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Writer's pictureDaniel Moore

The Qualification Trap - Episode 182

Daniel Moore: 0:06

God's qualifying system goes beyond mere external achievements. He values qualities such as integrity, character and authenticity. God looks beyond society's measurements of success and places importance on the state of our hearts and our genuine efforts to grow and serve others. Our weaknesses, rather than being a source of shame, are seen by God as opportunities for His divine intervention and transformative power. We're going to be talking about being unqualified this week on Connecting the Gap. We'll be back right after this. And a word from our sponsor. They say that it is darkest right before the dawn.

So remember, no matter what battle you are facing, what war is raging the dawn is coming.

Daniel Moore: 1:34

Prepare for battle. Prepare for victory.

Daniel Moore: 1:39

Be sure to visit our sponsor's website at wearewarriorsapparelcom. Welcome to Connecting the Gap. Thank you guys for joining us this week. If you're not familiar with our show, you can check out our website, wwwconnectingthegapnet. For all of our platforms, our YouTube and Rumble links. We're also on the Christian podcasting app, edify. You can also visit us on social at facebookcom, forward slash ctgap online. If you're a fan of our show, please subscribe and feel free to leave a comment on our platforms. Give us a thumbs up or a five star review on Apple podcast. We'd be eternally grateful to you for doing that.

Daniel Moore: 2:17

This week we're starting a brand new series. Thank you guys for coming back once again. Hope you enjoyed the last couple of months. We had lots of interviews that we brought your way and I do want to thank each one of my guests that were on my podcast over the last couple of months as they came and shared their testimonies, shared their thoughts and their words of encouragement with you and I hope that you guys enjoyed the episodes. We're getting set here for a 12-part series on being unqualified here on Connecting the Gap, and I hope that you guys will enjoy this. We've got an excellent series coming up after this one is completed, if we can get it all put together and I'm going to kind of keep that one a secret for the time being, but that's going to give you something to look forward to. Probably around September or so, we've got something pretty cool lined up. So hopefully you guys will subscribe and share and just enjoy the episodes as they come to you each week here on Thursdays.

Daniel Moore: 3:12

Well, do you feel drawn towards a calling? Or maybe you've received a word or confirmation about what you're called to do next, you're even passionate and excited about it, but you also feel scared and worried that you don't have the sufficient ability or the skill or enough training or qualifications to deliver. Have you ever thought? You know it's great that God is using so-and-so? He or she is great, they ooze confidence and they were made for this. You know you clap for them, but when God wants to use you, you know bring on the excuses why you're not ready for the call. Deep down, you know that your purpose and calling and what it is, but you also feel like you're just not enough. Maybe you feel unworthy because of who you used to be and your past mistakes. A lot of times, those things that we do in our past just chases us around and beats us down. Or maybe you know that you have some of the skills and attributes and you're practicing little steps of faith, but there's that one big thing that God is asking you to do and it feels huge so you're holding back on doing it. Maybe you're scared of failure, or you've tried it before and failed. Do you feel embarrassed about it and care about what other people might say when they learn that God has called you to preach? Or maybe to write a book, or to start that business or blog, go to Bible college or whatever it may be? Maybe it's other people's opinions holding you back because you're unsure of how they'll receive it. Well, this week, on Connecting the Gap, we're going to dig into that. We're going to study why do we feel unqualified and how can we overcome that? God's put a calling on all of our lives and we need to know what tools we need to step into that calling that he's called us to do. I hope you guys enjoy this series. We're going to start episode one here on Connecting the Gap.

Daniel Moore: 5:19

What if your greatest weakness was really your secret weapon? Leonard Cohen once said there is a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. In our society, we are taught to rectify our failures and conceal our shortcomings. The answer to our failures is to fix them. We are constantly urged to project an image of flawlessness in order to achieve success. However, god's perspective on our imperfections, our purpose and our true essence diverges from the world's viewpoint. It is crucial that we unearth our own identity and muster the courage to acknowledge our weaknesses, while relying on God to guide us through them. Knowledge our weaknesses while relying on God to guide us through them.

