Daniel Moore: 0:02
Why should we study spiritual warfare? Are we really in a war? Do you like the way that your thought life is taking you? Is there a difference between world war and the spiritual war? This week, we answer these questions and more.
Daniel Moore: 0:20
On this episode of Connecting the Gap, we continue our series, the Battle Within overcoming the Invisible War. We'll be right back after this. And a word from our sponsor. Are you ready to join the army of warriors who conquer all challenges Life throws their way? Look no further than we Are Warriors Apparel at WeAreWarriorsApparelcom.
Daniel Moore: 1:12
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Daniel Moore: 2:34
Welcome to Connecting the Gap Podcast. I'm Daniel Moore. I'm the host for this podcast. You can visit our website at connectingthegapnet for everything you'd like to find out about our ministry. You can also listen to this podcast by subscribing wherever you get your podcast at, as well as YouTube, rumble and your Alexa and Google smart devices. Also, if you'd like a transcript of today's episode and all the episodes in this series about the battle within you, can visit our website, connectingthegapnet. There is a link there for the transcripts and we always put our transcripts up for our full blown series, so you can go check that out on the website as well if you would like to have a copy of today's transcript. Also, don't forget to go like us and share us and give us a good five star review on Apple Podcast. That helps other people get to know who we are and what we're about, and they say that if other people are enjoying this podcast, then it'll inspire them to maybe check it out. And that's how we get this podcast to grow and also it just helps other people.
Daniel Moore: 3:33
The whole reason for this it's a ministry. We want to minister to other people and try to together just study God's Word and get closer to God and the truth that he has for us. Changing lives is what our podcast is all about. It's a way that you guys can be a part of that. Well, last week we kicked off our brand new series, the Battle Within overcoming the Invisible War. We started off talking about the spiritual war that runs in our family. Satan loves to destroy our families. The family is a divine or dame unit that has been set by God and Satan knows that if he can get into the middle of our families, then that tears up the church and then when the church gets torn up, he wins a lot of battles when that takes place. So I hope that you guys got something from that episode. Of course, over the next 13, or actually about 16 weeks. I guess we've got about three months worth of a series here coming your way. We'll be getting into more of that and we'll talk about more, a little bit more deeply, about the battles that we fight individually and as families, and we will cover lots more territory here before this series is over.
Daniel Moore: 4:38
So today, as we get started, you might be asking the question why is it important that we study spiritual warfare? Well, biblically and practically speaking, we are in a spiritual war. The Christian spiritual enemy is not in uniform and he doesn't meet us on an identifiable battlefield. He uses ruthless and unconventional tactics, such as deceit, deflection and disguise. A huge number of pastors and teachers, however, ignore or downplay the spiritual warfare, to the point that many professing Christians don't even know they're in a war. This lack of awareness puts Christians in serious danger. The Church of Jesus Christ needs to know its enemies and his strategies. Above all, christians need to know how to gain victory over this enemy. Two things are happening today that we've never thought we would ever see. First, spiritual warfare is getting much more intense as Satan's attacks become bolder. Second is mentioned before too many Christians are not taking spiritual warfare seriously or even believing that such a war is even going on. Taken together, these two factors mean that we have a crisis on our hands. When the danger increases and our awareness decreases, someone needs to sound an alarm to prevent the disaster. So you may ask, are we really in a war? Well, be assured.
Daniel Moore: 5:59
Spiritual warfare is a reality in the life of every believer. When you open the pages of the New Testament, there is no shortage of passages that characterize the Christian as a warrior and the Christian life as a battle. We are called to a grim struggle with unseen forces, and the fight is very real. In 1 Timothy 1-18 it says this charge I commit to you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies previously made concerning you, that by them you may wage the good warfare. And in 1 Timothy 6-12, fight the good fight of faith. Lay hold on eternal life. In 2 Timothy 4-7, I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race. I have kept the faith. In 2 Timothy 2-3, you therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. In 2 Timothy 2-4, no one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life. That he may please him. Who enlisted him as a soldier? And in 1 Corinthians 16-13, watch. Stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong. Commenting on these passages, pastor and writer JC Ryle said this Words such as these appear to me clear, plain and unmistakable. They all teach one and the same great lesson, if we are willing to receive it. That lesson is that true Christianity is a struggle, a fight and a warfare.
