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Unleashing the Power of Scripture and Prayer in Spiritual Warfare - Episode 168

Writer's picture: Daniel MooreDaniel Moore

Daniel Moore: 0:02

When we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we study and meditate on the Word, he opens our hearts and minds to its deeper meanings, convicting, encouraging and instructing us. The Holy Spirit breathes life into the Word, helping us to grasp its truths, apply them to our lives and wield it effectively in spiritual battles. Thus, our relationship with the Spirit is essential for experiencing the dynamic power of the Word of God in our battles. Thus, our relationship with the Spirit is essential for experiencing the dynamic power of the Word of God in our lives. This week we're going to discuss that and more in our continued study on spiritual warfare. On this episode of Connecting the Gap, we are continuing our series the Battle Within Overcoming the Invisible War. This week we are studying part 14. We'll be back right after this. And a word from our sponsor. They say that it is darkest Right before the dawn. So remember, no matter what battle you are facing, what war is raging, the dawn is coming. Prepare for battle, prepare for victory. Be sure to visit our sponsor's website at wearewarriorsapparelcom. Well guys, welcome back. It's another episode of Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Moore, your host. Thank you for joining me this week and we've got a great episode coming your way. We're continuing our series on the battle within overcoming the invisible war, and this is on spiritual warfare. We're wrapping down quickly on our episodes for this series, as we've just got a few more weeks left to go here and we'll be finishing up this series. So it's pretty crazy that we've made it that far, but we'll be moving on to other things. Before we get any further, be sure to visit my website at connectingthegapnet. We have our transcripts there for these episodes and we have redone our transcripts just a little bit. The series that we're doing right now all the transcripts for that now are time-stamped, so it's a little bit easier to read the transcripts and understand them. The way that we was putting them in before was a little crazy and jumbled up and hard to read, so we went and kind of revamped that a little bit. So go check that out on our website. Also, while you're there, check out the podcasting platforms that we're on. Go to the merch store, buy yourself a t-shirt and a mug or whatever else you may find when you get in there, and just check out our ministry there at connectingthegapnet. Well, as I said, we're continuing our series, this week on spiritual warfare and this week we are in part 14.

Daniel Moore: 3:19

Imagine a busy city street filled with people going about their daily routines. Amidst the crowd, a heated altercation erupts between two groups of bullies. The commotion grows louder and tensions rise. As the conflict escalates, a regular, simple little guy, who is known for his kind-hearted nature and concern for others, notices the unfolding chaos and decides to intervene. With good intentions, this regular old guy approaches the fighting groups attempting to mediate and diffuse the situation. However, instead of heeding his pleas for peace, the fighting parties turn their aggression towards him, despite his noble intentions.

Daniel Moore: 4:01

The regular old guy quickly finds himself overwhelmed and outnumbered. He is unable to put an end to the fight as his attempts to reason with them fall on deaf ears. But just as the guy struggles to gain control, a police officer arrives on the scene. The sight of the officer in his crisp uniform, donning a badge issued by the local government and with a pistol securely holstered to his side instantly commands attention and respect. As the officer steps into the chaos, the fighting factions take notice. The mere authority attached to the officer's presence is enough to temporarily halt their aggression. With a firm but calm voice, the officer demands order and compliance, the fighting parties aware of both the consequences of disobeying the law and the power vested in the officer, reluctantly comply and reluctantly cease their fighting.

Daniel Moore: 4:59

In this illustration, the regular guy represents an ordinary citizen who, though a genuinely compassionate and well-intentioned, lacks the authority and power to effectively stop the violence. On the other hand, the police officer symbolizes someone who possesses the required authorization, granted by the government, to enforce law and order. This plays out in other scenarios as well, such as you can step in front of a speeding semi and try to stop it, but if the driver isn't willing to stop, he's going to crush you like a little bug. A police officer can step in front of the same truck and the driver will heed the warning and stop or face the consequences. This is because of the difference of authority. This is because of the difference of authority. Dietrich Bonhoeffer once said the deceit, the lie of the devil, consists of this that he wishes to make man believe that he can live without God's word, but in all reality that is living like the guy who can't stop the semi or the fight. There is no authority.