Daniel Moore: 6:10

Contrary to the world's perspective, god's qualifying system operates on different principles. In the world, success is often measured by external achievements, such as wealth, power, that social status that we all strive for. Mistakes and weaknesses well, they are seen as hindrances to be hidden or overcome in order to achieve a perfect image. However, god's qualifying system goes beyond mere external achievements. He values qualities such as integrity, character and authenticity. God looks beyond society's measurements of success and places importance on the state of our hearts and our genuine efforts to grow and serve others. Our weaknesses, rather than being a source of shame, are seen by God as opportunities for His divine intervention and transformative power.

Daniel Moore: 6:59

God holds a unique perspective on our purpose and true selves holds a unique perspective on our purpose and true selves. While the world often defines purpose as pursuing personal ambitions and individual happiness, god's view of purpose is centered on fulfilling his divine plan and serving others. Our true selves are not defined by superficial accomplishments or societal expectations, but rather by our alignment with God's will, our capacity for love and compassion and the development of our spiritual nature. God has designed us with immense potential, capable of achieving greater things and experiencing a love for life beyond our imagination. However, in order to fulfill our divine purpose, we must fully accept and embrace our present selves. By doing so, god can equip us to confront challenges and disappointments while maintaining a steadfast sense of direction. It is essential to nurture a flourishing hope, knowing that God is actively working within us and utilizing our weaknesses as mistakes for His plans to unfold. Rather than despite our weaknesses, it is often through them that God chooses to manifest His power and bring about awesome transformations.

Daniel Moore: 8:22

In ancient times, there was a city that had seen better days, with its once majestic walls now reduced to ruins. The people had lost their sense of security and unity, and hope seemed distant. In this city, there lived a man named Nehemiah, a cupbearer to the king. Nehemiah wasn't an architect or a builder. He had no expertise in construction or wall restoration. By society's standards, he was far from qualified to take on the tremendous task of rebuilding the walls. But God, he saw something different in Nehemiah. He saw a willing heart, a deep love for his people and an unwavering faith in God's power.

Daniel Moore: 9:09

Nehemiah, in his humility, acknowledged his own limitations, yet remained open and available to be used by God. He prayed fervently, seeking God's guidance and provision, and in response, god began to work in extraordinary ways. Unexpectedly, nehemiah found favor with the king, obtaining resources and protection to start on the monumental adventure. Through his leadership, determination and reliance on God, nehemiah rallied the people, inspiring them to join in the mission. Despite facing opposition, threats and challenges, nehemiah never wavered, trusting wholeheartedly in God's plan for the city's restoration. As the walls rose, inch by inch, something miraculous began to happen. Not only were the physical walls rebuilt, but the people's spirits were also renewed. Unity, strength and hope infused the city. Once again, nehemiah's lack of qualifications mattered little in the face of his willingness to be used by God. Through his obedience and faith, god qualified and empowered Nehemiah to accomplish what seemed impossible.

Daniel Moore: 10:27

You know this story in the Bible is one of many that serves as a powerful reminder that God's qualifying system surpasses human standards. It is not our expertise or qualifications that determine our capability, but rather our willingness to surrender ourselves to God's purpose and allow Him to work through us. When we align our hearts with God's, he can transform our weaknesses into instruments of His power, using us to achieve incredible feats in His name. Deep within each of us, there exists an ongoing battle with feelings of inadequacy, insufficiency and incompetence. We grapple with the constant internal questioning of whether we truly measure up. Fear grips us as we question whether we are quote-unquote enough, whatever that may mean in the unique circumstances that we find ourselves in. Sometimes it manifests as a flaw or a crack in our character, an imperfection or deficiency that we desperately try to conceal. Perhaps it is rooted in struggles like lust, anger or addiction. Even if these battles lie in our past, we may live in constant secret fear, worried that one day they will resurface with a vengeance and dismantle everything we have painstakingly built. This internal struggle can be paralyzing, causing us to doubt our abilities, our worthiness and capacity to succeed. We compare ourselves to others, believing they possess some inherent quality that we lack. We allow these feelings of insufficiency to define our self-worth, overshadowing our true potential.

Daniel Moore: 12:12

The pressure to be a leader, a decision-maker and a risk-taker is a weighty burden that many individuals carry. The expectation to excel in these roles is often accompanied by an overwhelming fear of failure. The paradox lies within the fact that our own personal track record may be plagued with imperfections, leaving us hesitant to put ourselves out there. The fear of failing, of making mistakes that can potentially negatively impact others, can be absolutely paralyzing. Negatively impact others can be absolutely paralyzing.

