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Steps to Demonic Deliverance - Episode 172

Writer: Daniel MooreDaniel Moore

Daniel Moore: 0:03

What is the cure for demonic influence? Where are a few places to start when we are willing to confront satanic forces that are coming against us? What are some specific steps that we can take for deliverance from demonic possession? Well, this week we discuss that and more as we wrap up our study on spiritual warfare. With this episode of Connecting the Gap, we finish our series, the Battle Within Overcoming the Invisible War. This week we are studying Part 17, and we'll be back right after this. And a word from our sponsor. I'm sorry. They say that it is darkest.

Daniel Moore: 1:35

Be sure to visit our sponsor's website at wearewarriorsapparelcom. Welcome everyone to another episode of Connecting the Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore, your host, and we've got a great one lined out for you this week as we are finishing up our series on spiritual warfare. Back in January, the second week of January to be exact, we started off on a journey talking about the battle within, overcoming the invisible war, and here we are at the beginning of May and we have finally completed this long series on spiritual warfare. I hope you guys have really enjoyed this, as I put a lot of time and effort into trying to put this together for you. Coming at it from the scientific side of things of how God created us as human beings, and then also coming at it biblically how can we fight against Satan when he takes the characteristics that we have as humans and tries to warp all of that and put us in situations where we feel like we have strongholds and we are bound? We do have a way out of that, as Jesus was victorious on that cross. He's fought that battle for us and we have victory already. We just have to walk in that victory, and he gives us some armor and it enables us to do so. So I hope you guys have actually gotten something from this series and you can go back and watch all of these episodes again or listen to them. I guess I should say it's not a video, but you can go to YouTube and we have a playlist there that has every episode in it, so you can sit there and binge listen to all of those from the very first one, or you can go ahead and go to my website, connectingthegapnet. There you can find all the platforms that we are on Pretty much anywhere. You get your podcasts, you can subscribe to our podcast and you can go back and listen to them there as well. And, of course, please share. If you know anyone that may be fighting these kinds of battles on a daily basis, this could possibly help them. So please share this series with them and help them to maybe understand a little bit about themselves and what help there is out there biblically, how God is always out there fighting those battles for us as he goes before us, and we can defeat Satan at his own game, because Jesus did that on the cross for us and he's there to fight that battle right by our side.

Daniel Moore: 3:53

Well, as I said, this week we are wrapping up our series with part 17 out here with a little comment that Charles Wesley made and I want to share this with you. It says as long my imprisoned spirit lay fast bound in sin, and nature's night, thine eye diffused a quickening ray. I woke, the dungeon flamed with light, my chains fell off, my heart was free. I rose, went forth and followed thee.

Daniel Moore: 4:34

You know, as we've been through these episodes of the battle within overcoming the invisible war on spiritual warfare, we've been through a lot of different studies as we've been taking this journey and as we come up to the last one. We start out this week's episode with the question what is the cure for demonic influence? Well, demonic influence is not a foreign concept to many of us as Christians. Due to our belief in the existence of spiritual influences such as demons, christians derive this belief from things that we read, watch and study, particularly the Bible, which extensively references demonic activity. Additionally, church teachings and personal experiences a lot of times will further reinforce this understanding among us as believers.

Daniel Moore: 5:24

The discernment of demonic influence in our life or the lives of others can arise from various factors. Christians believe that demons are spiritual beings that can influence thoughts, feelings and behaviors, both internally within an individual and externally, in different situations. These influences may manifest in ways that are contrary to biblical principles, such as promoting deception, temptation, fear or even destruction. However, diagnosing the presence of demonic influence is only the first step. As Christians, we are aware that identifying a problem without taking appropriate action is insufficient. Consequently, believers like us often seek guidance and solutions to deal with such influences in our lives.