Daniel Moore: 7:29
Cs Lewis once said there are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. With last week's episode, we began a deep dive into the crazy, unknown and what is often overlooked aspect of our lives the battleground that lies within our minds, or otherwise known as Satan's playground. In all the universe, there is nothing more diabolical and deceptive than the human mind. It is a playground where Satan seeks to plant seeds feeding off our darkest thoughts and our fears. As human beings, we possess remarkable potential for good, compassion and love. Yet our minds can also be manipulated and twisted by sinister forces leading us astray.
Daniel Moore: 8:21
Fortunately, in many different places, scripture shed some light on this battle within us. The Bible tells us in Ephesians 6-12,. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. It also tells us on the flip side in James 4-7, therefore, submit to God, resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Well, how do we discern the influence of Satan within our thoughts? Are there ways to fortify our minds against his cunning tactics? These questions and more are what we will explore as we go through this series in the upcoming weeks.
Daniel Moore: 9:05
Charles Baud Laire once said the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist. We have so many people today that really don't believe that there is a war going on. They might believe in Satan or they might believe in his power, but they don't really understand the full extent of how he actually controls and manipulates their thought life, their minds and their lives. They don't understand that there is a battle that we are waging and they convince themselves that he's not even really there. Well, together we're going to uncover the strategies and insights to arm ourselves in this battle for mental liberation. We are going to embark on a journey through the realms of our own consciousness, peering into the depths of our minds where humanity and evil collide. As we uncover the truth, we become equipped to reclaim the playground from Satan's grasp. It is no lie the struggle is real, but so is the power within you. So where are your thoughts taking you? The problem with following our thoughts sometimes is that our lives are always moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts. What we think shapes the very intimate being of who we are. The better we grasp that truth, the better equipped we will be to change the trajectory of our lives.
Daniel Moore: 10:23
Both the Bible and science provide evidence that this is true. Biblically, philippians 4, verses 8 and 9, it can have an impact on our thought life and assist us in maintaining a positive way of thinking and living. This passage not only provides guidance, but also encompasses essential elements for cultivating a healthy mindset. Using these verses on our everyday walk, we can bring about transformative changes in our lives. First and foremost, philippians 4-8 enlightens us on the kinds of thoughts that we should entertain. It says Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about such things.
Daniel Moore: 11:13
This verse emphasizes the importance of focusing on positive and virtuous thoughts. By deliberately training our minds to dwell on these aspects, we can gradually shift our mental state towards gratitude, contentment and joy. We can defeat Satan and his demonic grip that he can have on the very core of our minds and our thought processes. When we direct our thoughts towards what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy, our mindset begins to align with God's perspective. Other scriptures, such as Psalm 1914, echo this sentiment. It says May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, lord, my rock and my redeemer. This verse illustrates the importance of aligning our thoughts with God's Word, ultimately leading to a mindset that honors and uplifts our Creator.
Daniel Moore: 12:10
Speaking deeper, Philippians 4-9 encourages us to put into practices what we have learned and received. It says Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me or seen in me, put it into practice and the God of peace will be with you. This verse again emphasizes the value of practical application when it comes to shaping our thought life. Merely thinking godly and positive thoughts is not sufficient. We must actively incorporate them into our everyday lives by applying the teachings and examples set by Paul. As described in this verse, we gain a practical framework for managing our thought life. Additionally, this practice is accompanied by the promise that the God of peace will be with us. This assurance reminds us that focusing on positive thoughts and putting them into action opens pathways for experiencing divine peace and tranquility amid life's challenges. In essence, following Philippians 4-9 assists us in living a better thought life and maintaining a positive mindset. By intentionally focusing on what is good and praiseworthy, aligning our thoughts with God's perspective and putting into practice what we have learned, we can reshape our thought patterns and improve our overall well-being. This in turn enables us to find greater contentment, joy and peace in our lives.