Daniel Moore: 12:48

These contradictions create a constant internal battle, leaving individuals wrestling with self-doubt and a feeling of inadequacy. The voices in their heads taunt them, whispering that they are undeserving, unqualified and ultimately disqualified. Enduring such internal turmoil can cause individuals to shy away from opportunities that could bring about personal growth and positive impact. They may stay within their comfort zones, avoiding potential failure but simultaneously missing out on the chance to realize their potential. However, it is important to recognize that these internal battles are not unique to one person alone. Many share these same struggles, fighting their own insecurities and fears. Understanding this collective experience can be a source of support and inspiration, as it reveals that even those who appear confident and successful have likely faced similar doubts and obstacles.

Daniel Moore: 13:49

Overcoming these contradictions begins with acknowledging that perfection is an unattainable standard. Every person has imperfections and has made mistakes. Embracing our flaws and learning from our failures is as an essential part of personal growth. It is through these experiences that we develop resilience, empathy and wisdom. To truly unleash our potential and become the individuals that we are capable of being, it is crucial to first understand and accept who we are in the present moment. This self-awareness requires a willingness to confront our deeply ingrained prejudices and assumptions about ourselves. It necessitates peeling back the layers of self-imposed limitations and preconceived notions that may have held us back. By ruthlessly examining our beliefs and perceptions, we can challenge the negative narratives that we have constructed about ourselves. This process may be uncomfortable and require vulnerability, as it involves facing our insecurities, our fears and past failures head on. However, it is through this honest self-evaluation that we can gain a clearer understanding of our true potential. Self-evaluation that we can gain a clearer understanding of our true potential.

Daniel Moore: 15:10

In this journey, it is essential to lean on God as our ultimate source of sufficiency, recognizing that our worth and capabilities extend far beyond our own human limitations. God's grace, love and guidance become the wellspring from which we draw the strength required to navigate challenges, overcome obstacles and fulfill our purpose. Embracing God as our source of sufficiency allows us to let go of the weight of trying to prove ourselves in the eyes of the world. We can release the pressure to meet society's standards of success and instead focus on cultivating a deeper relationship with our Creator. By surrendering to God's purpose for our lives, we become vessels for His transformative power, allowing Him to mold us into the individuals that we are destined to become.

Daniel Moore: 15:59

God has a habit of picking people who have been passed over. Throughout the Bible one can find examples of individuals who seemed unqualified or ill-equipped for the task they were called to fulfill. Yet God used them mightily. So let's take a look here at a few biblical characters who fit this description. Number one we've all heard of Moses. Initially, moses felt inadequate to lead the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt due to his stuttering and lack of eloquence. That's Exodus 4, verse 10. However, god chose him as the deliverer and used him to perform miraculous signs and wonders before Pharaoh.

Daniel Moore: 16:42

Secondly, there's David. As a young shepherd boy, david might have seemed an unlikely candidate for kingship. Compared to his older and more experienced brothers, he appeared weak and unimpressive. You can read about that in 1 Samuel 16, verse 7. But God saw David's heart and anointed him as the future king of Israel, using him to defeat giants, unite the nation and establish a dynasty. Thirdly, there's Gideon. Gideon was initially unsure of his abilities when called by God to lead Israel's army against the Midianites in Judges, chapter 6, verse 15. He considered his clan to be the weakest and he deemed himself the least in his family. Nonetheless, god empowered Gideon and led him to a decisive victory with only 300 men.

Daniel Moore: 17:35

Fourthly, there's Peter. Before becoming Jesus' disciple, peter was a simple fisherman. He was known for being impulsive and prone to slip-ups, including denying Jesus three times right before his crucifixion. However, jesus saw tremendous potential in Peter and built his church upon him, eventually using him to preach a powerful sermon on the day of Pentecost. And fifth, there's Paul. Known formally as Saul, he actively persecuted Christians and was zealous for Judaism. Yet after experiencing a transformative encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, paul became one of the most influential figures in the early Christian church. Though initially unqualified due to his past, god used Paul to spread the gospel extensively throughout the Roman Empire.

Daniel Moore: 18:29

These examples show how God often chooses individuals who are seemingly unqualified or overlooked by society. By doing so, god demonstrates His ability to work in and through imperfect people, showcasing His strength, his wisdom and capacity to accomplish His purposes despite human limitations. Contemplating who or what has the ability to disqualify us is not as simple as it sounds. Often, societal standards, opinions of others or even our own self-doubts can play a huge role in making us feel unworthy or inadequate. However, when examining the ultimate authority on determining our success or failure, it is essential to understand that this lies beyond any external measure.