Daniel Moore: 6:14

When faced with demonic influence, us, as Christians, typically turn to prayer, seeking spiritual guidance and counsel from qualified individuals such as pastors, church leaders or experienced Christians. We may engage in acts of spiritual warfare, such as invoking the power and protection of God, using specific prayers or scriptures, and relying on the authority of Jesus Christ to confront and resist the influence of demons. There are a few places to start when we are willing to confront satanic forces that are coming against us, but we aren't really sure where to turn sometimes. Well, first, a solid understanding of the gospel is crucial when addressing demonic influence. The victory over such influences is found in the cross of Christ, as stated in Colossians 2.15,. Jesus disarmed the powers and authorities, triumphing over them on the cross. Christians believe that through his sacrificial death and resurrection, christ has overcome all powers of darkness. Additionally, believers like us rely on the powerful name of Jesus Christ when confronting demonic influences. Matthew 10, 1 and Acts 5, 16 gives us examples where Jesus gives his disciples the authority to cast out demons in his name. As Christians, we believe that by invoking the name of Christ, they can exercise authority over demonic forces and experience victory over them. Exercise authority over demonic forces and experience victory over them. The Holy Spirit also plays a vital role in empowering believers to overcome demonic influences. According to 1 John 4, 4, the Spirit of God dwells in believers and is greater than any spirit of darkness in this world. Christians like us trust that through the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit, we can effectively resist and overcome demonic influences. It is important to emphasize that maintaining a solid understanding of the gospel does not mean disregarding practical steps or neglecting spiritual disciplines.

Daniel Moore: 8:22

While victory is indeed found in the cross of Christ, christians also need to actively engage in prayer. We need to seek spiritual guidance, utilize discernment and draw upon the resources and teachings available to us within our faith communities. Well, this week, on Connecting the Gap, we are going to talk about some specific steps that can be taken for deliverance from these forces on ours and others' lives. You may have discovered that demonic forces are already causing problems in your lives, or even in the lives of others that you know and love. If that is the case, you need to ask yourself a serious question Does God want me to be the point person in this situation to help bring deliverance, you know? If that answer is yes to that question, then you need to consider the following steps that need to be taken to bring Jesus' power and authority right into the center of those conflicts. The first step that we need to consider is the deliverance is to accept Christ. Step that we need to consider is the deliverance is to accept Christ.

Daniel Moore: 9:28

To effectively battle Satan and his demonic forces, having Christ in your life as your Savior is essential. This understanding is supported by various scriptures in the Bible, including John 1, 12, which states but to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God. This implies a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as one Savior and Lord. Us, as Christians, consider this relationship crucial because it signifies a spiritual rebirth and adoption into God's family. Furthermore, there are several other scriptures that emphasize the significance of a personal relationship with Christ when we are facing spiritual battles. You have James 4, 7. It says Submit yourselves, therefore, to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Daniel Moore: 10:16

Submitting to God and having a personal relationship with him enables believers to resist the devil's influence. It is through a surrendered life to Christ that believers gain the strength to overcome evil. Also, there's 1 Peter 5, verses 8 through 9. Those scriptures say be sober-minded and be watchful. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. Resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world. Maintaining a firm faith in Christ allows believers to resist the devil's attacks and stand united with other Christians who face similar struggles. These verses along with many others in the Bible. They reinforce the understanding that having Christ as one Savior is crucial when battling Satan and his demonic forces. A personal relationship with Jesus brings spiritual transformation. It provides access to God's strength and resources, and it also enables believers to resist and overcome the schemes of the devil. Notice, the key word there in these scriptures is we have to resist him. We cannot give him a foothold in our lives or give him any leeway to come in and try to control us. Ultimately, we as Christians have to rely on our faith in Christ as the foundation for victory in spiritual battles.

Daniel Moore: 11:45

The second step is to repent of known sin. You know, in order to effectively combat Satan and his schemes, repentance from habitual sin is a very crucial step in that process. John, chapter 1, verse 9, supports this idea. It says if we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Repentance involves acknowledging and turning away from sinful behaviors, attitudes and thought patterns. It is a recognition that we are unable to overcome sin on our own and an humble surrender to God's forgiveness and transforming power. Our own and an humble surrender to God's forgiveness and transforming power Us, as Christians, understand that it is through genuine repentance that they can experience forgiveness, cleansing and restoration.

