Daniel Moore: 0:03
There are times in life when sadness and despair seem to trap us. These are the moments we unintentionally find ourselves stuck in, as if time is moving way too slowly, prolonging our suffering. In these instances, we may reminisce about better times, longing to escape the clinging despair. We feel as though we are caught in an undending loop where every second feels like an eternity, while we wish we could free ourselves from this emotional stagnancy. This week, on Connecting the Gap, we continue our study on the battle within, overcoming the Invisible War. We are in part 10 of this series on Spiritual Warfare. We'll be back right after this. And a word from our sponsor. They say that it is darkest right before the dawn. So remember, no matter what battle you are facing, what war is raging, the dawn is coming. Be sure to visit our sponsor's website at WeAreWarriorsApparelcom.
Daniel Moore: 1:48
Welcome to Connecting the Gap Podcast. I'm Daniel Moore the Host. Thank you, guys for joining us this week. We've got another great episode coming your way as we are continuing our study this week on the battle within. Don't forget to visit my website, connectingthegap. net. There you'll find all the transcripts on the website for all of these episodes in this series. We also have merchandise stores. You can get your favorite Connecting the Gap gear your sweatshirt, hoodie, t-shirt, hats, mugs, whatever it is that you might like. Go check that out. We've got lots of great things on there, usually running specials on there as well, so you can get you some percentages off. Just help us get the word out about Connecting the Gap. As more people out there find out about us, they can also spread the word and help others that may need to hear some of these episodes or these series that we go through here at the ministry. Thank you, guys. Again, check that out at ConnectingTheGap. net. Well, as I said, this week we're going to continue our series on the battle within overcoming the Invisible War. This is our extensive series. We've been in on Spiritual Warfare. This week we are in part 10.
Daniel Moore: 3:00
In the chilling depths of the night, you find yourself lost in the clutches of slumber, drifting deeper into the unknown world of dreams. All seems peaceful and calm, the darkness engulfing your surroundings Little do you know. Sinister forces have set their sights upon this fragile moment of tranquility. As the moon casts a pill glimmer through the curtains, an eerie presence materializes within the room. Seen by mortal eyes, a malevolent entity lurks in the shadows, its twisted soul consumed by wickedness. Slowly, its spectral form glides towards your sleeping figure, an ethereal wraith veiled by the inky abyss In the depths of your subconscious. The atmosphere shifts, growing heavy with an ominous weight. The air becomes stagnant, suffused with a faint scent of acrid smoke. As the sinister entity prepares to strike Without warning, its ghostly appendages coil around your chest, applying a suffocating pressure like an invisible vice constricting a helpless captive.
Daniel Moore: 4:09
A jolt of terror courses through your slumbering consciousness, abruptly ripping you from the depths of your tranquil rest. Awake yet paralyzed by a strange force, you find yourself trapped within your own body, take surges through your veins as an ephraeus presence remains unseen yet impassable. Hair bristles with electric tension as your senses become heightened, your neck adorned with chilling caress of fear. Every strand stands on end, a testament to the presence lurking just beyond the veil of the tangible world. It is a moment pregnant with dread, the energy in the room heavy with impending danger. You gasp for air, your lungs yearning for a breath stolen by an invisible malevolence. Fear and frustration mount as you struggle to escape the clutches of this nocturnal assault. Desperate prayers whisper through your thoughts, imploring divine intervention to banish this unwelcome visitor. And just as the fear threatens to engulf your very being. A flicker of light pierces the darkness, casting an illuminous shield of protection upon the room. The fiery radiance banishes the malevolent entity, dispersing it back into the abyss from whence it came. As you, finally being released from its grasp, gasp with relief as the weight dissipates, the air returning to its gentle flow. Bathed in the gentle flow of the newfound safety, you find comfort in the knowledge that all the darkness may persist, so too does the light. Trying to remain vigilant, you drift into the soothing embrace of sleep, once more fully aware of the unseen battles waged in the twilight hours, yet prepared to face them with fortitude and faith.
Daniel Moore: 5:59
You know this story. It may be a little bit dramatic and it is just an illustration, but the truth is scenarios like this happen to people all over the world daily. Satan and his demonic forces work overtime to inflict fear into people's minds, in the very depths of their souls. When we mess around with the supernatural and mess around in satanic practices, we open our hearts and minds to become Satan's playground, and he will show his presence in force where we are not protected. The fact of the matter is he will attack Christians in this way as well. He wants us to doubt God and believe that he doesn't even exist.