Daniel Moore: 6:07

In the Roman Empire, soldiers held a position of authority and were known for their strength, discipline and allegiance to the state they were tasked with maintaining law and order, defending the empire and enforcing the will of the ruling authorities. Roman soldiers were equipped not only with skill and training in hand-to-hand combat, but also with specific tools, one of which was the sword. The sword was more than just a weapon. It symbolized the soldier's authority and ability to enforce the laws and orders of the empire. It represented the might of the Roman government and its reach in maintaining peace and subduing rebellion. The very presence of a soldier carrying a sword was often enough to discourage opposition or defiance.

Daniel Moore: 6:52

Drawing from this historical context, we see a parallel connection to the spiritual world. In Ephesians 6.17, the sword of the Spirit is mentioned as a key component of the Christian's armor. The figurative sword is actually the Word of God or the Bible. In the same way that a Roman soldier's sword was a symbol of authority and power, the Word of God holds authority and power in the spiritual realm. The Bible is not merely a book of moral teachings or stories, but is considered to be the living Word of God. It is a source of divine wisdom, guidance and truth.

Daniel Moore: 7:32

Just as the soldier's sword was a physical tool for enforcing laws, the Bible serves as a spiritual weapon for believers, enabling them to navigate and overcome the challenges that they may face. Navigate and overcome the challenges that they may face. The spiritual sword of the Word of God possesses the authority and power to expose falsehood, combat spiritual opposition and protect believers from the schemes of evil. It equips Christians with knowledge, wisdom and discernment, empowering them to make righteous choices and stand firm in their faith. It also serves as a source of comfort, encouragement and hope in times of trials and challenges, similar to how the presence of a Roman soldier carrying a sword was a deterrent to opposition. The Word of God has the power to defeat spiritual enemies and negative influences in our lives. By studying and internalizing the truths found within the Bible, believers can wield the spiritual sword effectively, bringing about transformation in their own lives and contributing to the advancement of God's kingdom.

Daniel Moore: 8:36

In Ephesians 6.17, paul refers to the sword as the word of God. However, it is essential to understand that in this particular passage, paul uses the Greek word rhema instead of God. However, it is essential to understand that in this particular passage, paul uses the Greek word rhema instead of logos. While both terms are related to the Word of God, they represent different aspects and implications within the context of spiritual battle. The word logos generally refers to the overall message or the written and revealed Word of God, embracing concepts, teachings and themes found in the Scriptures as a whole. It encompasses the broader scope of God's communication and revelation to humanity. An example of logos would be the Bible itself and its comprehensive wisdom and truth. On the other hand, the Greek word rhema has a more specific meaning. It refers to the spoken or active word of God, often employed in a more immediate and personalized sense. Rhema is the specific and precise utterance of God that applies to a particular situation, a specific moment or an individual circumstances. It is the timely, personalized revelation from God that has power and effectiveness in a specific context.

Daniel Moore: 9:55

In the context of spiritual warfare, the distinction between Logos and Rhema is crucial. The sort of the Spirit described as the Word of God signifies the uses of Scripture to counter and overcome the schemes of Satan. This includes understanding and applying the teachings, principles and overarching truths found in the Bible or the Logos. However, the sword of the Spirit also involves the Rhema, the spoken Word of God. The sword of the Spirit also involves the rhema, the spoken word of God. It represents the instantaneous personal application of God's truth to confront and defeat the specific attacks or deception of the enemy. When faced with spiritual battles or temptations, believers can rely on a direct revelation or insight from God's Spirit, enabling them to effectively wield the sword in close combat against Satan.

Daniel Moore: 10:47

As Christians engaged in spiritual warfare, we need a firm grounding in the Logos, the comprehensive truth and wisdom that the Bible provides. This knowledge equips us with a solid foundation and understanding of who God is, his promises and His ways. However, we must also be attuned to the rhema, the specific and relevant Word of God's Spirit as he speaks to us directly in our unique circumstances. Through the rhema, or the spoken Word of God, we receive divine guidance, encouragement, conviction and strength to tackle the specific challenges we encounter. Conviction and strength to tackle the specific challenges we encounter. It might be a Bible verse that comes alive in our hearts, a sense of peace or direction impressed upon our spirits, or a timely word of wisdom from a fellow believer guided by the Holy Spirit. These Rhema moments equip us for close, hand-to-hand combat with the enemy and empower us to triumph over his schemes.