Daniel Moore: 12:34

Now some Christians may struggle with addictions, compulsions or habitual sins, and they might mistakenly believe that they can overcome these challenges on their own. Might mistakenly believe that they can overcome these challenges on their own. However, the Bible consistently teaches that the victory over sin and Satan cannot be achieved through personal strength or self-reliance, but only through the reliance on Jesus Christ. Scriptures, such as Romans, chapter 7, verses 18 through 25, reveals the internal struggle that us, as believers, may face with sinful tendencies. It emphasizes the need for deliverance through Christ. It says, wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Additionally, in John 15, 5, jesus himself declares that I am the vine and you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me, you can do nothing. This verse underscores the importance of abiding in Christ and relying on him for strength, transformation and victory over sin and the enemy. That scripture is very blunt about that. Recognizing our limitations and seeking the help of God through repentance and reliance on Christ allows us to experience His grace, healing and His deliverance. It is in this humility and dependence on God's power that Christians find the strength to overcome not only habitual sin but also the attacks and the deceptions of the enemy.

Daniel Moore: 14:10

The third step we have to do is to renounce the works of the devil. Renouncing the work of the devil is another significant aspect in our battle against these spiritual influences. 2 Corinthians 4, verse 2 says but we have renounced disgraceful, underhanded ways. We refuse to practice cunning or to tamper with God's word, but by the open statement of the truth we would commend ourselves to everyone's conscience in the sight of God. Renouncing the works of the devil involves a deliberate Renouncing the works of the devil involves a deliberate, decisive action of rejecting and turning away from any ungodly or deceptive practices, thoughts or beliefs that are all contrary to God's Word.

Daniel Moore: 14:56

It requires taking a firm and resolute stand against the influence of evil and choosing to align oneself with the truth and the righteousness of God. When individuals realize that they have been deceived or led astray by the enemy, it is crucial at that time for them to acknowledge it, take responsibility and to reject that deception. This involves owning up to the error and making a conscious decision to turn away from it. By renouncing the works of the devil, us, as believers, demonstrate our commitment to living in obedience to God's Word and aligning our lives with His truth. We refuse to engage in deceitful or manipulative tactics and instead seek to live in integrity and authenticity. Renunciation is an ongoing process and it requires constant vigilance and submission to the Holy Spirit's guidance. It involves continually examining one's thoughts, behaviors and associations and proactively rejecting anything that leads away from God's truth.

Daniel Moore: 16:01

The fourth step is to destroy occult objects. In 2 Chronicles 14, verses 2-5, the king Asa is commended for removing idolatrous practices from the land, including the destruction of altars and objects associated with false gods. Similarly, in 2 Chronicles 23, verse 17, the priest Jehoiada destroys the altars and images related to the worship of Baal. These passages reinforce the importance of removing and destroying objects used in idolatry and false worship. Acts 19, verses 17-20,.

Daniel Moore: 16:42

After some Ephesians converted to Christianity, they burned their magic books, which were tied to their involvement in occult practices. This act demonstrated their commitment to fully reject and distance themselves from these practices and avoid any potential influence that they had on them. As Christians, we need to destroy occult objects associated with practices such as astrology or the use of Ouija boards even the Christian ones, the quote-unquote Christian Ouija boards and yoga. By destroying these objects, you sever their connection to any potential demonic or occult influence and demonstrate your allegiance to Christ. And, of course, that's only a small portion of the occult objects that we can have in our lives as idols. There's many more, but that's just to name a few. Following the example of the Ephesians who accepted Christ as their Savior, it's not only the practice of occultism that will wreck your life, it is also the possession of its tools. Distance yourself as far as you can from these things and from the temptations that they represent.

Daniel Moore: 17:49

The fifth thing that we need to do is to break unholy friendships, and this is a hard one. The fifth step in addressing satanic influence we need to break unholy relationships, particularly with those who are actively engaged in occult practices. Particularly with those who actively engaged in occult practices. In 2 Corinthians 6, verse 14 to 16, it provides guidance in this regard, stating Do not be yoked together with unbelievers, for what do righteousness and wickedness have in common, or what fellowship can light have with darkness? Therefore, come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. This passage shows the importance of not being unequally yoked with unbelievers and emphasizing the stark contrast between righteousness and wickedness, and light and darkness. It encourages believers to separate themselves from relationships and associations that are contrary to their faith and could potentially draw them away from God's truth.