Daniel Moore: 6:40
When I was younger, I had a friend that had a girlfriend who grew up in an alcoholic home. Her mom drank all the time and she was constantly having episodes of alcoholic times when she would pass out and be laying there for overnight. That had to wake her up. Sometimes she had to be taken to the hospital because it was so bad. And throughout this whole time frame, as she was growing up, the spirit of alcoholism continually was saturating the home where she lived.
Daniel Moore: 7:10
Well, as she got older, got up into her upper teenage years, her and her friends started messing around with satanic things. One thing they really enjoyed doing was playing with the Ouija board, and I know a lot of people don't think that Ouija boards are real and they don't think that they really work. But according to her, she said that she would actually use this Ouija board with her friends. They would ask it questions and it would actually respond. It got to the point where they would get responses to the questions they would ask and it would give them ideas and give them advice. Whether if it was bad or good, it still was definitely responding to a lot of the questions they would ask. Well, as she kept doing this over and over, as the friends would come over and they would do the little candle in the circle thing and just all the tarot cards they played with all of that stuff.
Daniel Moore: 8:02
Well, as she continued to get deeper into this, she realized that at night, when she would go to sleep, she started having scenarios happen like what I just shared with you in that illustration. She recalled at night several times waking up with a dark figure on top of her. She felt like it was choking her. She would have pressure being put on her chest and her stomach area and it would make it hard for her to even breathe. This happened multiple times. She started dating a friend of mine and she talked him into staying at her house a few times because she was scared and had fear of what was going to take place after she went to sleep. But she never put two and two together that the life that she was living, with the Ouija boards and the seances and the tarot cards and all the different things that they were partaking in, was actually leading into this next step of demonic activity in her home.
Daniel Moore: 8:56
One night my friend was over there with her staying the night and he said about the middle of the night they were sound asleep. He said all of a sudden they heard a loud noise and a crash. He said he sat straight up in bed and they turned the light on and a mirror that had been up above the headboard on the bed was on the opposite side of the bedroom laying in the floor where it had smashed into the wall and was in shards of mirror and glass laying there in the floor. He said they didn't see anything after they turned the lights on as far as a presence in the room, but something had definitely taken that mirror and thrown it across the room and threw it into that wall, he said. He recalled several times at night they would be in the bedroom, the light would be on, the rest of the house would be dark. He said you'd hear a noise. He'd walk out in the hallway and he'd see what looked like a figure at the end of the hallway walking into one of the rooms. It was standing there looking at him and then walking to the room and then go down there with the lights on and check it out. There was nothing there.
Daniel Moore: 9:55
He said this stuff happened quite often. Well, what was bad is. They eventually got married and they carried these presence of these demonic forces and the satanic stuff that she had done. It actually went with them into their marriage. They had a very rough marriage, lots of fighting and carrying on after they got married and he said they'd get into fights and they would hit each other so much. And he showed me one time I was over at their house there was blood splatters on the wall. They hit each other so hard that they'd make each other bleed and it would just be all over the walls in their bedroom. As I thought about all of this and contemplated what was going on in that situation, that was pretty crazy. That's something that you see in the movies. That's something that you don't think really takes place. What do you do when you experience attacks like this?
Daniel Moore: 10:54
This goes beyond the level of spiritual warfare that we will ever have to engage in. A lot of cases, this requires decisive, authoritative action against the enemy In the face of a demonic spiritual attack. Armed with faith and the power of God, we confront the darkness that seeks to steal our peace and torment our souls. Turning to the Word of God, we discover the weapons needed to wage a spiritual battle against such malevolent forces. When faith is our shield and the Word of God is our sword, we can call upon the name of the Lord, fervently praying for deliverance from the clutches of evil. We need to have our battle plan, reciting verses of strength, courage and victory, confident and the power that lies within the Scripture.
Daniel Moore: 11:41
In Psalm 91, we can quote that we can declare he who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty, I will say, of the Lord. He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, and Him I will trust. We can internalize the words, allowing them to fuel our spirit with hope and assurance. In Ephesians 6, 10-12, we can proclaim Finally my brethren, be strong in the Lord and the power of his might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the walls of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness and the heavenly places. Another Scripture we can use during attacks like these is James 4-7, declaring Therefore submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee from you. We internalize these truths, empowering our spirit and rebuking the presence that seeks to torment us. With each prayer, each Scripture recited, you will feel the grip of fear loosen, the invisible weight surrounding you diminishing.