Daniel Moore: 11:47

The fact that the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit reveals two important truths that relate to our relationship with God and the effectiveness of His Word as a spiritual weapon. First, it teaches us that in order for the Word of God to be effective in our lives, we must be in a vital and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who dwells within believers, guiding, empowering and illuminating the truth of God's Word to us. Without the active present and work of the Spirit in our lives, the Scriptures can remain mere words on a page, lacking the transformative power that they possess. When we allow the Holy Spirit to guide us as we study and meditate on the Word, he opens our hearts and minds to its deeper meanings, convicting, encouraging and instructing us. The Holy Spirit breathes life into the Word, helping us to grasp its truths, apply them to our lives and wield it effectively in spiritual battles. Thus, our relationship with the Spirit is essential for experiencing the dynamic power of the Word of God in our lives.

Daniel Moore: 12:56

Secondly, the teaching of the Word being a spiritual weapon emphasizes that it is not something we can use haphazardly or manipulate according to our own desires. The effective use of this weapon is contingent upon a power beyond ourselves, specifically the power of God working through us. In our own strength, we are limited and susceptible to defeat. However, when we yield the power of the Holy Spirit, our feeble efforts are enabled by His strength and authority. It is crucial to recognize that, while we are the ones who engage in the battle, it is through the enabling hand of God that the Word becomes alive and powerful, demolishing strongholds and thwarting the schemes of the enemy. Just as a sword is effective when wielded by someone stronger, the Word of God gains its true potency when we surrender to the leading and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. This truth fosters humility and dependence upon God, acknowledging that victory in spiritual warfare is not achieved through human capability alone but through divine partnership. As we cooperate with the Spirit, allowing Him to guide and empower us, the Word becomes a formidable weapon in our hands, leading to triumph over darkness and the advancement of God's kingdom. All authority we have is imparted to us, given by grace. We are not the masters of demons. We are fully endowed ambassadors of the master of all. With that in mind, let's look at how we are to practically use our weapon in battles with the enemy.

Daniel Moore: 14:34

In Matthew 4, verses 3-4, we witness a powerful example of how the rhema, or the spoken word of God, operates, and its significance in the life of Jesus. Spoken word of God operates and its significance in the life of Jesus. This passage recounts the encounter between Jesus and the devil during his 40 days of fasting in the wilderness. The devil, aware of Jesus' physical hunger, tempts him to turn stones into bread, challenging his identity as the Son of God. In response, jesus declares Men shall not live by bread alone and by every word or rhema. Here Jesus reveals not only his complete understanding of Scripture, but also his reliance on the specific, timely and personalized Word of God for strength and direction. Jesus' statement derives from Deuteronomy 8.3, where Moses reminds the Israelites about their time in the wilderness. The verse outlines the Israelites' dependence on the providential care and sustenance of God as they journeyed through the desert. Like Jesus, the Israelites learned that it was not solely physical sustenance that sustained them, but the constant provision of the rhema, the spoken word of God.

Daniel Moore: 15:48

In Jesus' response to the devil's temptation, we recognize that the rhema holds transformative power. He uses the rhema as a weapon against the enemy, asserting his confidence and trust in the Father's guidance and provision. By drawing on the specific words spoken by God, jesus affirms his identity as the Son of God and resists the devil's temptations. This passage teaches us that the rhema is not merely a collection of words, but a living and active expression of God's will for a particular situation or moment. It reveals God's heart, his plans and His instructions in a personalized manner, tailored to meet the unique circumstances of our lives. It is in those moments of spiritual battle or temptation that the rhema provides us with the precise truth, conviction and strength to stand firm and overcome. Additionally, jesus' example reaffirms the importance of knowing and understanding the scriptures to discern and apply the rhema effectively. Jesus, being fully aware of God's word, was able to recognize the relevance of the rhema in his situation and respond accordingly. This illustrates the necessity of immersing ourselves in the Logos or the written Word of God, in order to discern and recognize the Rhema when it is spoken to us by the Holy Spirit. As we study the Scriptures, we cultivate an intimate relationship with God and become more attuned to His voice. In moments of spiritual warfare or temptation, the Holy Spirit can bring specific passages or truths to our minds, or the rhema, empowering us to combat the enemy's lies and deceptions effectively.