Daniel Moore: 18:47

In addition to 2 Corinthians 6, 14-16, there's also several other scriptures that emphasize the significance of godly friendships and the potential dangers of clinging unto ungodly relationships. One of those scriptures is Proverbs 13, 20. It says Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. One of those scriptures is Proverbs 13.20. It says this verse in Proverbs emphasizes the impact of our associations on our character, our wisdom and well-being. Being closely connected with those who engage in ungodly practices or beliefs can lead to harm or a compromise of one's faith. Another scripture is 1 Corinthians 15.33. It says Do not be deceived. Bad company ruins good morals.

Daniel Moore: 19:34

The company that we keep has the potential to influence and impact our values, our beliefs and behaviors. When we surround ourselves with individuals who are involved in the occult or engage in ungodly practices, it can erode our moral compass and lead us astray. Timothy Keller once said that your friends will determine the quality and direction of your life. Choose them wisely. This sentiment encourages believers to seek out friendships that align with their beliefs and their values. It is essential to approach the breaking of unholy relationships with grace, love and discernment. Now, this does not apply shunning or abandoning people. It does not imply that, but it does mean establishing healthy boundaries and being intentional about the relationships that we prioritize and invest in. Us as Christians are encouraged to seek godly friendships and fellowship that will support and strengthen our faith walk, rather than relationships that might lead us astray from God and His truth. Ultimately, the decision to break unholy relationships is made with the understanding that our companions significantly influence our spiritual journey and that clinging to ungodly friendships can hinder our growth and our relationship that we have with God.

Daniel Moore: 20:54

The sixth step is to rest in Christ's deliverance. Our great comfort in this battle against demonic influence lies in the strong arms of God. Colossians 1.13 says For he has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son that he loves. One crucial step in breaking demonic influence in our lives is to find rest in the deliverance that Christ provides. The Bible assures us that through Jesus, we have been rescued from the dominion of darkness and brought into his kingdom. This verse from Colossians shows the magnitude of what Christ has accomplished for us. Resting in Christ's deliverance means we find complete safety in him. When we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are liberated from the power and control of darkness. Jesus breaks the chains that bind us. He sets us free from the influences of the enemy. We can find comfort knowing that we are no longer under the dominion of darkness, because now we are secure in the kingdom of God.

Daniel Moore: 21:59

There's a few scriptures here also that further emphasize this security and the safety that we have in Jesus. In Psalms 34, verses 17 and 18, it reminds us that when we cry out to the Lord, he hears us and he delivers us from troubles. He remains close to the brokenhearted and the crushed in spirit. And in James 4, verses 7 through 8, he encourages us to submit ourselves to God and resist the devil and draw near to God. By doing so, we find the strength and protection to overcome the influence of demonic forces.

Daniel Moore: 22:35

We can take refuge in Jesus' deliverance. Our safety lies in surrendering to him, resisting the devil's schemes and drawing near to God. As we rest in Christ's deliverance, we can find peace, assurance and the strength to overcome any demonic influence that may try to hinder our lives. The safest place that you can be is in the arms of Jesus. He has rescued you from the dominion of darkness and brought you into his marvelous kingdom. Trust in him, for in his deliverance you will find true rest and complete safety. We're going to take a break here for a moment. When we come back, we're going to finish these steps that we need to take when we are involved in delivering ourselves from demonic oppression and demonic influence in our lives. We'll be back right after this to continue this week's episode.

Jesus told the story about the religious leader that compared himself to others and the broken sinner that admitted his sins. The sinner went home forgiven, while the religious leader went home with his sins. We can easily think we are good compared to others and believe this makes us acceptable to God. Jesus said we must admit our sin and depend on His righteousness, not our own, to be forgiven. If you want to know how to be forgiven and have a relationship with Jesus, call or text us at 888-NEED-HIM.

Daniel Moore: 24:29

Welcome back to Connecting the Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore. This week we are wrapping up our study on spiritual warfare, the series we've been calling the Battle Within Overcoming the Invisible War. We've been going through some steps here over the last half of some things that we need to bring into our conflicts when we have issues and problems with Satan and his demons and his demonic forces that come and try to put strongholds in our lives. So far we've made it through six of those steps. Here is step seven, and this is probably one of the most important, and that is to resist the devil.