Daniel Moore: 19:19

Tests, for instance, are commonly perceived as indicators of our aptitude or knowledge in a particular subject. However, they do not encompass the complete measure of our abilities or potential. While a good grade may imply mastery of the material, it can also reflect skills in test-taking or even cheating. Likewise, a poor grade does not necessarily equate to failure or incompetence. It is crucial to recognize that these grades are often just a snapshot of our performance in a specific context, not an ultimate verdict on our overall capabilities or worth. In reality, success and failure are complex and multifaceted concepts that extend beyond a mere test grade or societal metric. True success stems from our character, our personal growth and the impact that we have on others in the world around us. The ultimate determination of success lies within ourselves and our pursuit of personal development, realizing our potential and living a purposeful life. History is filled with successful academic dropouts, from Abraham Lincoln to Walt Disney to Bill Gates.

Daniel Moore: 20:34

While external factors may try to influence our perception of success or failure, it is crucial to trust in our own journey and not allow others' judgments or societal expectations to define us. What matters most is our ability to learn, grow, persevere and make a positive impact, regardless of the grades or labels that we receive. As human beings, we have a natural tendency to analyze and evaluate each other. This process occurs constantly, often subconsciously, as we compare individuals to our own personal standards, values and expectations. Whether we realize it or not, we are constantly assessing how others measure up to what we believe is right, good or desirable. These standards can be both explicit and implicit. Explicit standards are those that are openly communicated and agreed upon, such as societal norms, cultural values or professional requirements, use or professional requirements. Implicit standards, on the other hand, are more subjective and personal, shaped by our unique experiences, backgrounds and beliefs. Once we assess someone against our standards, we make judgments about them. We may accept or reject them based on their alignment with our ideals. We may praise or criticize them depending on whether they meet our expectations. We may even hold them in high regard or ridicule them based on their ability to fit into our perceived notions of excellence or deviation.

Daniel Moore: 22:08

However, it is important to recognize that these evaluations are not exhaustive or objective assessments of an individual's worth or capabilities. They are limited and artificial attempts to quantify something that is fundamentally complex and multifaceted. That's the essence of a person. Just as grades in school do not fully capture a student's intelligence, character or potential, our evaluations of others fall short of capturing the entirety of their being. Despite the inherent limitations, we persist in this process of evaluating and categorizing because it is an inherent part of our human nature. It allows us to navigate social interactions, form opinions and make decisions. Moreover, it also reflects our innate desire to understand and make sense of the world around us. It is essential to recognize that behind the judgments and grades are individuals with complex stories and experiences that cannot be neatly reduced to a number, a letter or a word. Basically, we tend to evaluate and assess others based on their character and competency.

Daniel Moore: 23:19

Character encompasses the essence of who we are as individuals, including our values, our beliefs, integrity and behavior. It reflects the qualities that shape our actions, decisions and interactions with others. On the other hand, competency refers to the skills, abilities, knowledge and performance in specific areas of our expertise or professional domains. It focuses on the tasks, achievements and outcomes that we can deliver or accomplish. In today's society, there is often a greater emphasis placed on competency, particularly in highly visible or competitive domains. Our achievements, accomplishments and professional success often make headlines and garner attention. Competency is readily measurable, quantifiable and observable, which makes it easier for others to evaluate and judge. However, while competency may initially grab attention or open doors for us, it is ultimately our character that leaves a lasting impact on how we are truly accepted and liked by others. Despite being hired or utilized for our competency, people ultimately develop genuine connections and relationships with us based on who we are as individuals or our character.

Daniel Moore: 24:39

Character represents the qualities that define our identity and shape our interactions with others. It encompasses our integrity, honesty, authenticity and other virtues. While competency can be learned or acquired, character is inherently part of us and becomes evident through our actions, choices and reactions to various situations. Pretending or putting on a false front based on competency only works for a limited time. Sooner or later, our true character emerges, revealing the essence of who we are. People can sense the authenticity or the lack thereof, and ultimately they accept and appreciate us for our character, not just for what we can do. We're going to take a break here for a moment. When we come back, we're going to get into the final half of this week's episode here on Connecting the Gap and we'll be back right after this.