Daniel Moore: 12:50
The demonic entity, confronted by the unwavering faith in the power of God's Word, crumbles under the strength of divine authority. In the aftermath of this spiritual battle, we can stand firm, a testament to the potency of belief and the efficacy of spiritual armor. We understand that, in the embrace of God's Word, we possess the tools necessary to withstand any onslaught of darkness. Enveloped by the peace that surpasses all understanding, we can find rest, knowing that we are protected and loved, always ready to face the challenges that may arise, with unwavering faith in God's Word as our unfailing guide. We need to be equipped to be able to deal effectively with this type of attack. So let's review a few things about spiritual warfare before exploring how to engage the enemy in these kinds of frontal attacks. Here are four facts that we need to know.
Daniel Moore: 13:47
Number one God's victory over Satan and his agenda is a story of redemption and triumph that reverberates throughout the ages. It is a testament to the unfathomable love and unparalleled power of our Creator From the moment sin entered the world. Satan the enemy of our souls sought to wreak havoc and turn hearts away from God. Yet God, in his infinite wisdom and mercy, devised a plan to rescue humanity from the clutches of sin and defeat the works of the devil. Through Jesus Christ, god's only Son, the ultimate victory was secured. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life, standing in stark contrast to the darkness of this fallen world that Satan sought to dominate. His sacrificial death on the cross became the pivotal moment when God's plan for redemption was fully realized. In that divine exchange, jesus bore the way to sin's penalty, taking upon himself the punishment that we deserved. He triumphed over death itself through his resurrection, breaking the power of sin and defeating Satan's claim over humanity.
Daniel Moore: 14:55
Through faith in Jesus, individuals are set free from sin's penalty. The blood shed on the cross washes away our transgressions, making us righteous before God. The power of sin to hold us captive is broken and we enter into a new life, intimately connected to God's grace and love. But beyond the deliverance from sin's penalty and power, god's ultimate plan encompasses the eradication of sin's very presence. One day, when Christ returns, there will be a complete restoration of all things. The enemy's agenda will be utterly destroyed and God's righteousness will reign supreme.
Daniel Moore: 15:33
However, in the meantime, as we await the final restoration, the spiritual battle against enemies of our soul continues. We engage in guerrilla warfare, fighting against the temptations, deceptions and attacks that Satan and his cohorts launch against us. God equips us with armor, the power of the Holy Spirit and the truth of His Word to stand firm against these assaults. Though the battles may be fierce, we take heart, for God has already secured the ultimate victory. Through our relationship with Jesus Christ, we have the assurance of His presence, guidance and strength. We are more than conquerors. In every struggle, we can rely on God's promises and grace to lead us to victory.
Daniel Moore: 16:17
The second truth as believers in Christ, we experience an amazing transformation that transcends mere human understanding. Through our faith in Him, we are transferred from the domain of darkness into the kingdom of God's beloved Son. You can read about that in Colossians 1.13. This transfer signifies a radical change in our spiritual identity and establishes our new position as children of light. In this new identity, we are clothed with the righteousness of Christ, set apart and made holy by His redeeming work on the cross. We are no longer bound by the power and influence of darkness, but instead we are empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit to live as children of God, mirroring His love and glory to the world. As children of God, we possess certain rights, privileges and positions that come with our new identity. Firstly, we have the right to boldly and confidently approach God's throne of grace, knowing that we are fully accepted and loved as His children. You can read that in Hebrews 4.16. We have the privilege of intimate fellowship with Him, experiencing His guidance, comfort and provision in our lives.
Daniel Moore: 17:28
The third truth is that the spiritual battle we face as believers requires us to be vigilant and proactive in putting on the protection and armor that God has graciously provided. Ephesians 6-10-18 gives us clear instructions on how to prepare ourselves for this ongoing warfare. We must not underestimate the significance of fervent prayer in this battle. Prayer serves as a constant communication line with God, allowing us to seek His wisdom, guidance and intervention. By praying in the Spirit on all occasions, we invite God's presence and power to actively engage in the spiritual warfare. As we put on this armor, we jump into the spiritual battle equipped, protected and strengthened by the divine resources that God has given us. It is our responsibility to cultivate a disciplined and consistent lifestyle as seeking God's presence, studying His Word and surrendering our lives to His will. In doing so, we heighten our awareness of the spiritual battle, ensuring that we are adequately prepared to stay in firm against the assaults of the enemy.