Daniel Moore: 25:06

Resisting the devil is a crucial aspect of overcoming demonic forces. In James, chapter 4, verses 1 through 10, he provides valuable insight into the importance of resisting temptation and submitting to God's authority. In those scriptures it shows the significance of resisting the devil and submitting to God. It says Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and what does he do? He will flee from you. Come near to God and God will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts. You double-minded. To resist the devil means actively rejecting his influence and temptations. That is an ongoing process every moment of our lives. This involves avoiding sinful behavior, thoughts and desires. By submitting to God, we acknowledge his authority over our lives and seek his guidance and strength to overcome the enemy's attempts to trap and deceive us. As a result, the devil will be forced to flee from us.

Daniel Moore: 26:08

In Matthew, chapter 5, verse 4, he speaks of the importance of humility in our resistance to evil. He says blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Here Jesus encourages a contrite heart and a genuine sorrow for sin. This attitude of humility allows us to recognize our need for God's grace and forgiveness, enabling us to resist the devil's allurements. And in Psalm 51, 16-17, it shows the power of a broken and contrite heart before God. It says you do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it. You do not take pleasure in burnt offerings. My sacrifice, o God, is a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart. You, god, will not despise. You know, here David thought he had blown it. He committed adultery and a murder all within one year. But in the end God restored him because he chose to turn from his wicked ways and resist everything that Satan would throw at him. When we humbly acknowledge our sins and repent, seeking God's forgiveness, we align our hearts with his will, which strengthens our ability to resist the devil.

Daniel Moore: 27:21

In Luke, chapter 15, verses 11 through 32,. It's a very familiar scripture, the parable of the prodigal son. This illustrates the consequences of surrendering to the devil's temptations, and then the restoration that comes from submitting to God. This prodigal son initially turns away from his father, living a life of just wild indulgence. However, he eventually realizes his mistake, repents and humbly returns to his father. This story emphasizes the importance of resisting the devil's lies and turning back to God, who eagerly welcomes and restores us.

Daniel Moore: 28:01

Resisting the devil involves actively rejecting his temptations and deceitful influences. By submitting to God and seeking his guidance, we find the strength to overcome demonic forces. We approach this resistance with humility, acknowledging our need for God's forgiveness and grace. As we learn from the parable of the prodigal son, choosing to resist the devil and submit to God leads to restoration, joy and a renewed relationship with our Heavenly Father. Now, the flip side of submitting to God is resisting the devil. There are no sins too large that would ever put us beyond hope.

Daniel Moore: 28:40

The eighth step that we need to remember is we need to renew our minds. Renewing our minds through meditation and application of the Word of God is crucial in overcoming demonic influences. It involves immersing ourselves in Scripture, aligning our thoughts and actions with God's truth. Matthew 4, verse 4 Jesus says, it is written, man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Here Jesus demonstrates the power of Scripture as he resists the devil's temptations in the wilderness, he emphasizes the importance of relying on the Word of God for spiritual sustenance and strength. And similarly, in Matthew 4, verse, verse 7 and then verse 10 of that same chapter, jesus responds to the devil's temptations by declaring it is also written. And then he quotes scripture. This alone shows the effectiveness of using God's word as a weapon against the enemy schemes. By meditating on and knowing the scriptures, we equip ourselves to resist the devil's lies and temptations effectively. And in Ephesians 6-7, it encourages us to serve wholeheartedly quote as if you were serving the Lord and not people. End quote. This verse reminds us that immersing ourselves in God's Word also helps to shape our attitudes and our actions. As we meditate on the Word, we gain wisdom and discernment, enabling us to serve God faithfully and resist the influence of the enemy.

