniel Moore: 1:48

This week I'm the host for this podcast. We are in Part 8 of our study on spiritual warfare the battle within overcoming the Invisible War. This almost officially puts us at the halfway mark, as there are 17 episodes in this series and it's been quite a ride so far. We've got some awesome things to share with you today, so hopefully you guys have been all caught up here on all the previous episodes. If you haven't, you might want to go back and check those out, as these are kind of in an order. You can visit our website at ConnectingTheGapnet for anything about our ministry here how to reach the podcast. Each week one's delivered every Thursday morning, and we also have a merch link there as well. We have shirts and cups and hoodies, hats, all kinds of things that you can purchase to help get the word out about connecting the gap, and transcripts for this week's episode, as well as the rest of the episodes in this series, are also on the website as well. Again, that's ConnectingTheGapnet. Well, grab your coffee and your Bible. We're going to get started into this week of the battle within overcoming the Invisible War.

Daniel Moore: 2:57

The demons say one thing to get us into sin and another to overwhelm us in despair. That's a statement made by John Clemicus. There is a common condition among earnest Christians they go to church because they feel they are supposed to. They give in the offering not to bless people or so into ministries, but because they feel they are supposed to. They volunteer because if they don't, they feel condemnation come down upon them.

Daniel Moore: 3:27

Guilt plays out in our lives in very warped ways. This can be understood as a manifestation of religious obligation or duty-driven behavior. In some cases, individuals may feel an internal pressure or societal expectation to engage in certain practices. This can include attending church, giving offerings, volunteering or many other areas in our lives. For some earnest Christians, this obligation may stem from their interpretation of teachings or the desire to fulfill perceived expectations of their church community. They may believe that participating in these activities is a requirement for being a good or faithful Christian. Consequently, the fear of condemnation or guilt can play a significant role in their motivation to engage in these practices.

Daniel Moore: 4:18

While guilt can be a powerful motivator, it is important for individuals to examine the reasons behind their actions. Guilt, when left unaddressed or improperly managed, can indeed have detrimental effects on individuals and their relationships. It can contribute to dysfunctional family dynamics and negatively impact mental, emotional and even physical well-being. Additionally, guilt can be a driving force behind certain addictive behaviors, including eating disorders, sexual addictions and substance abuse. Guilt often arises from a sense of personal wrongdoing or feeling that one has not lived up to their own or God's expectations. These feelings can create a cycle in which individuals engage in harmful behaviors, experience guilt as a result and then resort to the same behaviors as a way to cope or numb those negative emotions. This perpetuates the cycle and can lead to further damage to one's well-being and their relationship with God. When we say, quote-unquote, guilt is a killer, it is a metaphorical statement implying that excessive guilt can have harmful effects on our well-being and relationships. Guilt can lead to intense emotional distress, self-blame and feelings of shame. Persistent guilt can contribute to lowered self-esteem, increased stress levels, anxiety and even depression. These negative emotional states can impact one's mental and physical health, leading to a diminished quality of life.

Daniel Moore: 5:48

In the context of Christianity, satan can manipulate guilt to undermine the faith and well-being of Christians. Satan aims to create doubt, discouragement and condemnation within believers. By whispering thoughts of guilt and unworthiness, satan seeks to distort their understanding of God's love, forgiveness and His grace. Recognizing and addressing excessive guilt is crucial for mental and spiritual well-being. Guilt is real, but so is forgiveness. God's forgiveness is much greater than any guilt. Satan can heap upon us even if we are doing something wrong. God can heal that with His grace. That brings us this week to the second piece of armor that God gives us the breastplate of righteousness.