Daniel Moore: 17:32

The Word of God holds undeniable power and importance in the lives of those who seek it. This truth is beautifully expressed through various verses in the Bible, portraying how it serves as the very substance of life. Psalm 119, 105 states your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. This imagery portrays the word of God as a guiding force in our lives, illuminating the way amidst darkness and uncertainty. Just as a lamp helps us see where we are going, the Word provides us with wisdom, knowledge and direction. By following its guidance, we not only navigate life more purposefully, but also discover the true essence of existence. In Deuteronomy 32 47, we encounter a powerful commandment they are not just idle words for you, they are your life. This verse emphasizes that the words of God are not mere empty statements to be taken lightly. They contain life-giving substance and it is through them that we find true purpose, fulfillment and meaning. The Word of God is not passive. It is actively involved in shaping our lives and empowering us to live accordingly to His will.

Daniel Moore: 18:46

Psalm 119, 9 and verse 11 reminds us of the transformative purpose of the Word of God in relation to our conduct and character. It says these verses reveal that the Word of God acts as a compass by living according to your word, I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you. These verses reveal that the word of God acts as a compass, steering us away from unrighteousness and immorality. It serves as a constant reminder of our commitment to God's ways, helping us resist temptation and walk in righteousness. Hebrews 4.12 further elevates the power of the Word of God, declaring For the Word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing soul and spirit joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and the attitudes of the heart. This verse illustrates the Word's ability to penetrate deep within us, examining our innermost thoughts, intentions and beliefs. It exposes our true nature, challenging us to surrender our lives to its authority and be transformed by its living power.

Daniel Moore: 19:56

When we face spiritual battles, specifically against Satan and his demonic forces, scripture provides us with powerful tools to overcome and defeat these dark adversaries. 1 John 4, 4 reminds us of the power residing within us. It says you, dear children, are from God and have overcome the false spirits, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. This verse emphasizes that, as believers in Christ, we possess the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. Through this divine empowerment, we can confidently confront and resist any spiritual attack, knowing that the power of God within us surpasses the strength of Satan and his forces. By grounding ourselves in this truth, we can stand firm and rebuke the darkness that seeks to oppress us. In 1 John 5, 4-5, we are assured of our victory over spiritual battles. It says, for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. These verses remind us that our faith in Jesus Christ is the key to victory. Through our trust and belief in Him, we can overcome any spiritual challenge. Our faith becomes a powerful weapon against Satan's schemes, enabling us to triumph over the forces of darkness that may come up against us.

Daniel Moore: 21:25

And Revelation 12, 11 speaks of the victorious stance that we take through the word of God. It says they triumphed over him, satan, by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony. This verse reveals two essential elements in our battle against Satan the blood of Jesus Christ and the word of our testimony. The blood of Jesus shed on the cross provides redemption, forgiveness and protection. The word of our testimony refers to speaking and declaring the truth of God's word over our lives and situations. By speaking and declaring scripture, we enforce the victory won through Christ's sacrifice, causing Satan to flee. We're going to take a break here for a moment. When we come back, we're going to continue this week's discussion on the battle within overcoming the invisible war. We're in part 14 this week in this series. We'll be back right after this.

You know the movie scene A child or loved one is taken hostage and a ransom is requested. The captors want a price Before they will release the hostage to safety. Believe it or not, this is also the story of your life. The captors want a price before they will release the hostage to safety. Believe it or not, this is also the story of your life. You see, you and I are held hostage by the bad choices we've made Things like greed, hate and lust. The Bible calls this sin, and these things separate us from a perfect and holy God. Because of our sin, we are condemned to die, but Jesus came to give his life as a ransom for you and me. Jesus paid the price for our sins when he died on the cross, but to be free, we need a relationship with Jesus Christ. You can learn how to begin that relationship right now when you call or text us at 888-NEED-HIM.