Daniel Moore: 30:14

To renew our minds effectively, it is important to fill our minds with good things, focusing on God's truth and avoiding negative influences. Consider your media consumption. Take a media fast or reduce the amount of time spent on negative or unedifying content. That can be very beneficial to you. By limiting exposure to harmful influences and intentionally filling our minds with God's Word, we create space to hear from Him, allowing His truth to shape our thoughts and our decisions. Turning off the television, engaging in meaningful conversations, reading biblical books, listening to worship music, spending time in prayer or meditation on Scripture are all practices that can help renew our minds. By intentionally directing our focus towards God and His Word, we align our thoughts with His truth, enabling us to resist demonic influences and grow closer to God. By immersing ourselves in Scripture, we gain spiritual nourishment, we equip ourselves against the enemy's temptations and we also align our thoughts and actions with the truth of God. Limiting exposure to negative influences and intentionally filling our minds with good things helps to create an environment conducive to spiritual growth and resistance against demonic forces.

Daniel Moore: 31:35

The ninth step is to pray with others. In Matthew 18, verse 19, it states Again truly, I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. Corporate prayer, or coming together with other believers to pray, holds significant importance in defeating satanic forces. Matthew 18, 19 shows the power of agreement in prayer. It says when two or more believers unite their hearts and prayers and align them with God's will, absolutely incredible things can happen.

Daniel Moore: 32:12

Craig Gershell, in his book Dangerous Prayers, emphasizes the significance of corporate prayer with the following quote prayer is not just personal, it's corporate. It involves not only your relationship with God, but also your relationship with God's people. Prayer is the way we partner with other believers in pursuit of the will of God. This quote underscores the truth that God never intended for us to walk this journey alone. We are called to be a part of a community of believers lifting each other up in prayer and supporting one another in spiritual warfare. Corporate prayer provides a powerful environment where believers can encourage, strengthen and intercede for one another. By participating in corporate prayer, we tap into the combined faith and unity of the body of Christ. Together, we stand firm against the schemes of the enemy, lifting up our concerns, needs and desires to God. Through agreement and prayer, we invite God's presence and authority right into the middle of our situations, declaring his victory over satanic forces In Matthew 18, 19,. It emphasizes the power of agreement and prayer, revealing the significance of corporate prayer in defeating Satan. Prayer is not just a personal endeavor, it is a corporate one. We partner with other believers to pursue God's will. When we engage in corporate prayer, it enables us to experience the strength of united faith, uplift and support one another and effectively wage spiritual warfare against the enemy.

Daniel Moore: 33:50

And the tenth step that we need to take, if necessary, is to exercise. And I'm not talking about getting on an exercise bike or a treadmill or any of that kind of thing. I'm talking about actual exorcism. It usually isn't necessary, but it also shouldn't be a foreign idea to us either as Christians. Exorcism isn't just something from the movies. It is actually a New Testament practice. In Acts, chapter 16, verses 16 through 18, it records an instance where Apostle Paul cast out a spirit of divination from a girl in the name of Jesus.

Daniel Moore: 34:29

While exorcism in the name of Jesus is a powerful tool against demonic forces, it is important to approach it with the right qualifications and spiritual preparation. Please keep this in mind. Not everyone is qualified to just jump into an exorcism. To be qualified for an exorcism, there are several things that believers need to be exorcism. There are several things that believers need to be. Number one you must be filled with the Spirit.

Daniel Moore: 34:55

Ephesians 5.18 encourages us to be filled with the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to guide and empower us. The fullness of the Spirit equips us, as believers, to discern and confront demonic influences. Secondly, we need to walk in the Spirit. Galatians 5.16 urges us to walk in the Spirit and not gratify the desires of the flesh. When we seek to live in alignment with the Spirit's guidance, we strengthen our spiritual authority and become better equipped for confronting evil spirits.

Daniel Moore: 35:26

The third thing we need to submit to God. In James 4, verses 7 through 10, it emphasizes the importance of submitting ourselves to God. Cultivating a humble and contrite spirit, surrendering to God's authority and aligning with His will helps us operate in His power and discernment. And the fourth thing, as we've been studying over these past few months, we need to put on the armor of God. Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 10 through 18, reminds us to put on the armor of God. Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 10 through 18, reminds us to put on that full armor of God and we can stand against the devil's schemes. That armor includes the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel of peace and the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. It is vital to be clothed in God's armor as we engage in spiritual warfare, including if we are in part of an exorcism.