Daniel Moore: 13:39
In these scriptures, paul moves through three things. He moves from number one thought, he says to think about such things. Then he moves to action. He says put it into practice. Then he moves on to experience. He says the God of peace will be with you. Paul tells us that our thoughts shape our lives.
Daniel Moore: 14:02
In recent years, studies of modern psychology have developed a discipline called cognitive behavioral therapy. This breakthrough teaching reveals that many problems, from eating disorders, relational challenges, addictions and some forms of depression and anxiety, are rooted in faulty and negative patterns of thinking. Treating these problems begin with helping to change the way of thinking. Many years down the road, we will individually look into a mirror and someone will stare back. That person will be the person that was developed and shaped by the thoughts of today. The life we have is a reflection of what we think. In Proverbs 23-7 in the Bible, it states For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. This verse shows the powerful connection between our thoughts and our identity, emphasizing that our inner beliefs and thought patterns shape who we become. It reveals that our thoughts have the ability to influence our words, actions and, ultimately, our character. So let's explore further how this truth plays out in our lives with a few examples.
Daniel Moore: 15:12
Number 1. There is fear and self-doubt. When someone continually dwells on thoughts of fear, anxiety and self-doubt, it gradually seeps into their character and affects their everyday life. This person may become hesitant to take risk, experience difficulty in making decisions and struggle with very low self-esteem. Their fearful thoughts manifest in a personality characterized by timidity and a lack of confidence. Secondly, there is optimism and positivity. On the other hand, if individuals consistently nurture thoughts of optimism, hope and positivity, it shapes their character in a different direction. They become known for their cheerful disposition, resilience in the face of challenges and the ability to uplift and encourage others. Their positive thoughts reflect in their actions and attract favorable outcomes in their personal and professional lives. Thirdly, there is gratitude and contentment. Someone who cultivates thoughts of gratitude, contentment and appreciation for what they have tends to carry an attitude of satisfaction and thankfulness. This disposition influences their actions, leading to a greater sense of fulfillment and less inclination toward comparison or envy. Their thought-life of gratitude manifests in a character marked by joy and generosity.
Daniel Moore: 16:36
And fourth, pessimism and negativity. When individuals continually harbor thoughts of pessimism, negativity and cynicism, it influences their character and interactions with others. They may develop a critical and judgmental outlook which detrimentally impacts their relationships and overall sense of happiness. The constant stream of negative thoughts becomes deeply ingrained, shaping a personality characterized by bitterness and an overall negative approach to life. These examples illustrate that our thoughts play a significant role in forming our character, attitudes and actions. They demonstrate how our thought patterns gradually manifest in our behaviors and ultimately become an integral part of our identity. Proverbs 23-7 cautions us to be mindful of our thoughts, encouraging us to shape our thinking in a way that aligns with values, virtues and principles that lead to a healthier and more positive way of living. Do you like the way that your thought-life is taking you? If not, then maybe you need to change the way you are thinking. If you are tired of having your life poisoned by toxic thoughts and being held hostage by inner voices, you need to be here each week as we go through this study. With God's help, you can transform your mind. You can let His thoughts become your thoughts.
Daniel Moore: 18:02
My first experience of the demonic took place when I was a young kid. I grew up in a very legalistic holiness type of assembly of God Church. If anybody is familiar with those churches, you will understand what I'm getting ready to tell you. When we went to church, we called everybody brother and sister. To be quite honest, I went to church there for 15 years. I hardly knew very many people's first names. It was Brother Taylor, sister this Brother, that Sister, this Brother, that that's the way that we were supposed to talk to our elders there at the church, and even the adults. That's just how we all communicated within the church. Today, when people pass away that I went to church with years and years ago, I see their obituary and I'm like huh, that's what their first name was. I had no clue. I hate to say that, but that's kind of the way it was. The reason I'm telling you that is because I did have an experience with a demonic situation as a teenager when I was going to that church.