Daniel Moore: 18:34
And the fourth truth. While spiritual warfare is a reality that believers face, the majority of it revolves around faithfully living out our position in Christ and relying on the tools and resources God has given us. Through our daily walk of faith, we can effectively resist the schemes of the enemy and experience victory in our spiritual battles. Reaching out our position in Christ means consistently abiding in Him, cultivating a deep relationship with Him through prayer, worship, study of His Word and fellowship with other believers. By continually surrendering our lives to God and relying on His strength and guidance, we tap into the power and authority that Christ has bestowed upon us as His followers. The tools God has given us, such as the armor of God, prayer and the Word, are invaluable resources that enable us to resist the enemy's attacks and overcome temptations. Through prayer, we can access the presence of God, seek His guidance and find comfort and strength.
Daniel Moore: 19:33
In times of spiritual warfare, the Word of God is a powerful weapon that can expose and refute the lies of the enemy, providing us with wisdom and discernment. Once we understand these facts and where we stand, we now have to understand there are times we can expect a spiritual attack and during those moments we must move beyond standing firm and engage the enemy in actual combat. We are going to talk here briefly about at least five of those times that you can expect a battle. The first time you can expect Satan to come against you is during times of spiritual growth. In those moments, it is not uncommon to experience spiritual attacks from the enemy. As we draw closer to God, pursue a deeper understanding of His Word and strive to live in obedience to Him, we become a greater threat to the enemy's agenda. This can provoke his attempts to hinder our progress and disrupt our spiritual growth.
Daniel Moore: 20:30
The enemy will often use various tactics to attack us during these times. These attacks can be manifest in different ways, such as increased temptations, doubts, fears, discouragement or even physical and emotional struggles. The purpose of these attacks is to deter us from our spiritual journey, to create confusion and to weaken our faith. These attacks are not a sign of weakness or failure, but rather an indication that we are growing and moving in the right direction. When we experience these spiritual attacks, we should not be disheartened or surprised, for Jesus Himself warned that as followers of Him, we would face trials and tribulations. He stated that in John 16.33.
Daniel Moore: 21:14
In moments of spiritual attack, it is vital to cling to God and rely on His strength. We need to remember that we are not alone in this battle. God's Word assures us that greater is he who is in us than he who is in this world in 1 John 4.4. We have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, empowering and equipping us to overcome the enemy's assault. During these moments, we need to see God's presence put on the armor of God, renounce the lies, fellowship with other believers, stay grounded in God's Word and pray without ceasing. The second time that you can expect an attack is when you are invading enemy territory. To understand how we might experience a tinnik attacks while invading enemy territory, we need to consider the broader context of spiritual warfare and the biblical teachings on the enemy. Who is Satan?
Daniel Moore: 22:06
In the Christian faith, satan is considered a spiritual adversary who actively opposes God's work and attempts to hinder believers. Spiritual attacks can take various forms, aimed at undermining one's faith, causing discouragement or derailing God's purpose. When we engage in activities or ministries that challenge the forces of darkness, such as evangelism or sharing the gospel and hostile environments, we may encounter opposition from spiritual forces aligned against God's purposes. In these situations, we might experience a tinnik attacks or encounter resistance from the enemy. Invading enemy territory metaphorically refers to stepping into environments or situations where spiritual darkness is prevalent, where the gospel and God's truth are not readily accepted or valued. These could include contexts like sharing Christ in hostile areas, challenging deeply ingrained cultural or religious ideologies, or dealing with strongholds of addiction, oppression or injustice.