Daniel Moore: 23:35

That's 888-NEED-HIM. Welcome back to this week's episode of Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Moore, your host, and we're in part 14 this week of the battle within overcoming the invisible war. And this week we've been discussing the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, the active word of God, which is the rhema, and the physical word of God, which is logos, and how we can apply these scriptures in our life and fight Satan and his demonic forces when he tries to come up against us.

Daniel Moore: 24:12

There was a missionary serving as a medic in Africa. Periodically he had to travel by bicycle through the jungle to a nearby city for supplies. It was a two-day trip, so he would camp in the jungle overnight. He had always made the trip without incident, but one day when he arrived in the city he saw two men fighting. One was seriously hurt. So he treated the man, shared Christ with him and went on his way. The next time the missionary traveled to the city, the man he had treated approached him. I know you carry money and medicine, the man said to the missionary. Traveled to the city. The man he had treated approached him. I know you carry money and medicine, the man said to the missionary. So friends and I followed you into the jungle that night after you treated me, knowing you'd have to sleep in the jungle alone. We waited for you to go to sleep, planning to kill you and take your money and drugs. As we started to move into the campsite, we saw 26 armed guards surrounding you. There were only six of us, so we knew we couldn't possibly get near and we left. When he heard this, the missionary laughed. That's impossible. I assure you I was alone in the campsite. But the young man pressed the point. No, sir, I wasn't the only one who saw the guards. My friend saw them too and we all counted them.

Daniel Moore: 25:31

Several months later, the missionary attended his home church in Michigan and, told of his experience, a man in the congregation interrupted his presentation by jumping to his feet and saying something that left everyone in the church stunned. With a firm voice, he said we were with you in spirit. The missionary looked perplexed. The man continued On that night in Africa. It was morning here. I stopped by the church to get some materials for a ministry trip, but as I was putting my bags in my trunk, I felt the Lord leading me to pray for you. It was an extremely strong urge, so I got on the phone and gathered some other men to come to church and pray for you. Then the man turned to the rest of the congregation. Will all of those men who prayed with me that day stand up right now? And one by one, they all stood up, all 26 of them. And one by one, they all stood up, all 26 of them.

Daniel Moore: 26:25

And that's a fascinating story, reported by a reputable periodical, and there's no reason to question its authenticity. But you may be wondering what it has to do with spiritual warfare and demonic deliverance. Well, it really has everything to do with deliverance and the invisible war that we fight. It's a great illustration of a great and mighty thing that is missing in many of us and the churches of today. We have been through every item of the armor of God at this point and the use for each one, but there is one final element of our armor that is one of the greatest and most neglected piece of armor that we have. Intercessory prayer is one of the most important elements of armor to win our corporate and individual deliverance.

Daniel Moore: 27:11

In Ephesians 6, the grammar and flow of the text provide valuable insights into the importance of prayer within the context of putting on the armor of God. By adjusting the punctuation to better reflect the relationship between verses 17 and 18, we can observe that Paul seamlessly moves from discussing the various pieces of the armor to emphasizing the significance of prayer, without taking a break. The passage could be punctuated as follows Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit. Through this adjustment, we can see that prayer is presented as an essential aspect of equipping ourselves with the armor of God. By connecting the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, with prayer, Paul implies that prayer is a means through which we access and utilize the power and the guidance of God's word. Paul's seamless transition shows the inseparable connection between the armor of God and prayer.