Daniel Moore: 19:06
The main character of this story is a lady that went to church there. She was also an instructor there at the college. This church had an institute college for Bible school. She was a professor there for that. Her name was Sister Esri. That's all I can tell you. I cannot remember what her first name is. I've tried to look it up on the internet and that's been too many years ago. It's not popping up in my Google search. Her name was Sister Esri.
Daniel Moore: 19:35
I remember one night I was sitting in church and, as church goes, occasionally at that church people would start dancing in the spirit. We'd have messages and tongue interpretation. Sometimes the service would just take off. If you've heard about the old brush arbor services and the old tent meetings and kind of the old fashioned way of how churches used to go, some churches still do that today. I'm not saying that they don't. It's very biblical that we do. It's not as common, it seems, as what it used to be. We was having one of those nights where the service just took off. God started moving, the Holy Spirit started moving and saturating that place. There was just lots of things happening.
Daniel Moore: 20:19
Lots of breakthroughs were taking place in people's lives. There was this one particular woman that went up to the altar finally, during this time of prayer at the end of the service. We had been up there praying for a little bit and there were some women gathered around her praying for her. Well, pretty soon it became evident this lady had something going on in her life that was pretty crazy. She was kind of acting out a little bit towards the women that were surrounding her and she was making comments and saying things. And it didn't take too long to realize that she had some kind of a demonic force taking, taking place in her life that was controlling her and she needed to be freed of that addiction. She needed to be freed of that, that stronghold on her life, and these women at the church were trying to pray her through.
Daniel Moore: 21:07
Well, sister Esri was an elderly lady at that time. I can't remember exactly how old she was, but I know she was at least somewhere between her 60s and 70s, if I remember correctly, and Everything was going along where everybody was praying and all of a sudden this Ear piercing shriek and scream happen. And I look up front because I was sitting in the pews. I was not at front at the altars. I look up there and the next thing I know I see this woman stand straight up. She flings her arms out, hit sister Esri and flung her about six to ten feet Roughly into the first row of pews, her hitting her head and her neck on the first pew there and she was down for the count. She heard her pretty good. As a matter of fact, sister Esri, from what I remember, what I recall, the rest of her life she had neck problems.
Daniel Moore: 21:57
From when that happened, this lady just went off and, if I remember correctly, they did end up praying with her and they were able to Pray the demonic forces out of her through prayer and she was Delivered from that. Now where she went from there I have no idea. I was young at that time so that was not my thing to follow stories like that, but that was very interesting to me and if I didn't believe in spiritual warfare before then, well, I did after that night. That totally changed my perception of what happened and some people think we're crazy and we tell stories like that. But I'm telling you, if you are not there and you don't see it with your own eyes, it does seems very crazy, it seems like it's unbelievable that that can't even happen to a person. But it is a very real thing. That woman had lost complete control of her mind. So that struggle was real and so is the demonic influence and that invisible war that goes on even around all of us every day.
Daniel Moore: 22:59
You know people that all of a sudden find themselves in the midst of a cosmic conflict Often have one of two extreme reactions, and that's fight or flight. Those who flee often do so because they don't fill up to the task. Those who are ready to jump in and fight usually do so because they feel strong enough to handle it. In Ephesians 6 we have an answer to both of those extremes. It says be strong in the strength of God's might. We first have to remember that we may not know much about the battle when we first come up against it and we realize that it exists, but we can at least know that it isn't just by our might that we have to try to defeat the enemy, and that is a lie Sometimes that most of us have to get past. We think we're on our own and we think that we are the ones that have to fight this battle. So we search for ways that we can take care of it within our own selves.