Daniel Moore: 23:09
In the Book of Acts, the accounts of Paul's missionary journeys illustrate how he faced opposition and spiritual attacks as he preached the gospel in various cities. These instances can help shed light on how believers might experience satanic attacks when invading enemy territory. In Acts 13, paul and Barnabas traveled to the city of Sidian Antioch, where they faced opposition from a sorcerer named Elimus, who tried to distort and prevent the procouncil from embracing the faith. Paul confronted Elimus, declaring him as a child of the devil and temporarily blinding him before the procouncil's eyes were open to the truth. This episode showcases how spiritual forces may try to hinder the proclamation of the gospel by utilizing individuals or employing deceptive tactics. Elimus' resistance can be seen as a manifestation of satanic opposition seeking to obstruct the message of salvation. In Acts 14, in Iconium and Leistra, paul and Barnabas faced fierce opposition and persecution. In Leistra, paul was even stoned and left for dead by those who rejected his message. Despite the hostility, paul continued preaching the gospel and encouraging believers. These instances reveal that satanic attacks can take form of physical harm, persecution and public rejection.
Daniel Moore: 24:36
The enemy can incite opposition and use people to thwart the spread of the gospel, attempting to intimidate and silence believers. In Acts 16, in Philippi, paul encountered a slave girl possessed by a spirit of divination. The spirit provided her owners with profits, but when Paul cast the spirit out, her owners stirred up a mob against him. Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into prison, yet they continued to worship and pray, leading to an earthquake and the jailer's conversion. This emphasizes how spiritual attacks can manifest through demonic possessions and manipulative spirits. The enemy may exploit and utilize individuals under his influence to resist the message of salvation and stir up conflict, leading to physical harm and imprisonment. These examples from the Book of Acts demonstrate that whenever Paul entered a new city to preach the gospel, he consistently encountered opposition from various sources. These instances reveal how satanic attacks can manifest through deceptive individuals, persecution, physical harm and spiritual forces aiming to hinder the advancement of the kingdom.
Daniel Moore: 25:48
Another place that you can expect some more on the battlefront is when you are exposing the enemy. When we are actively involved in exposing the tactics, lies and works of the enemy, we can anticipate encountering satanic attacks. The act of exposing the enemy refers to bringing delight and confronting the darkness, falsehoods and spiritual strongholds that Satan fosters in different aspects of life. This can include exposing false teachings, confronting injustice, advocating for truth or challenging the works of evil in society. It is crucial to remember that, while satanic attacks and opposition may arise, believers have divine resources to withstand and overcome them. By relying on the power of the Holy Spirit, staying rooted in prayer, studying scripture and seeking support from fellow believers, we can persevere in exposing the enemy. Additionally, understanding that the victory over the enemy is ultimately secured through Christ's triumph on the cross provides assurance and strength. In Ephesians 6-12, we are reminded that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but it is against the spiritual forces of evil. Hence our response should be to put on the full armor of God, including the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. That is Ephesians 6-13-17. By maintaining steadfast faith, relying on God's guidance and standing firm on the truth, we can effectively expose and counter the works of the enemy, despite the potential satanic attacks we may encounter along the way.
Daniel Moore: 27:24
A fourth way that we can expect satanic opposition is when we are breaking with the world. When believers make a deliberate choice to break away from the values, behaviors and systems of the world and live in accordance with God's principles, they can expect to face attacks from the enemy. This battle arises because the world, influenced by Satan, opposes the truth and righteousness that believers seek to embrace. In James, 4-4 of the verse states you adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. When we choose to break from the world and align ourselves with God, we become a target of the enemy's attacks. In 1 John 2, verses 15-17, john cautions believers against loving the world and its desires, saying that they are temporary and they will pass away. When we choose to break from the world's allurements and pursue a life devoted to God, we set ourselves in opposition to the world's values and systems, making us vulnerable to the enemy's attacks. Breaking from the world is a counter-cultural choice and the enemy will resist this decision as it threatens his influence. However, the promise of God's strength, presence and victory assures believers that they can overcome these attacks and continue to walk in alignment with God's kingdom, even amidst the opposition of the world and the enemy. And the fifth time that you can expect opposition from Satan is blessings to come.
Daniel Moore: 29:00
When God is preparing to bring about a significant work of blessings, either individually or corporately, it is not uncommon for Satan to launch specific attacks to disrupt or hinder God's plans. The enemy recognizes the potential impact and transformation that God's work can bring and he seeks to thwart it through various means. Satan may attempt to distract individuals or communities from focusing on God's work by presenting attractive alternatives or engaging them in worldly pursuits. He may use busyness, temptations or false priorities to divert attention away from God's preparation and diminish the significance of the upcoming blessing. The enemy may instill doubt in individuals or groups, causing them to question God's leading or the validity of the upcoming work. He may bring discouragement through negative thoughts, feelings of inadequacy or pessimism, aiming to weaken faith and undermine confidence in God's plans.