A young woman hiking in the mountains was suddenly struck by a rattlesnake. One of her friends ran to the nearest camp and found a snake bite kit. Opening it up, she was shocked to find it empty. Thankfully, they were able to get their friend to the hospital in time to save her life. It's terrible to realize the thing that claims to be able to save your life really has nothing to offer. Are you trusting Jesus with your life? Learn more?

Daniel Moore: 26:17

Call 888-NEED-HIM or visit needhimorg. Welcome back to this week's episode of Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Moore, thank you for joining us this week, and we are starting off a brand new series, unqualified here, on Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Moore, thank you for joining us this week, and we are starting off a brand new series, unqualified here, on Connecting the Gap. Expecting everyone to accept each other at face value without any discernment or healthy skepticism can be unrealistic and potentially unhealthy. Human beings are complex and diverse, and it is naive to assume that everyone we encounter has our best interest at heart or will necessarily act in our favor. In various aspects of life, including personal relationships, professional interactions and even casual encounters, it is essential to exercise wisdom and discernment. This wisdom involves being cautious and prudent in evaluating others' motives, intentions and character. That's why Jesus gave advice to be quote-unquote wise as serpents and harmless as doves. This underscores the need for both wisdom and kindness in dealing with others. It encourages us to be astute observers, capable of recognizing potential deceit or harm, while maintaining a compassionate and gentle approach. Human beings tend to be poor judges of both others and ourselves. Our perceptions are often colored by biases, limited information and personal experiences. We may unintentionally overlook red flags or misinterpret someone's intentions. Moreover, our self-assessment can be clouded by biases, insecurities and blind spots, making it challenging to accurately judge our own character and actions. God's qualification system is entirely different from the way we typically perceive or approach our weaknesses. While we may believe that the solution to our weaknesses is to fix them, god sees things in a different light. Instead of stressing and obsessing over our lack, we need to shift our perspective and find a different qualifier. Qualifier. To truly understand how God sees us, we must recognize that His criteria for acceptance and worthiness are not based on human qualifications. God's love and acceptance for us are not contingent on being perfect or fail-proof. Trying to derive our self-confidence and freedom solely from human qualifications is a dead-end street, as we will never be flawless enough to be truly at peace with ourselves on that basis alone. God sees us through a lens of unconditional love, seeing value and worthiness in us, irrespective of our weaknesses. We are not defined by our flaws, but rather by God's grace and acceptance. Embracing this perspective allows us to break free from the constant striving for protection and the anxiety that comes with it. When we stop relying on human qualifications alone and understand how God views us, we can experience a sense of freedom and genuine self-confidence. Knowing that God loves us as we are, weaknesses and all, enables us to let go of the pressure to constantly fix ourselves and find peace in our imperfections. Rather than attempting to fit into society's mold of what is considered perfect, we can rest in the knowledge that God's acceptance is not dependent on meeting of those standards. This understanding allows us to cultivate self-compassion, self-acceptance and a deep sense of peace within ourselves.

Daniel Moore: 30:10

Peace and love are deeply connected to acceptance. In a culture that heavily emphasizes self-improvement and self-help, the idea of acceptance may seem counterintuitive. However, it is through acceptance that true peace and love can flourish. First, the foundation for experiencing peace and love lies in God's unconditional acceptance of us. God's love for us is not contingent on our achievements, appearance or abilities. His acceptance is unwavering, regardless of our weaknesses or imperfections. Recognizing and embracing God's unconditional acceptance allows us to experience a sense of peace. God knows your true identity, the real you, and he loves us just as we are.

Daniel Moore: 31:00

Secondly, finding peace and love also involves accepting ourselves as flawed human beings. It is essential to acknowledge and accept our weaknesses, shortcomings and limitations, instead of constantly striving for protection and berating ourselves for our flaws. True self-acceptance requires embracing our humanity in its entirety. By accepting ourselves, including our weaknesses, we can foster a sense of inner peace. It means knowing who you are and who you are not, in and through Jesus. And lastly, accepting God's process of change is crucial in our journey towards peace and love. While self-improvement may be a worthy goal, we must remember that lasting change comes through God's transformative work in our lives, rather than relying on our own strength and effort alone. Accepting God's process of change means surrendering control and trusting in His guidance. It involves being open to His transformative work, even if it may not align with our initial expectations. In embracing God's process, we allow for growth, healing and the cultivation of deep peace and a godly love within us. Those three concepts identity, weakness and change will show up again and again in this study because they are directly related to this issue of being qualified.