Daniel Moore: 23:52
In Ephesians 6 10, there is a general command that the Apostle Paul states Says finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. This verse introduces the idea that it is imperative for believers to be spiritually strong and Highlies that it is not merely a suggestion or an option, but a command from God. Let's further explore why this directive is presented as an essential obligation Rather than a discretionary choice, how some of us like to do it. We like to choose whether if we fight our battles that way or not. First of all, there's the divine authority aspect. As the inspired writer of Ephesians, paul's words carry the weight of divine authority. By attributing this directive to the Lord, he emphasizes that it is not a mere suggestion or advice, but a direct command from God. Therefore, it carries the same weight of obedience as any other explicit command given by God in the scripture. Secondly, there's the aspect of spiritual warfare.
Daniel Moore: 24:52
The context of Ephesians 6, 10 through 20 delves into the concept of spiritual warfare, where Paul explains that believers are engaged in a battle against spiritual forces of evil. In this context, being strong in the Lord is not Optional, but rather necessary for prevailing in this spiritual struggle. Neglecting to heed this command would leave believers vulnerable to attacks from the enemy. There's also personal and corporate responsibility. The command to be strong in the Lord applies to both individual believers and the collective body of Christ. It is not a command given to select few, but to every follower of Christ. This underscores the significance of personal responsibility in nurturing spiritual strength, as well as the communal responsibility of supporting and encouraging one another in this pursuit.
Daniel Moore: 25:44
Another reason is necessity for victorious living. The strength Paul urges believers to seek is not a human strength. It's a reliance on the Lord's mighty power. It is through this divine empowerment that believers can navigate the challenges, the temptations and spiritual battles that they encounter. By emphasizing the importance of being strong in the Lord, paul highlights that it is essential for experiencing victorious living in the face of opposition. Ephesians 6 10 presents the command to be strong in the Lord as a non-negotiable directive from God. This imperative is rooted in divine authority, the reality of spiritual warfare and the necessity of relying on God's power for victorious living. Understanding the nature and urgency of this command underscores the importance of prioritizing spiritual strength and relying on the Lord's empowerment in every aspect of our lives. We're gonna take a break here for a moment. When we come back, we're gonna continue this week's episode on the battle within overcoming the invisible war. We'll be back right after this.
ChatAboutJesus.com: 27:06
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Daniel Moore: 27:56
Welcome back to Connecting to Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore. This week we are in our second episode of the battle within the Invisible War. We've covered quite a bit of territory so far and right now we are in the middle of Ephesians 6. We just finished talking about verse 10. Right now we move on to Ephesians 6 and in verse 11.
Daniel Moore: 28:18
Here Paul provides a specific command that elaborates on how believers can fulfill the preceding directive to be strong in the Lord, which was talked about in Ephesians 6-10. Let's look at how this verse serves as a practical instruction in fulfilling the command to find strength in the Lord. In Ephesians 6-11 it states Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. This verse presents a clear and specific command to put on the full armor of God. Here's a few key points to consider about this command that God has given us. Number one is comprehensive protection. The imagery of the full armor of God illustrates the need for believers to equip themselves entirely for spiritual warfare. It emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach ensuring that every aspect of our spiritual life is covered and guarded. By putting on this armor, believers protect themselves from the schemes and attacks of the devil who seek to undermine their faith and hinder their relationship with God. Secondly, it's active engagement. The command to put on implies an active engagement on the part of the believer. It involves intentional effort, perseverance and a conscious decision to equip oneself with the spiritual resources provided by God. Rather than remaining passive or complacent, believers are urged to proactively engage in this process, recognizing the spiritual battles that they face. Thirdly, it's God's armor. It is significant to note that believers are called to put on the full armor of God. This armor is not something we create or design ourselves. It is the spiritual equipment provided by God for our protection and victory. Each piece of this armor represents a different aspect of our spiritual defense and resources, such as truth, righteousness, faith, salvation, the word of God and prayer. Fourthly, there's preparedness and standing firm. By putting on the full armor of God, believers are equipped to take their stand against the devil's schemes. This command emphasizes the necessity of spiritual preparedness and vigilance. The armor enables believers to resist the enemy's attack, remain firm in their faith and stand strong in the face of adversity. Ephesians 6-11 provides a specific command that outlines how believers can fulfill the preceding command to be strong in the Lord by putting on the full armor of God, we engage in active preparation and protection against the devil's schemes. This command reminds us that we are not defenseless, but equipped with God's spiritual resources to overcome spiritual battles and faithfully stand firm in our relationship with Him. Now, if you are a new believer, or maybe you've never studied very deeply into this passage, you may be asking well, what is the reason for these commands? Well, ephesians 6-12 serves as a key passage that sheds light on the reasons behind the commands given in Ephesians 6-10-11. And let's look at some of these reasons, based on the insights provided in Ephesians 6-12.