Daniel Moore: 36:19

And the fifth step that we need to make sure of is we need to follow the example of Jesus. The wilderness temptation account in Matthew 4 demonstrates Jesus' authority over the devil. Studying and imitating Jesus' examples of resisting and rebuking Satan can guide us in our approach to exorcism. Furthermore, it is crucial for those involved in exorcism to be covered in prayer by other believers. Matthew 18, 19 emphasizes the power of agreement in prayer, emphasizing the importance of seeking the support and prayers of fellow believers. Ephesians 6.18 encourages believers to pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. Seeking the intercession of others helps provide spiritual covering, support, wisdom and discernment during the process of exorcism. Through these qualifications and a reliance on the power of Jesus' name, believers can effectively confront and cast out demonic forces when necessary. There are also ministries in place that help with these kinds of battles as well.

Daniel Moore: 37:26

When you come up against demonic powers in the name of Jesus they must flee. Knowing the power of God's name, though, doesn't guarantee that everything in our spiritual battle will be easy or devoid of frightening and bizarre experiences. However, god's Word beautifully illustrates our safety in Christ and reassures us of His unwavering presence even in the midst of a battle. Just keep in mind that if you are not fully prayed up and you do not have the Spirit dwelling inside of you, you're not in a place really where you need to be praying for deliverance for someone else. If you aren't careful, Satan realizes when you aren't completely sold out to God. Also, you could actually invite that demonic force and presence into your life by pulling it out of someone else's. That's happened many times. That's something you have to be careful of, and that's why I just went through those steps of things that you need to make sure that your life is in alignment with before you even try to go and pray for someone to release them of demonic forces in their life in the name of Jesus.

Daniel Moore: 38:30

Throughout the Bible, we see accounts of individuals facing challenging and terrifying encounters with evil forces. However, their safety and deliverance were ultimately found in the faithfulness and power of God. In these instances, god's name was invoked and his authority was recognized, leading to victory over darkness. The promise of God's presence and faithfulness is explicitly mentioned in Scripture In Hebrews 13, 5,. God assures us Never will I leave you and never will I forsake you. This promise is echoed in various forms throughout the Bible, providing us with tremendous comfort and assurance that, no matter how daunting our battle may be, god remains right by our side.

Daniel Moore: 39:14

In times of fear or uncertainty, we can turn to the Psalms for more promises. Psalm 91-4 tells us that God will cover us with his feathers and under his wings we will find refuge. Psalm 23-4 reminds us that, even when we walk through the valley of shadow of death, we need not fear, for God is with us, providing comfort and protection. It's important to recognize that spiritual battles can be challenging and the enemy may attempt to instill fear through bizarre or frightening experiences. However, god's presence and promises are steadfast, and Ephesians 6, 10-11 emphasizes the need to be strong in the Lord's mighty power and to put on the full armor of God to stand against the devil's schemes. As we put on that full armor of God and we trust in his faithfulness, we can move forward with confidence, knowing that our ultimate victory is secured through Jesus Christ. One last example here in the Bible as we leave with this week's episode and to finish up this series.

Daniel Moore: 40:17

Saul's story in the Bible begins with great promise and blessing. Saul was the one that was anointed as the first king of Israel. He was actually chosen by God himself and was promised divine guidance and victories in battle. Chosen by God himself and was promised divine guidance and victories in battle. In the beginning, saul initially demonstrated humility, mercy and wisdom in his actions and decisions. However, as his reign progressed, it ended in disaster. One incident that showcases Saul's downfall is the rash oath that he made, which brought trouble upon his son and the entire country. In a moment of impulsive decision-making, saul swore an oath that prohibited his soldiers from eating until evening, unaware that his son, jonathan, had eaten some honey. This disregarded oath caused Jonathan to face severe punishment and weakened Saul's leadership. To face severe punishment and weaken Saul's leadership.

Daniel Moore: 41:12

The reason for Saul's ultimate downfall can be attributed to his failure to guard his heart and mind. Despite being a warrior king in the beginning, saul neglected the vital task of protecting his inner self from negative influences and temptations. Rather than being vigilant against Satan's schemes, saul allowed pride, envy and disobedience to cloud his judgment. This opened the door for Satan's influence to manipulate Saul's decisions and lead him astray from God's will. Saul's story in the Bible serves as a pointed reminder of the importance of guarding ourselves against Satan's influence. It reminds us of the fact that external appearances, such as Saul always putting on his kingly armor, can often conceal the vulnerability of one's heart and mind. Just as Saul's downfall resulted from neglecting his spiritual well-being, we must recognize the significance of protecting our own hearts and minds from Satan's attacks.