Daniel Moore: 32:26

It is common for many of us to be aware of our weaknesses, which can make us feel unqualified or inadequate. In an attempt to address these perceived shortcomings, we often strive to change and fix ourselves. However, the reality is that we cannot completely eradicate or fix all of our weaknesses. This realization can lead to feelings of disappointment and frustration, further impacting our sense of identity and qualification. As a result, we may find ourselves trapped in a cycle of constantly striving to qualify ourselves. The more we try to prove our worth through our own efforts, the more we may feel stuck and inadequate. This cycle can be exhausting and discouraging, as it perpetuates the belief that we need to be flawless to find acceptance and success. There are times when failures can overshadow our opportunities and self-doubts can hinder our potential for success. The loud voices of failure and the weight of our self-doubts can drown out the possibilities that lie before us. We may unintentionally sabotage our own progress before even taking the first steps towards our goals. However, there is a way out of this cycle. Instead of solely relying on our own efforts to qualify ourselves, we need to change our perspective and approach. Recognizing that we cannot achieve perfection through our own strength is the first step towards breaking free from this detrimental cycle.

Daniel Moore: 33:58

Understanding that our qualifications and worthiness come from a higher authority, god, our Creator, can provide a sense of freedom. Rather than constantly striving to be flawless, we can find comfort in accepting ourselves, weaknesses and all, and seeking growth through God's transformative work in our lives, by shifting our focus from trying harder to qualify ourselves. To surrendering to God's guidance and nurturing our relationship with Him, we can start on a journey of qualification and growth. This journey allows us to find purpose, embrace opportunities and overcome our self-doubts and failures. We often tend to overestimate our shortcomings and underestimate our gifts and abilities. Underestimate our shortcomings and underestimate our gifts and abilities. Our lack of measurement against certain expectations, whether self-imposed or influenced by others, does not have to be a deal-breaker. God has plans for us that go beyond our current capabilities. God's vision for our lives may entail taking us out of our comfort zones and challenging us to grow and thrive in ways we never imagined. He is not intimidated by our failures and limitations like we are. In fact, god can use our weaknesses and failures as opportunities for His strength and grace to be displayed and for His purpose to be fulfilled. By acknowledging that God's plans for us extend beyond our own abilities, we open ourselves up to the possibilities and opportunities that lie ahead. We recognize that it is not solely about striving harder to meet specific qualifications, but rather about surrendering to God's guidance and trusting in His provision and empowerment. In doing so, we can embrace the journey of discovering and utilizing our unique gifts and talents for the greater good. While it is important to acknowledge our shortcomings and areas for growth, dwelling too much on our failings can hinder our ability to step into the fullness of what God has for us. Instead, let us shift our focus towards a potential that lies within us, understanding that God is not limited by our weaknesses. Through His grace, he equips us and empowers us to accomplish His purposes, surpassing our own expectations and limitations.

Daniel Moore: 36:17

The feeling of being unqualified often instills a sense of inadequacy and self-doubt in individuals. It can lead to various peculiar behaviors as people attempt to cope with these negative emotions and navigate through life while trying to hide their perceived incompetence. One common reaction is pretending to have everything together when it is really falling apart. People may put on a facade of confidence and confidence masking their insecurities and fears that they are not qualified for their roles or responsibilities. This can result in a disconnect between their outward appearance and their internal reality. On the flip side, some individuals may have a tendency to catastrophize and believe that everything is falling apart, even when there may be signs of progress or success. This pessimistic mindset, fueled by feelings of unqualification, can lead to self-sabotaging behaviors that prevent them from recognizing the positive aspects or potential opportunities in their lives. Furthermore, the pervasive culture of comparison exacerbates these feelings of inadequacy. Constantly measuring oneself against others, whether it be in terms of achievement, appearance or social status, creates a constant cloud of comparison. This further reinforces the belief that one is not qualified enough and contributes to a cycle of self-criticism and self-doubt.