Daniel Moore: 31:35
Ephesians 6-12 states for our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. So, number one, there's the nature of the struggle. This verse highlights that the struggle believers face is not purely physical or against human components, in other words, flesh and blood. Instead, the true battle that we face is a spiritual one. It's involving unseen adversaries and forces. This understanding reveals the magnitude and gravity of the conflict in which believers are engaged. Secondly, there's spiritual opposition. The verse identifies the opposing forces believers encounter. Those are the rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world and spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. These references are commonly understood to refer to demonic and satanic forces aligned against God and His followers. These spiritual entities are engaged in actively opposing God's purpose and seeking to influence and harm humanity.
Daniel Moore: 32:46
Thirdly, there's the need for God's strength. The mentioned struggle underscores the indispensability of relying on God's strength, as emphasized in Ephesians 6-10. Facing spiritual adversaries and forces beyond our physical realm demands supernatural empowerment. Therefore, the command to be strong in the Lord is rooted in the recognition of our inherent weakness and the need to draw up on God's mighty power to overcome these spiritual battles. Fourthly, it's armor for spiritual warfare. Considering the pervasive spiritual opposition, ephesians 6-11 provides the command to put on the full armor of God. This verse presents a practical response to the spiritual conflict by equipping believers with the necessary tools and defenses to withstand and engage in battle against the spiritual forces of evil. In Ephesians 6-12,. It provides the reasons behind the commands in Ephesians 6-10-11. It highlights the spiritual nature of the struggle believers face and the presence of opposing spiritual forces. These verses emphasize the need for God's strength, the recognition of the spiritual battle at hand and the crucial importance of equipping oneself with the full armor of God. By understanding the reasons for these commands, believers are better equipped to engage in spiritual warfare, relying on God's power and protection to prevail against the forces of darkness.
Daniel Moore: 34:14
It is an invisible war. Now, in our sophisticated worldly view, it is indeed possible to mistakenly attribute supernatural battles to worldly visible things such as our relationships, circumstances or external factors. This confusion can arise because we often interpret and understand events through a limited human perspective. However, it is crucial to recognize the distinction between these two realms the supernatural and the worldly, so as not to confuse them. We're going to look at the potential pitfalls of conflating supernatural battles with worldly conflicts. Number one there's blaming others. When facing challenges or conflicts in our relationships or daily lives, we may be quick to assign blame to individuals or external factors. For example, we might blame our spouse for our marital issues, our boss for a difficult work situation or a policy for personal setbacks. While it is true that these worldly elements can contribute to conflicts, it is essential to examine whether there is a spiritual dimension at play as well.
Daniel Moore: 35:22
Secondly, neglecting spiritual influence. By solely focusing on the visible, tangible aspects of conflicts, we may disregard the spiritual influence in battles happening behind the scenes. In Ephesians 6-12, paul reminds us that our struggle is not merely against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. Neglecting this truth can lead us to miss the underlying spiritual dynamics impacting our worldly conflicts. Thirdly, there is lack of personal responsibility. Blaming external factors and assigning responsibility solely to others or circumstances may result in a lack of personal accountability.