Daniel Moore: 28:14

While the armor provides protection and strength, it is through prayer that we actively engage with God and rely on his guidance and empowerment. Without prayer, the armor becomes mere symbolic decoration and does not fulfill its intended purpose. I believe the single most missing ingredient in many Christians' lives is a consistent practice of prayer, particularly prayer that aligns with biblical principles and teachings. Engaging in good biblical prayer ensures that we establish and maintain a direct line of communication with God, seek His wisdom and strength and acknowledge our dependence on Him. Without prayer, the armor remains incomplete and ineffective in our spiritual journey. Do you want to pray like that? Do you want to see God change your life and your church to bring friends and relatives to Christ? The battle doesn't go away. You still have to put on the armor, take up the sword of the Spirit and hold up the shield of faith. But when you wage the battle with this kind of prayer and communion with the Holy Spirit, god does supernatural things. We may not understand how all of that works, but there are a lot of things about the sovereignty of God that we don't understand. The Bible doesn't tell us to be able to explain His commandments before we follow them. It does tell us, though, over and over again, to pray biblically, strategically, intensely and powerfully in a way to prompt a radical change.

Daniel Moore: 29:44

Intercessory prayer is a powerful and strategic corporate weapon in spiritual warfare. It allows believers to enter into prayer on behalf of others seeking God's intervention, provision and guidance in their lives. In Mark 9, 14-29, a father brings his demon-possessed son to Jesus' disciples seeking their help. However, they are unable to cast out the demon. Jesus later arrives and casts out the demon, explaining to his disciples that prayer was required for such a situation. In this scenario, it is through the power of intercessory prayer that the demon is defeated and the boy is set free. In Luke 22, 31, and 32, jesus tells Peter that Satan has desired to sift him like wheat. However, jesus offers a glimmer of hope by declaring that he has prayed for Peter's faith not to fail. Jesus' intercessory prayer on Peter's behalf is significant as it strengthens and protects him from the enemy's schemes behalf is significant as it strengthens and protects him from the enemy's schemes.

Daniel Moore: 30:47

In Acts 1-14, after Jesus' ascension, the believers join together constantly in prayer. They intercede collectively as they await the coming of the Holy Spirit. Their united intercessory prayer creates an atmosphere of expectancy and prepares them for the outpouring of the Spirit on the day of Pentecost. In Acts 2-42, the early believers devoted themselves to prayer. By engaging in consistent intercessory prayer, they align themselves with God's purposes, drawing His power and guidance for effective witness and ministry. In Acts 3.1, peter and John go to the temple at the hour of prayer Before the miraculous healing of a crippled man takes place. Their obedience to the regular practice of intercessory prayer positions them to be vessels of God's power and instruments of His grace. In Acts 4.31, after Peter and John face opposition and threats from religious leaders, the believers gather together for prayer. They specifically pray for boldness to continue proclaiming God's Word. Their response to their intercessory prayer is tangible, as they are all filled with the Holy Spirit, and boldness indeed becomes evident in their witness. And one more example in Acts 6-4.

Daniel Moore: 32:03

As the early church expands, the apostles acknowledge the significance of prayer and the ministry of the Word. They recognize that intercessory prayer is essential for the spiritual well-being and growth of the community. Intercessory prayer is a vital component of spiritual warfare. It empowers believers to stand in the gap for others, inviting God's intervention, protection and blessings. Through intercessory prayer, the church gains strength, overcomes obstacles, experiences the manifestation of God's power and fulfills its mission in advancing God's kingdom.

Daniel Moore: 32:40

Often churchgoing people will make the comment I want to be a part of a New Testament church, and I'm sure that we all do. That is definitely my desire, but do we really know what that requires of us? A New Testament church is a praying church, not just a church that has a few prayer meetings or comes together every once in a while to pray for some needs, but a church that meets regularly to have intense, consistent, intercessory prayer. Paul says in Ephesians that there is a kind of prayer that does. It's a prayer that is characterized by consistency.

Daniel Moore: 33:23

Now, way back in episode 9 of this podcast, I did an episode on God as our vending machine. In that episode I touched on the acronym for a way of getting us out of the monotone way of praying called ACTS. I'm sure some of you have heard of the ACTS way of praying. If not, let's learn and review that. Give thanksgiving, look in the rearview mirror frequently and thank God for what he has done. The next step in prayer is S for supplication On behalf of yourself and others. Boldly ask for things for now and the future. Anyone who prays through the acronym regularly will have a well rounded, consistent prayer life.