Daniel Moore: 37:46

In an attempt to compensate for their perceived lack of qualifications, some individuals may resort to manipulation and scheming. They may believe trickery is necessary to attain what they want, as they feel undeserving or incapable of achieving it through legitimate means. Feel undeserving or incapable of achieving it through legitimate means. This behavior stems from a deep-seated belief that they are not competent enough to succeed on their own merits. Insecurity, comparison, manipulation and pretense they all come from a wrong understanding of what it means to be approved and qualified by God. God's solution to our shortcomings is not necessarily to fix them. He has a better idea. God cannot bless or fully support the person that we pretend to be.

Daniel Moore: 38:31

In the Bible, jacob, known as a cunning and deceptive figure, often resorted to lies, manipulation and trickery to achieve his goals. Despite his questionable actions, jacob desired God's blessing and favor. In one significant incident, jacob deceived his blind father, isaac, in order to receive the sacred birthright and blessings traditionally meant for his older brother, esau. This act of trickery had severe consequences, as it sparked conflict and led to Jacob being forced into exile for many years. During his time away from home, jacob faced numerous challenges and trials that were seemingly a result of his earlier deceitful behavior. He had to confront the consequences of his actions and wrestle with his own identity and character. Through these experiences, jacob's transformation began, where he started to confront his past and seek repentance. Eventually, jacob encountered God in a crazy way. In this incident where he wrestles with an angel or God himself, jacob wrestles all night, refusing to let go until he receives God's blessing. This encounter symbolizes his struggle with his deceitful nature and his determination to seek righteousness and God's favor genuinely. In this example, we see that Jacob's blessing from God were not dependent on his pretending or concealing his true self. Instead, it was through the process of wrestling with his past, confronting his flaws and seeking genuine transformation and righteousness that Jacob found favor with God. God chose him. Jacob ended up playing a major role in God's plan to redeem the world.

Daniel Moore: 40:16

Just like Jacob, we often find ourselves pretending to be someone. We are not driven by a sense of embarrassment or shame about our perceived weaknesses or flaws. This desire to present a false version of ourself often stems from the belief that our weaknesses are the problem and that the only solution is to fake it until we make it. However, this mindset presents a challenge when it comes to receiving blessings, especially from a divine perspective. The story of Jacob illustrates that God sees through our pretenses and longs to bless us based on who we truly are, rather than the false persona that we may construct. In the case of Jacob, he spent much of his life hiding behind deceit and manipulation, attempting to secure blessings intended for his older brother. Despite his efforts, it was only through the process of confronting his true self, wrestling with his flaws and seeking genuine transformation, that he found favor with God. Similarly, god longs to bless us the real version of ourselves, with all of our ups and downs, our strengths and our weaknesses.

Daniel Moore: 41:30

Pretending to be someone we are not creates a barrier between ourselves and God's blessings, as it prevents genuine self-acceptance and growth. God sees and understands our true selves, and his blessings are intended to align with our authentic nature and purpose. The more we analyze the story of Jacob, we come to see God as the ultimate qualifier. His blessings are not dependent on our ability to fake it or present a facade of perfection. Instead, god's blessings come as a result of our willingness to be vulnerable, acknowledge our weaknesses and seek transformation. Through his grace and guidance, jacob was acutely, painfully and spectacularly human. That's probably why his life speaks so clearly to me. I can relate to his failures faster than his feats, and I bet you can too. What we can learn through Jacob can radically shift our thinking. We'll be talking more about Jacob later on in this study. His story gives us a fascinating case study in God's power at work in our weaknesses.

Daniel Moore: 42:35

Ultimately, god redeemed, refined and realigned Jacob, not in spite of, but through his weaknesses, and that is what he will do for you and me, leaving you with the scripture this week. In 2 Corinthians 3, 5, and 6, it says it is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God. He has enabled us to be ministers of this new covenant. Well, that's going to wrap up this week's episode. We'll be back next week with part two of this series on being unqualified. I'm Daniel Moore. Thank you guys for listening. This show really wouldn't be possible without you. If you're a fan of the show, please leave a review on Apple Podcasts and please subscribe to us on your favorite platform. The links are below in the show notes. Well, that's all for this week, and we believe that God's word never fails us. God's word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap.

Aria: 43:35

You've been listening to Connecting the Gap podcast. In this world, there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives. This podcast is birthed from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week, we take a few moments as we navigate God's word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap. We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app Edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, including Apple Podcast, spotify, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and more. We are also available on your Alexa-enabled devices. If you would like to contact our ministry for any reason, visit our contact page and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.

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