Daniel Moore: 36:00
While worldly things and people can contribute to conflicts, it is crucial to assess our own thoughts, attitudes and actions in light of spiritual battles. Recognizing our own role and seeking personal growth and transformation can help address both the worldly and supernatural aspects of conflict. Fourth, there is spiritual discernment. Developing spiritual discernment allows us to distinguish between natural conflicts and supernatural battles. This discernment comes through prayer, studying God's Word, seeking guidance from wise counselors and cultivating a deeper relationship with God. It helps us understand when worldly circumstances or conflicts are influenced by spiritual forces, enabling us to respond appropriately and seek supernatural solutions. It is common for our sophisticated worldly view to attribute conflicts solely to visible external factors. However, it is crucial to acknowledge that supernatural battles exist parallel to our worldly conflicts. By discerning the spiritual dimension, taking personal responsibility and seeking God's guidance, we can address both realms effectively and find resolutions that go beyond superficial solutions and acknowledge the spiritual battles taking place.
Daniel Moore: 37:20
The historical context of why Paul wrote Ephesians 6, 10-12 to the Christians in Ephesus revolves around the broader purpose of the letter to the Ephesians and the specific challenges faced by the early believers in that city. Ephesus was a prominent city in the Roman province of Asia, which is modern-day Turkey. It was known for its bustling economy, trade and pagan religious practices. Paul spent a significant period of time in Ephesus during his third missionary journey, establishing a vibrant Christian community and facing various oppositions, both religious and secular. In Ephesians, paul emphasizes the theme of spiritual warfare and the cosmic battle between the forces of good and evil. This theme resonated strongly with the Ephesian believers, who were situated in a city marked by pagan worship, idolatry and spiritual darkness. The city was home to the Temple of Artemis, a center of idolatrous worship and occult practices. The Christians in Ephesus would have faced significant opposition and spiritual conflicts in such an environment.
Daniel Moore: 38:25
Another aspect of the reason for this chapter in Ephesians is the presence of Gnostic teachings and influences in Ephesus. Gnosticism was a diverse set of religious beliefs that claimed to possess secret knowledge and promoted a dualistic understanding of spiritual realms. These teachings often distorted the true nature of Christ, salvation and the spiritual battle. Paul's letter to the Ephesians addresses and refutes these false ideas, emphasizing the centrality of Christ and the ultimate victory found in him. Paul wrote the book of Ephesians while in prison, possibly during his imprisonment in Rome. The letter carries a tone of encouragement and exhortation, addressing various aspects of Christian living and providing guidance for believers. In Ephesians 6, verses 10-12, specifically, paul encourages the believers to be strong in the Lord, reminding them of the spiritual battle they are engaged in and urging them to rely on God's strength and equip themselves with his armor. The historical background of Ephesians 6, 10-12, in relation to the Christians in Ephesus centers around their confrontation with the prevalent pagan practices, idolatry, spiritual darkness and the influence of Gnostic teachings. Paul wrote to encourage and exhort the Ephesian believers to stay in firm in their faith, recognizing the spiritual warfare they were facing and emphasizing the need for reliance on God's strength and spiritual armor.
Daniel Moore: 39:55
Although we don't want to downplay the problems we are going through of being a relationship or circumstantial issue, we certainly don't want to imply that they are never relevant. A lot of times, though, those are just symptoms, not the source of the problem and many of the things that we see on the surface is an arc enemy that wants to brutally destroy our lives. Don't misunderstand this point of view as a denial of personal responsibility. We all make choices. Sometimes the consequences are bad. We can't blame all difficulties on hostile acts of the enemy. We live in a fallen world and bad things happen. Not everything happens because of demonic schemes, but everything can be exploited by demonic forces.