Daniel Moore: 6:37

Roman breastplates, also known as curioses, were essential components of the armor worn by Roman soldiers. They were designed to protect the torso, particularly the chest and abdomen, during battles. There were two common types of Roman breastplates. The lorica segmentata was a common type of Roman breastplate made of overlapping metal strips. It consisted of multiple horizontal bands, called segments, that were fastened together vertically using leather straps or hinges. It was typically constructed from iron, though some versions were made from bronze. The strips provided flexibility and allowed for easy movement. The lorica segmentata provided protection for the chest, abdomen, back and shoulders. Dolorica hamada, also known as chainmail, was another type of breastplate used by Roman soldiers. It was made of interlocking metal rings skillfully woven together in a pattern called a four-in-one weave. Each ring had four others passing through it, creating a dense and sturdy mesh. Dolorica hamada covered the chest and reached down to the upper thighs, protecting the torso from direct blows and slashes. Both types of breastplates were tailored to fit the body and were typically worn in combination with other armor pieces, such as helmets, greaves which is leg armor and shields, to provide comprehensive protection during combat.

Daniel Moore: 8:06

The design and materials of Roman breastplates evolved over centuries, but their primary purpose remained the same safeguarding crucial parts of the body in battle. The breastplate is the second piece of armor Paul tells us to put on after the belt of truth in Ephesians 6. It was the protector of the heart and a piece of armor no warrior would want to go into battle without. But what is righteousness? Does that mean we are perfect? You know, many people think that's exactly what it means. They choose to not pursue it because they think they will never live up to that standard.

Daniel Moore: 8:43

According to Ephesians 6.14, being righteous is associated with wearing the breastplate of righteousness as part of the armor of God. In this context, righteousness refers to living in alignment with God's standards and following His commands. To apply this concept in our lives as Christians, there are some steps we take that lead us into living a righteous life before God. Number one we need to understand God's standards, study and meditate on God's Word to understand His character, values and expectations. This will help us discern right from wrong and align our lives accordingly. Secondly, pursuing righteousness Make a conscious effort to live a life that reflects God's righteousness. This involves practicing honesty, integrity, kindness and justice in all aspects of life, including our relationships, work and interactions with others. Thirdly, repentance and forgiveness. Recognize that we are imperfect and may fall short of God's standards. At times when we do sincerely repent, seeking God's forgiveness and grace, embrace the opportunity for growth and continually strive to align our actions with righteousness.

Daniel Moore: 9:59

Number four seek guidance from the Holy Spirit. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide and transform us, helping us to make righteous choices and navigate difficult situations. Cultivate a close relationship with God through prayer, worship and study of His Word, which can empower us to live according to His righteousness. Fifth seek accountability and community. We need to surround ourselves with fellow believers who are also committed to righteousness. Engage in accountable relationships where we can encourage and support one another in our journey towards righteousness. And sixth recognize our identity in Christ. Remember that our righteousness is not based on our own efforts, but through Jesus Christ, through faith in Him. We receive His righteousness as a gift, depend on His grace and allow His righteousness to flow through us as we grow in relationship with Him. Putting it simply, it is putting into practice what you know is right. That's why we put on the belt of truth. We have to have it. When God's truth is working in our lives, we have to live it. 24-7.

Daniel Moore: 11:12

In Revelation 12-10, satan is referred to as the accuser of the brethren. This means that he seeks to bring accusations against believers, aiming to damage their faith and undermine their relationship with God and others. When it comes to conviction of sin, there can be a difference between the conviction brought by the Holy Spirit and the accusations put forth by Satan. When the Holy Spirit convicts believers of their sins, it is a loving and redemptive process. The purpose of this conviction is to draw individuals back to God, encouraging them to confess, repent and seek forgiveness. The Holy Spirit helps believers recognize areas in their lives that do not align with God's standards and guides them towards making necessary changes.