Daniel Moore: 29:59
Satan may exploit existing conflicts, disagreements or relational tensions within a community or individuals to create division and disharmony. By sowing seeds of discord, he seeks to disrupt the unity needed for God's work to be accomplished effectively. We are going to take a break here for a moment. When we come back, we are going to continue this week's discussion. It is part 10 of our series, the Battle Within, overcoming the Invisible War. We will be back right after this.
chataboutjesus.com: 30:42
We all have moments in life where things go off the tracks. Sometimes these are accidents that we simply can't fix. Often, those hard times are the only thing that really makes us get serious about God. If you've hit something that hurts, or something has hit you, it may be that God is trying to get your attention. If that is the case, then it's no accident. It's God's way to strip you of your independence and bring you into a relationship with Him. He made that relationship possible by sending Jesus to this earth to die for you and pay for all your sin and rebellion. Jesus rose from the dead and offers forgiveness and new life. Learn how you can be forgiven and find connection with God. You can call or text us at 888-NEED-HIM. It's no accident that you heard this commercial.
Daniel Moore: 31:42
It's Toby Time Addiction. You know everybody's got From the top to the very bottom of the list, so come get with this. Welcome back to this week's episode on Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Moore. Thank you guys for being here. We've been through the first half of this discussion for this week, here in part 10. And here in the second half we'll go ahead and wrap this up.
Daniel Moore: 32:21
The enemy may intensify spiritual attacks, such as increased temptations, spiritual oppression or attacks on faith and prayer. These attacks seek to weaken the spiritual foundation of individuals or the community, hindering their ability to engage fully in God's preparations and receive His blessings. Despite these satanic attacks, believers can find assurance in God's promises and provision to navigate and overcome the enemy's schemes. We should remain steadfast in prayer, relying on the power of the Holy Spirit. By actively engaging in spiritual warfare, utilizing God's word and maintaining faith and trust in God's sovereignty, individuals and communities can persevere and experience the blessings that God intends to bestow. It is important to note that, while Satan may launch attacks during this time, ultimately God's purpose will prevail. His plans for blessing cannot be thwarted by the enemy, as God is far greater and His power is unmatched. As believers remain vigilant and devoted to God's leading, they can experience the fulfillment of His great work of blessing, in harmony with His perfect will.
Daniel Moore: 33:30
When faced with spiritual attacks, it is crucial to understand that fear is precisely what Satan wants to instill in us. His aim is to hinder our connection with God and prevent us from fulfilling our purpose. However, we should not let these attacks scare us, because the blessings that come from being used by God to impact the world always outweigh any harassment from the enemy. Choosing between fear and faith is a significant decision that we must make. Scripture encourages us to choose faith and trust in God's strength and protection. In 2 Timothy 1-7 it says For God is not given as a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love and a self-discipline. This verse reassures us that fear does not come from God. Instead, god has given us power and strength to overcome any attack. In Isaiah 41-10,. So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. God promises to be with us during challenging times, providing us with strength and assistance. In 1 John 4-4,. You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. This verse reminds us that, as God's children, we possess His Spirit within us. Therefore, we have the power to overcome any spiritual attack, since God's strength surpasses that of the enemy.
Daniel Moore: 35:04
In 2 Corinthians 10, verses 4-5, it says the weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments in every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. This passage emphasizes that we have divine power to demolish any stronghold created by the enemy, and yes, that includes fear. By aligning our thoughts with Christ and His truth, we can overcome spiritual attacks. And finally, in Psalm 27, verse 1, it says the Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life. Of whom shall I be afraid? This verse reassures us that when God is our protector, there is no reason to fear. He is stronger than any attack and serves as a stronghold in our lives.
Daniel Moore: 36:03
Though spiritual attacks may attempt to bring fear and intimidation into our lives, we must choose faith over fear. By relying on God's promises and strength, we can overcome any assault from the enemy. Remember the blessings that come from being used by God to impact the world far outweigh any troubles that we may face. When faced with spiritual attacks, it is crucial to remain strong and stand firm in our faith. We should not allow fear to overwhelm us, because God has equipped us with the power to overcome. With God by our side, we are assured of victory. By relying on His strength and promises, we can confidently face any assault from the enemy. Let us remember that through God, we will triumph and emerge victorious in every spiritual battle that we encounter.