Daniel Moore: 34:24

Ephesians 6.18 states and pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all of the Lord's people. This verse emphasizes the importance of consistent, continual prayer in the life of a believer. To understand this concept further, we can look at Psalm 55, 17, which says here we see the psalmist's commitment to pray at specific times during the day consistently. This implies that prayer should not be limited to specific occasions, but rather it should be a continuous practice throughout the day.

Daniel Moore: 35:08

Praying at all times and on all occasions means being in a constant state of communication with God. It involves actively seeking His guidance, wisdom and strength throughout the day, regardless of the circumstances. This aligns us with the teaching of other related scriptures as well. This aligns us with the teaching of other related scriptures as well. In 1 Thessalonians 5.17, it instructs us to pray without ceasing, indicating the continual nature of prayer. Colossians 4.2 also encourages believers to devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. These verses emphasize the perseverance and dedication required to maintain a consistent prayer life. In addition, jesus serves as a perfect example of someone who prayed at all times. Luke 5.16 tells us that Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. Jesus prioritized prayer and sought solitude to commune with his Father consistently. By praying at all times and on all occasions, we acknowledge our continual dependence on God. This practice helps us maintain a strong connection with him, seeking his guidance, peace and strength throughout our daily lives.

Daniel Moore: 36:21

It isn't just enough for our prayers to be consistent, though. They also need to be intense. In Ephesians 6.18, paul says Be on the alert, which literally means to be without sleep. In our daily prayer life as Christians, being on the alert or intense in prayer means more than just being consistent. It involves being fully engaged, fervent and persistent in our communication with God. When we are on the alert, we approach prayer with a sense of urgency, recognizing the importance and immediacy of our request. We don't just go through the motions or offer superficial prayers, but we approach God expectantly, ready to pour out our hearts and seek His guidance, provision and intervention. In Ephesians 6.12, paul reminds us that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. Being on the alert in prayer acknowledges that there is a spiritual battle happening around us. As Christians, we need to be vigilant in prayer, actively engaging in spiritual warfare by praying against the schemes of the enemy, seeking God's protection and interceding for others. Jesus encourages us to be persistent in prayer, demonstrating our faith and dependence on God. You can read that in Luke 18, 1-8. Being on the alert means not giving up, even when the answers may not come immediately or in the way that we expect. It involves continuing to pray fervently, believing in God's faithfulness and timing.

Daniel Moore: 37:58

Intense prayer requires intentional focus and dedication. It means setting aside specific times for prayer, finding a quiet place to eliminate distractions and actively engaging our hearts and minds in conversation with God. We prioritize prayer as a non-negotiable aspect of our daily lives, rather than treating it as an afterthought or just checking it off of our to-do list. Intensity in prayer also comes from cultivating a deep relationship with God. As we spend time studying His Word, meditating on His truths and growing in our understanding of His character, our prayers become more personal and passionate. It is in this intimate relationship that we find the motivation and desire to be intense in our communication with God, that we find the motivation and desire to be intense in our communication with God.

Daniel Moore: 38:46

At the end of Ephesians 6.18, paul talks about strategic prayer. He begins to put prayer in focus. Paul reminds us that we need to pray bold, strategic and focused prayers. Praying strategically entails aligning our prayers with God's will and purposes. In 1 John, 5, 14, and 15, it says and this is the confidence that we have toward him that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us, and if we know that he hears us in whatever we ask, we know that we have the request that we have asked of him. Strategic prayers involve seeking God's guidance, studying his word and understanding his desires so that our prayers are in harmony with his plans. Being focused in prayer means having clarity and specificity in our request. James 5.16 encourages us to pray for one another, indicating the importance of lifting up specific needs Rather than offering general or vague prayers, we can bring focused requests before God, ensuring that our prayers address specific areas of concern, both for ourselves and those that we intercede for.