Daniel Moore: 12:00

Satan, on the other hand, he'll seize the opportunity when believers are convicted of their sins. He might counterfeit or distort the conviction with accusations in an attempt to bring condemnation, shame and doubt. Satan may whisper lies, exaggerations or negative thoughts to discourage believers and lead them away from seeking true forgiveness and restoration. Satan may tempt believers to seek false comforts to alleviate guilt or shame. These false comforts can include engaging in further sinful behavior, seeking worldly distractions or even isolating oneself. By promoting these false comforts, satan aims to prevent believers from experiencing the true freedom and healing that comes for genuine repentance and forgiveness through Christ. To combat Satan's counterfeit accusations, we must discern the voice of the Holy Spirit and rely on the truth of God's Word. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, prayer and seeking wisdom from God, believers can combat Satan's lies and seek genuine repentance, forgiveness and healing. It is essential to remember that the conviction brought by the Holy Spirit is ultimately meant to restore and reconcile believers to God.

Daniel Moore: 13:15

While Satan's accusations aim to drive a wedge between believers and their relationship with God, john 1-9 states If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This verse points out the truth that when we genuinely confess our sins to God, we can trust in his faithfulness and justice to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This forgiveness is made possible through Jesus Christ. No matter how much Satan accuses us or tries to deceive us about God's forgiveness, we can find reassurance in the promises of Scripture. Through faith in Jesus, we receive the gift of salvation and the power of his sacrifice on the cross. His love and grace surpass any accusation or lie that the enemy may throw at us. When we confess our sins with sincerity and seek forgiveness, we are assured of God's forgiveness and cleansing. This forgiveness is based on God's character of faithfulness and justice. He is faithful to his promise of forgiveness, and he is just in forgiving our sins because of the penalty paid by Jesus on our behalf.

Daniel Moore: 14:31

It is important not to fall into Satan's trap of doubt and self-condemnation. Instead, we must hold on to the truth that we are forgiven in Christ. We can have confidence in God's abundant grace and His willingness to forgive us when we genuinely turn to Him in repentance. There are some biblical examples of breastplate malfunctions in the Bible. If we don't go to war the way God equips us to fight, we will have times when we give Satan full access to our hearts with his demonic activity.

Daniel Moore: 15:02

In 1 Samuel 13, saul found himself waiting for the prophet Samuel to arrive and offer sacrifices before going into battle against the Philistines. As the appointed time passed and the people began to scatter, saul grew anxious and decided to take matters into his own hands. He offered the sacrifices himself, assuming the role that was reserved for Samuel. This act of disobedience displeased God and led to the pronouncement that the kingdom would not continue in Saul's bloodline. In 1 Samuel 15, samuel instructed Saul to completely destroy the Amalekites, sparing no one or anything. However, saul only partially obeyed, sparing King Agag and some of the best livestock. When confronted by Samuel, saul justified his actions claiming they were meant for sacrifice to God. However, samuel rebuked him, affirming that obedience is more important than sacrifices. As a result of Saul's disobedience, god rejected him as King. In both of these instances, saul's impatience and disobedience opened the door to negative consequences, including spiritual and demonic activities. Saul's actions revealed a lack of trust in God's timing and a failure to submit to his instructions. This allowed room for the enemy's influence to enter into his life and leadership.

Daniel Moore: 16:31

These passages remind us of the importance of faithfully waiting on God, relying on his wisdom and guidance and obeying his commands. Impatience and disobedience can lead us astray from God's plan, leaving us vulnerable to adverse spiritual influences. In contrast, when we diligently seek God, wait on his timing and follow his instructions, we position ourselves to experience his favor, protection and guidance in our lives. In Matthew 16, verses 13-16, jesus asked his disciples who do people say that the Son of man is? Peter responded by proclaiming you are the Christ, the Son of the Living God. In this moment, peter demonstrated a deep understanding of Jesus' identity and affirmed his divine nature. He nailed it.

Daniel Moore: 17:24

Peter's confession was an important milestone in recognizing Jesus as the long-awaited Messiah. However, in Matthew 16, verses 22-23, we see that Peter's understanding took a stumbling block when Jesus foretold his impending death and resurrection. Peter reacted strongly, rebuking Jesus and expressing his disagreement with such a fate for his beloved teacher and friend. In response, jesus reprimanded Peter, saying Get behind me, satan. You are a stumbling block to me. You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns. Peter's stumbling block lay in his limited understanding of God's plan and purpose. Despite rightly recognizing Jesus as the Messiah, he struggled to grasp the full scope of Jesus' mission and the necessity of his sacrificial death and resurrection. Peter's intentions might have been rooted in love and concern, but his perspective was skewed by human concerns, preventing him from aligning with God's greater plan.