Daniel Moore: 36:54
As we get closer to wrapping up this second segment of today's study, I am going to admit it I am a child of the 80s and I am proud of it. We have a radio station here that locally plays in all 80s weekend every weekend, and I love it. For those of you that love to sport loud colored clothing, wild hair and parachute pants like I, used to probably remember a song called Freeze Frame. That song was by the group called the Jay Giles Band. While in Jay Giles Band's iconic song Freeze Frame, there is a deeper message about the contrasting moments in life that we desire to freeze and cherish forever, as well as those we find ourselves trapped within, though we'd rather escape. The juxtaposition demonstrates the range of emotions that we experience and the significance of seizing the joyful moments while learning from the difficult ones.
Daniel Moore: 37:49
When life presents us with extraordinary moments of bliss and happiness, we yearn to pause time and capture them perpetually. These instances become ingrained in our memories like an unforgettable snapshot, frozen in time. We wish to press the pause button and revel in the beauty and perfection of those instances, like an exquisite scene in a movie. We want to savor these memories, wishing they could last for eternity. Think of the magical moments where laughter fills the air, surrounded by loved ones and immersed in joy. It could be a blissful wedding day, a transformative career achievement or simply an ordinary day with extraordinary people. These are the instances that we'd want to freeze, frame to cherish forever, experiencing the pure and unadulterated bliss that they bring.
Daniel Moore: 38:40
We yearn for time to stand still, preserving the sheer delight and happiness that radiates from these moments. On the contrary, there are times in life when sadness and despair seem to trap us. These are the moments that we unintentionally find ourselves stuck in, as if time is moving too slowly, prolonging our suffering. In these instances, we may reminisce about better times, longing to escape the clinging despair. We feel as though we are caught in an unending loop, where every second feels like an eternity and we wish we could free ourselves from this emotional stagnancy. These sad occasions, be it heartbreak, loss or failure, are not moments we would consciously choose to freeze frame. We would rather move forward, seeking healing, growth and happiness.
Daniel Moore: 39:30
Nevertheless, life's circumstances sometimes make it challenging to break free from these negative moments. We find ourselves trapped in a cycle of pain and longing, desiring a different outcome. It's during these times that we inadvertently freeze the frame, unable to let go and move forward, stuck in a state of melancholy. We need to unfreeze our frames. We need to go back and rewrite the narrative that we have been telling ourselves. But how do we undo this cycle of being frozen in the wrong places too many times? How do we change the past when it is constantly there, looming like a monster over our shoulders? To unfreeze our frames and break free from the negativity of the past, we have to adopt a mindset of gratitude and seek God's goodness. Even in difficult situations. We have to realize the times he did something opposite of what we prayed for and the result put us on a path that we otherwise may not have taken. We have to thank God for what he didn't do.
Daniel Moore: 40:34
When I was 11 years old, I was at a friend's house swimming in his pool and playing war in the fort we had built out of shipping crates in his woods Just having some good old outdoor 80s style fun in my pre-TV days. We finished and decided to ride our bikes back to my house, which was about 3-4 blocks away. We reached the end of his dirt road, looked both ways and turned left onto the pavement. We had a little uphill section to ride that was probably about 50 yards or so and we would turn right to start the downhill slope to my house. I barely made it across the center line when a 70's model Lincoln Continental came flying over the crest of the hill at 55 plus mile an hour in a 25 mile an hour zone. An elderly lady was driving who happened to be an 8th grade reading teacher at the time and she was paying more attention to her granddaughter in the passenger seat than the road in front of her. She looked up and saw me froze and hit her brakes. This was pre-antilock brakes, so all four of her tires locked up and, in a cloud of smoke and the smell of burning rubber, she slid over into my lane and hit me.
Daniel Moore: 41:41
The last thing I remember was being pushed over and being dragged down the hill on the burning hot pavement in June and I blacked out after. I remember my air being cut off and me trying to yell at her get off of me. Well, the next thing I knew I was lying at the bottom of the hill looking up at the sky. My mom's blurry image was leaning over me and I was telling her I wanted to go home. I remember her telling me that she couldn't take me home. She couldn't take care of all the damage that had been done to my body.