Daniel Moore: 39:59

Boldness in prayer is rooted in faith and confidence in God's power and sovereignty. Hebrews 4.16 encourages us to draw near to the throne of grace with confidence is rooted in faith and confidence in God's power and sovereignty. Hebrews 4.16 encourages us to draw near to the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Bold prayers involve approaching God with assurance rather than timidity, trusting that he can do exceedingly abundant, above all, that we can ask or think, as stated in Ephesians 3.20. Praying strategically and boldly also involves relying on God's promises. For example, in Jeremiah 33.3, god says Call to me and I will answer you and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. When we pray in accordance with God's promises, we demonstrate faith and confidence, knowing that he is faithful to fulfill His word.

Daniel Moore: 40:49

Apostle Paul uses the metaphor of spiritual armor to depict the tools and resources available to believers in their spiritual battle against evil and the enemy. He describes various components of this armor, including the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. However, within this metaphor, paul emphasizes the significance of prayer as a central and powerful aspect of this spiritual armor. He emphasizes that prayer is not merely a hit-and-miss attempt to manipulate God into doing what we desire, but rather it's a means of connecting with God and aligning ourselves with His will. The enemy in this case are the forces of evil and temptation that seek to undermine our faith and discourage us from utilizing the power of prayer. The enemy may try to convince us that prayer is ineffective or unreliable, leading us to doubt and question its value. This is a tactic to weaken our spiritual resilience and deter us from engaging in meaningful communication with God. However, paul wants to remind us that prayer is incredibly potent and has the ability to shape our spiritual battles. And has the ability to shape our spiritual battles.

Daniel Moore: 42:07

It is through prayer that we invite God to actively work in our lives, seek His guidance and find strength and protection against the schemes of the enemy. Prayer allows us to demonstrate our dependence on God and surrender our desires to His divine wisdom. It is not solely about getting what we want, but instead about aligning our hearts and minds with God's perfect plan. Through prayer, we acknowledge that God's power is far greater than our own and that His purposes are ultimately for our good. In this way, prayer becomes the single most powerful part of the spiritual armor that we put on. It is not only a defensive tool to protect us from the attacks of the enemy, but also an offensive weapon that empowers us to engage in spiritual warfare.

Daniel Moore: 42:50

Through prayer, we tap into the divine resources and authority of God, inviting His presence and intervention into our lives, knowing that, what will you do now If you are content with the status quo and your effectiveness as a Christian? Do what you've been doing all along. The same practices will reap the same results. But if you want to have a dynamic impact for the kingdom of light against the kingdom of darkness, the answer should be clear Pray, pray and pray, pray with consistency. That's going to wrap up this week's episode of Connecting the Gap as we've made it through all of the different pieces of the armor of God, and, of course, what a better way to wrap it up.

Daniel Moore: 43:52

As for us to explain and understand how important prayer is in our lives, and I know a lot of times that we are asked if we're Christians or we'll ask other people are you a Christian, do you believe in God? And a lot of times people will say that they are. They'll jump on the bandwagon. But if you actually looked into their daily life, they lack Bible reading and they lack prayer. They are a Christian with no power in their life whatsoever because they don't do the simple things that God has asked us to do and given us the ability to do in order to fight Satan and his demonic forces every day, and that is to pray and to use God's word effectively against Satan and the enemy.

Daniel Moore: 44:35

I pray that through this today, that maybe it's convicted your heart a little bit. I know that it's convicted mine. None of us pray enough, including myself. There's times that I could pray more and read my Bible more, and I'm going to be more intense on doing so, and I hope you will as well. Well, I hope that you've gained something from this week's episode. We'll be back next week with part 15 of our series on the battle within overcoming the invisible war. I believe we have three more episodes coming your way before we finish up this series. Hope you've been enjoying it.

Daniel Moore: 45:08

Don't forget to visit my website at connectingthegapnet for everything about our ministry. Visit my sponsor's website at wearewarriorsapparelcom and, with that said, I will see you next week. Until then, don't forget that God's word never fails us. God's word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap. This podcast is birthed from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week, we take a few moments as we navigate God's Word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap.

Daniel Moore: 45:55

We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app Edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as apple podcast, deezer, spotify, amazon music, I heart radio, tune in radio and many more. We are also available on your alexa enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.



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