Daniel Moore: 18:30

Jesus rebuked to Peter underscores the importance of surrendering our human perspectives and desires to God's will. It reminds us to trust in God's overarching plan, even when we may struggle to comprehend or fully embrace it. Peter's example serves as a reminder that even those closest to Jesus can stumble, but it also shows the potential for growth and transformation as we continue to yield ourselves to God's guidance and correction. Peter had heard the truth from Jesus' mouth, rebelled against it and opened the door to statement directly from Satan? So what's in your heart? Consider this question very carefully before you answer it. In what area has God spoken truth into you, but you aren't following it? Are you deceived? We're going to take a break here for a moment. When we come back, we're going to continue the second part of this week's discussion on the battle with Thin, overcoming the Invisible War. We'll be back right after this.

What is your biggest obsession? Is it making a lot of money Wearing a size 4 dress? Has this obsession started to control you? If so, then you're not alone. Once Jesus was visiting the home of Mary and Martha, Mary spent her time with Jesus sitting at his feet, while Martha was keeping busy and blustered in the kitchen preparing a meal for Jesus and her other guests. Mary, could you please help me do this a little bit? We are often kept so busy that we rob ourselves of what matters most A deep personal relationship with Jesus. God doesn't want your effort. He wants a relationship between you and his son, Jesus Christ. So come to him, confess your sin and sit at the feet of Jesus. If you want to know how to do that, then call 888-Need-Him to learn how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. God is 888-Need-Him.

Daniel Moore: 20:50

You try to bury my flame. I'll turn your fire away Without a shot of a doubt. No, can't put my fire out. Can't put my fire out.

Can't put my fire out. Can't put my fire out, I'll turn your fire away.

Daniel Moore: 21:48

I'll turn your fire away. To fix this problem and regain our connection with God, we need to refocus our priorities. Matthew 6-33 advises us to seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, with a promise that everything else will be added to us. By actively seeking God's will above all else and making Him the center of our lives, we align ourselves with His desires. For us, maintaining a daily dialogue with God is crucial. By speaking to God through prayer and reading His Word, we open ourselves up to His guidance and teaching. This constant connection helps us to recognize and correct areas in our lives that are not aligned with His purpose. It's important to note that following God's commands and seeking His guidance does not mean we are expected to be perfect. God understands that we are flawed and prone to mistakes. Instead, he invites us to abide in His grace and continuously grow in our relationship with Him. When God reveals areas in our lives that need improvement, we must be willing to acknowledge and work on them, relying on His strength and guidance to make the necessary changes. If we aren't wearing the breastplate of righteousness, our hearts are being condemned by the enemy and our minds are being deceived. Instead of our lives reflecting the love of Jesus. We are just a religious people trying to please God and impress people in our own strength. We can't do it ourselves. We have to rely on God. Now, unless you're a farmer, I'm going to take a moment here and gross you out for a second.

Daniel Moore: 23:51

A cow ruminating its cud serves as a powerful metaphor for understanding the concept of meditation or rumination, as mentioned in biblical passages such as Joshua 1, 8, and Psalm 1-2. Rumination, in the context of these verses, refers to deep study, contemplation and internalizing of God's Word. When a cow eats, it quickly chews and swallows the food which then enters the first chamber of its stomach, called the rumen. Later, the cow regurgitates a portion of this partially digested food, forming a cud which it chews again at a more leisurely pace. This process allows the cow to extract greater nutritional value from the food and aids in digestion. Then the cow repeats this process all over, again and again and again.