Daniel Moore: 40:41
As I quoted CS Lewis at the beginning of this episode, the danger is to put too much emphasis on Satan and demons, or way too little. For most people today, it is way too little. The fact of the matter is we are going to have huge battles to fight in our life and we are going to get beaten down time and time again. As Christians, we all have to withstand the attacks of the enemy of God. Paul has warned us that it is going to be a rough and bumpy ride. We just have to learn that our first responsibility is to be aware of the battle and that we are in it. Our second responsibility is to remember that we must depend on God's strength. Our third responsibility is we must use the protection and the armor that God has provided to us to fight this battle.
Daniel Moore: 41:31
So, as we close this episode of this series for this week, here are some questions to ask yourself and contemplate as you study and apply these truths in your life. Number one have you ever sensed that you are in a spiritual battle? If so, when was that? When someone says spiritual warfare, what immediately comes to your mind? What is your natural tendency in a conflict? To fight or to flee? Does this tendency undermine God's strength in your life? If it does, how do you think it does that? Have you ever considered that a besetting sin or an unresolved conflict could in any way be related to spiritual warfare? How does it help to know that the power inside of you is the same power of God that raised Jesus from the dead? Understanding the role of God's protection will not help us very much if we don't first understand why it is exactly that we need it. If your eyes are not yet open to the behind the scenes context of your life in Christ, if you are still skeptical about the whole idea of spiritual warfare in your life, we'll be prepared to be jolted by the reality of the conflict raging around you.
Daniel Moore: 42:48
We're going to cut it off there for this week, for this week's episode. We'll be back again next week with our next installment of the Battle Within overcoming the Invisible War. You can visit my website at ConnectingTheGapnet to check out our ministry and also to download a transcript of this episode and all the previous episodes that we've had of this series and the series we just came out of, so please check that out as well. I'd love to hear from you guys If you have anything that you'd like to add to our discussion.
Daniel Moore: 43:17
I know this is a thing that a lot of people fight. A lot of people battle these kinds of things in their mind all the time. We always have those little voices on our shoulders we talked about last week telling us to do this or not do that, and so I know that we're all in this battle and we're all in it together, and throughout these next couple months here, next two to three months, we're going to try to tear all this apart and figure out how to win this battle. Satan is defeated already. We have to understand that Jesus went to the cross. He gave his life for our salvation. He defeated Satan on that day. The only reason Satan has a foothold in our life, the only reason that we are manipulated sometimes into all the things that happen, and the thought process is that we have is because we allow Satan to mess around with us. He knows what our weaknesses are when we show them to him, and he exploits those. We have to stand firm and take that command that God has given us to put on his full armor, that he has provided so that we can stand up against the enemy. And God is right by our side. He will help us win that battle.
Daniel Moore: 44:21
Well, I'm out of here for this week. Please go and subscribe and share. If you haven't done so, you don't miss any episode. Leave some comments on YouTube, rumble or even Spotify. There's a place that you can do that as well. You can also email me at Daniel at connectingthegapnet if you have any questions, and I want to remind you too, if you are not saved. I have a page on my website on how to do that, so you can go check out my website for that, or just email me if you have any questions. I'd love to pray with you, send you a Bible if you don't have one. That's the whole purpose of this podcast, and I haven't really mentioned that in a while, so I just want to bring that up as we leave today. I'll help. You guys have a blessed week ahead of you.
Daniel Moore: 44:58
We're going to continue our series next week and start digging deeper into why our mind is so crazy sometimes and what we can do to try to overcome that and defeat our mind and what Satan tries to do with it. So I'll be out of here till next week. We'll see you then. Until then, don't forget that God's word never fails us. God's word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap.
Daniel Moore: 45:21
You've been listening to Connecting the Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast, and I personally thank you for listening. Each week In this world there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives. This podcast is birthed from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week we take a few moments as we navigate God's word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap.
Daniel Moore: 45:47
We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app Edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as Apple Podcast, deezer, spotify, google Podcast, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and many more. We are also available on your Alexa-enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.