Daniel Moore: 42:11
I blacked out again and woke up later in the ambulance with ice cold saline being poured over my face. I would find out later that her skid marks were 111 feet long and I was under the car being dragged down the pavement, being filleted like a fish for 57 feet of that. The right side of my face had a hole in it deep enough to see my cheekbone. My right hand and shoulder had deep holes dug out of them and a small spot on my knee was strawberry. I didn't have one broken bone. In one way I was lucky to be alive. In another way I would wonder later in life, why did that have to happen to me? It gave me something to be self-conscious about.
Daniel Moore: 42:53
Throughout my teenage years and all the surgeries I had to have to try to correct all the damage, my parents always prayed for protection over me. They always prayed that us kids would leave home in the morning for school and come back safely that night. In my very first podcast episode I put out over three years ago If you watched it you will remember I cited my accident as to one of the main reasons I started my ministry with my wife at the church as I used to attend up to the one I attend now and also this podcast, god gave me another chance at life. He allowed me to live, to see another day. There are several reasons. The police told me I should not be alive today from that accident. It was only God's sovereignty that allowed me to live that day because he had a plan for me. What if God had answered my prayers? What if he had protected me and not allowed me to be in that accident. You know, I have a testimony in my life that makes me want to do everything I can for God. He spared me for a reason. He has a plan for my life. I must accept a need to fulfill it. I must reframe that moment that I would like to forget and understand that, out of the goodness of God, he spared me for such a time as this. If I had never had that accident that day, I may not have taken this path in my life. Thanking God for what he didn't do develops the discipline to reframe our past.
Daniel Moore: 44:16
Isaiah 55, verses 8 through 9, provides valuable insight into the wisdom of trusting in God's ways, even when they seem incomprehensible or contrary to our desires. The scripture states For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. These verses remind us that God's perspective, plans and actions are beyond our human understanding. His ways are far higher than ours, encompassing a broader scope of knowledge and wisdom than we can fathom. Consequently, our limited understanding may lead us to question or doubt his purposes, especially when circumstances do not align with our expectations.
Daniel Moore: 45:03
Wisdom emerges when we choose to trust in God's sovereignty, even in moments when His work may not be apparent or when it unfolds in ways we never envisioned or desired. In those times, it is essential to remember that God sees the entire picture the past, present and future and knows what is truly best for us, even when it may not align with our immediate desires or comfort. Being in God's unseen work requires us to relinquish our needs for control and to release our limited perspective. It necessitates surrendering our preferences and embracing the truth that God's plan supersedes our own. Through this act of surrender, we gain wisdom, recognizing that our human understanding is insufficient to comprehend the complexities of God's ways. Though we may yearn for immediate solutions or outcomes, god's timing and methods are often beyond our comprehension. His way of working is not always the easiest or most straightforward for us to understand, yet it does not diminish His goodness or faithfulness. In fact, it is precisely in these moments that our trust in His wisdom and sovereignty deepens and true wisdom is cultivated within us. Our willingness to trust in His greater understanding enables us to find comfort and peace, knowing that, even amidst uncertainty or hardship, he is at work for our ultimate good. What happened to me that day will never change. It will always remain the same, but the meaning has been changed by the reframe.
Daniel Moore: 46:38
Well, that's going to do it for this week's episode of Connecting the Gap. Thank you, guys, for sticking it out with me. You can visit my website at connectingthegapnet for everything about our ministry. Check out our merch shop and also transcriptions are there as well. All the platforms that we are on. You can check those out and see what your favorite platform is. You can subscribe and please share this podcast. Leave a five-star review on Apple. I would greatly appreciate that. Also, don't forget to visit my sponsor's website at WeAreWarriorsApparelcom. He's got new things coming out here that's going to be totally awesome, so you don't want to miss that.
Daniel Moore: 47:12
Well, I'm out of here for this week. I'll be back again next week as we continue this study on the battle within overcoming the Invisible War and this extensive study on spiritual warfare. Until then, don't forget that God's Word never fails us. God's Word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap. You've been listening to Connecting the Gap podcast.
Daniel Moore: 47:35
I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast, and I personally thank you for listening each week. In this world, there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives. This podcast is birthed from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week, we take a few moments as we navigate God's Word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap. We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app Edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as Apple Podcast, deezer, spotify, google Podcast, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and many more. We are also available on your Alexa-enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.