Daniel Moore: 24:45

Likewise, when we ruminate or meditate on God's Word, it involves a similar process. We must first encounter the Word of God through reading or hearing it, much like the cow when he is eating. However, true spiritual nourishment occurs when we bring the Word back to our minds and hearts, just as the cow regurgitates the cud. This inward focus enables us to give careful thought and attention to God's teaching, allowing them to penetrate deeply into our being. As we ruminate, we ponder, analyze and meditate on the meaning and implications of God's Word for our lives. It involves spending intentional time and prayerful contemplation, seeking God's guidance and allowing Him to speak to us through His Word. This process helps us to internalize the truths, promises and wisdom found in Scripture, enabling them to transform our thoughts, attitude and actions, similar to how rumination aids in the cow's digestion. Meditating on God's Word has several benefits for us. It helps us gain spiritual nourishment and understanding, strengthens our faith and aligns our heart and minds with God's will. Through meditation, we can deepen our relationship with God, grow in wisdom and find guidance for the challenges that we face.

Daniel Moore: 26:06

A podcasting buddy of mine has a podcast called Something to Knoan In retrospect. That's what we do with Scripture. We read it and gnaw on it the rest of the week to get the most out of what God is trying to instill inside of us. The way my dogs run around the yard and looking back to the story of the muddy roads in Alaska just running around the yard or driving the muddy road. One time doesn't make a wret. The reason for the physical wret is repetition. The same is also for our mental wret.

Daniel Moore: 26:38

The illusory truth effect is a cognitive bias that refers to the phenomenon where people are more likely to believe a statement or claim to be true after repeated exposure to it. It suggests that familiarity and repetition can increase the perceived truthfulness of information, regardless of its actual validity. When we encounter information multiple times, our brains tend to process it more fluently. This fluency, or the ease with which we process information, is often mistaken for an indicator of truthfulness. As a result, repeated exposure to the lie can make it more familiar, making it easier for our brains to process and leading us to perceive it as more credible. Repetition is the reason for rats.

Daniel Moore: 27:26

Satan uses deception and lies to lead people astray. This perspective suggests that Satan may repeat the same lies, counting on the fact that if people are exposed to them repeatedly, they may eventually come to believe them. Satan lacks creativity. He relies on the same deceitful tactics and falsehoods instead of presenting new, innovative lies. Satan understands the human propensity to be influenced by repetition and uses it to his advantage. Recitation or meditation on Scripture, prayers or affirmations can help us reinforce our faith, resist temptation and counteract the influence of demonic forces. By repeating positive statements or affirmations rooted in God's Word, we can align our thoughts, beliefs and actions with the principles we hold dear to us. By continually immersing oneself in God's Word and the principles of faith, we can reinforce positive beliefs, affirmation and values, while decreasing the likelihood of being susceptible to Satan's lies. We need to start each day in God's Word, digging trenches of truth and finding our declarations. We then need to write them, think them and confess them until we believe it.

Daniel Moore: 28:42

Automaticity refers to the ability to perform tasks, behaviors or cognitive processes with minimum effort and conscious awareness. It is the state of being able to carry out an action without consciously thinking about each step or decision involved. When a task becomes automatic, it no longer requires deliberate attention or conscious effort. This automatic processing occurs after repetitive practice and learning, which allows the task to be stored in long-term memory and executed efficiently. As a result, automatic behaviors or cognitive processes can be executed quickly, smoothly and often without errors.

Daniel Moore: 29:24

Automaticity can manifest in various domains, such as motor skills, language processing, reading, problem solving and decision making. For example, when learning to drive a car initially, the individual must consciously focus on every action, from adjusting the mirrors to shifting gears. However, with practice, those actions become automatic and the driver can perform them effortlessly, allowing more attention to be allocated to other aspects of driving. In the concept of cognitive processes, automaticity can be observed in tasks like reading, where proficient readers automatically recognize and comprehend words without consciously decoding each letter or word. Similarly, individuals who have mastered complex problem-solving skills or expertise in a particular domain may display automaticity in those areas, as they effortlessly apply knowledge and strategies.