Daniel Moore: 42:18

The most important takeaway from this study that we have been going through is to be strong in the Lord, stand firm and be alert, gird yourself and use your weapons and, above all, you need to pray. Us as Christians represents the greatest army in all of history, and we fight for the greatest causes. When the king comes in victory, we will receive the honors of valiant warriors and the invisible war will never need to be fought ever again. Well, that's going to wrap up this episode and this series of the Battle Within Overcoming the Invisible War, spiritual warfare. It's a very real thing. Satan prowls around every day, moment by moment, trying to devour each of us, chew us up and spit us out and make us feel worthless and make us feel like we cannot break these strongholds in our life. We have the victory in Jesus. We can break these strongholds. We can be victorious If we resist Satan. He has to flee.

Daniel Moore: 43:24

You can visit my website at connectingthegapnet. If you need prayer, reach out to me. I have a contact page there. I also have an email address danielatconnectingthegapnet. Please send me a message. There's also a page there on how to be saved. If you've listened to this whole series and you've searched your heart and you realize that you're not quite right, not quite where you need to be with God, and you want to change that and make a difference in your life, there's a page there on my website that explains how to become saved and how to be a Christian. If you need a Bible, reach out. We'll do our best to get you one. We want you to be equipped with that sword of the Spirit that goes along with the rest of your spiritual armor to defeat Satan and everything that he does.

Daniel Moore: 44:07

Now there was an episode in this series called A Biography of Satan. In that series I recited a poem, I guess you could say, or a little story by Paul Harvey that he recorded in 1964. I just felt like today, as we end this episode, it would be quite fitting to play the actual recording of that, as he recorded it in 1964. The name of this If I Were the Devil, if I were the devil.

Paul Harvey: 44:42

If I were the devil, if I were the prince of darkness, I'd want to engulf the whole world in darkness and I'd have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population.

Paul Harvey: 44:53

But I wouldn't be happy until I have seized the ripest apple on the tree, the. So I've set about, however necessary, to take over the United States. I'd subvert the churches first. I'd begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent. I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve. Do as you please to the serpent. I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve. Do as you please.

Paul Harvey: 45:13

To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth. I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what's bad is good and what's good is square. And the old I would teach to pray after me, our father which art in Washington. And then I'd get organized. I'd educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I'd threaten TV with dirtier movies and vice versa. I'd peddle narcotics to whom I could. I'd sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I'd tranquilize the rest with pills.

Paul Harvey: 45:51

If I were the devil, I'd soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves and nations at war with themselves, until each in its turn was consumed, and with promises of higher ratings, I'd have mesmerizing media fanning the flames. If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects, but neglect to discipline emotions. Just let those run wild Until before you knew it, you'd have to have drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door. Within a decade I'd have prisons overflowing. I'd have judges promoting pornography Soon I could evict God from the courthouse, then from the schoolhouse and then from the houses of Congress and in his own churches. I would substitute psychology for religion and deify science. I would lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.

Paul Harvey: 46:46

If I were the devil, I'd make the symbol of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle. Devil. I'd make the symbol of Easter an egg and the symbol of Christmas a bottle. If I were the devil, I'd take from those who have and give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious and what'll you bet. I couldn't get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich. I would caution against extremes, in hard work, in patriotism, in moral conduct. I would convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun, that what you see on TV is the way to be, and thus I could undress you in public, and I could lure you into bed with diseases for which there is no cure. In other words, if I were the devil, I'd just keep right on doing what he's doing. Paul Harvey.

Daniel Moore: 47:46

Good day. You've been listening to Connecting the Gap Podcast. I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast, and I personally thank you for listening. Each week In this world there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives. This podcast is birthed from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week, we take a few moments as we navigate God's word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap.

Daniel Moore: 48:14

We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app Edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, deezer, spotify, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and many more. We are also available on your Alexa-enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.



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