Daniel Moore: 30:19

While automaticity can enhance efficiency and performance, it is important to note that it is not always desirable or beneficial in every situation. Some tasks, especially those requiring conscious attention, creativity or flexibility, may benefit from deliberate or conscious processing rather than relying solely on automatic routines, while in the context of a walk with God or a spiritual relationship, the notion of automaticity can be approached from a perspective of developing habits, consistency and deeply ingrained belief in God. As we engage in regular spiritual practices such as prayer, meditation, reading God's Word, attending church or services or gatherings, practicing ethical principles, we gradually develop habits and behaviors that become more automatic over time. The repeated engagement with these practices reinforces the neural pathways associated with religious or spiritual experiences, making them more easily accessible and natural. With consistent effort and dedication, our spiritual walk and devotion to God can become second nature, requiring less conscious effort to initiate or carry out. This automaticity allows individuals to seamlessly integrate their faith into their daily life, as their thoughts, actions and decisions align with their religious beliefs and values almost effortlessly. To cultivate this automaticity or naturalness in one's relationship with God, individuals often rely on spiritual disciplines and practices that consistently nourish their faith. Regular prayer or meditation, studying and reflecting upon Scripture, participating in worship or fellowship and acts of service are examples of activities that can help individuals build a strong and deep connection with God. By engaging in these practices consistently, individuals create a rhythm and pattern within their spiritual life, making it more likely that thoughts, attitudes and responses align with their faith and values. Naturally, this state of automaticity enables believers to live out their faith authentically, not merely as a conscious choice but as an integral part of their being. It is important to note that, while automaticity can support a strong spiritual foundation, it should not be seen as a replacement for conscious and intentional contemplation, growth and discernment. Regular self-analysis, critical thinking and examination of one's beliefs and actions remain pivotal for personal spiritual development and the maintenance of an authentic relationship with God.

Daniel Moore: 32:59

The more I have struggled in the past with money and being secure in God to supply my needs, the more I have realized the need I have to rely on my Savior and repetitively speak victory over those negative thoughts. As I have continued to slowly dig a trench to receive the blessings God has promised me, I have come to realize that there is a peace in leaning on Jesus. Satan likes to tell me that I am incompetent and I will never get over my anxieties in my life. But the more I have relied on Jesus to supply my need, it now seems to be automatic. I can now say many has no hold on me. My God has me in His hand and, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, this wret that was once a pain has now become a trench to the wonderful supply of an almighty God that loves me and looks over me every day. The trigger I used to have is no longer an enemy. You can have that happen too. Let God help you rewire your brain and renew your mind. Put on the breastplate of righteousness and you will change your thinking and he will change your life.

Daniel Moore: 34:07

That's going to wrap it up for this week's episode of Connecting the Gap. You can visit my website, connectingthegapnet, for all the platforms that we are on and, of course, if you'd like a transcript of this week's episode, you can get it there as well. Also, don't forget to visit my sponsor's website at WeAreWarriorsApparelcom, and next week we'll continue this study with part nine of our series on the battle within overcoming the Invisible War. I'd love to hear from you. You can email me at Daniel at ConnectingtheGapnet, or fill out the contact form on the website. And, of course, thank you for all the subscribes and shares. Thank you for comments and the things that you leave. I love hearing from you guys, and you can also use those as a way to add to the conversation as well, to share your experiences, to help others grow here in Christ and fight this battle that we fight each and every day against Satan. Well, I'm out here till next week.

Daniel Moore: 34:58

Don't forget that God's Word never fails us. God's Word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap. You've been listening to Connecting the Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast, and I personally thank you for listening. Each week In this world, there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives.

Daniel Moore: 35:18

This podcast is birthed from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week, we take a few moments as we navigate God's Word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap. We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app, edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as Apple Podcast, deezer, spotify, google Podcast, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and many more. We are also available on your Alexa-enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.



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