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Overcoming Mind Ruts in Spiritual Warfare - Episode 160

Writer: Daniel MooreDaniel Moore

Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Daniel Moore: 0:02

It is truly surprising how little attention we pay to what goes into our minds. We often tend to overlook the impact that our thoughts can have on our overall well-being and the direction of our lives. With approximately 500 unwanted and truesty thoughts bombarding our minds each day, it becomes evident that we are not always in control of the thoughts that arise within us. This week we revisit those ruts we talked about last week, how to overcome them and more. On this episode of Connecting the Gap, we continue our series, the Battle Within overcoming the Invisible War. We'll be back right after this. And a word from our sponsor. Be sure to visit my sponsor's website. The Acts Of Christ is there in that store. So again, you can check that out at connectingthegapnet. There's also lots more resources at the website and, of course, you can find out all the platforms we are on by surfing there as well. Well, this week we are into part seven of our series, the Battle Within overcoming the Invisible War. Last week we talked about ruts that get created in our minds and how those ruts can cause us to seem like we never get over doing the things that we don't like to do. Well, this week we're going to revisit that topic for a little bit and discuss how we can get out of those ruts.

Daniel Moore: 2:49

Have you ever made a solemn vow that you would stop doing something that created an irritation in your life? Maybe it was a New Year's resolution, such as maybe you made it a month and a half ago where a promise you made to yourself because you were just flat out tired of a bad habit. You know, I've had a few, and some of them I've never defeated. At times I never even started after I made that New Year's resolution. The problem is how we attack the problems. We focus on changing our behavior by making a commitment to stop doing something. Have you done that as well, or am I the only one that's ever done that? You know, many people try to quit biting their nails by using bitter-tasting nail polish or simply by telling themselves to stop doing it. However, if the root cause of this habit is anxiety or stress, simply addressing the behavior itself may not be enough to break that habit.

Daniel Moore: 3:45

Procrastination is a common habit that people often vow to quit. However, instead of addressing the underlying reasons for procrastination, such as fear of failure, lack of organization or poor time management skills, individuals may just attempt to force themselves to start tasks right away. Without understanding and addressing the root causes, the habit typically persists. People often say they want to quit emotional eating, where they use food to cope with negative emotions or stress. However, solely implementing strict diets or food restrictions without addressing the emotional triggers or finding healthier coping mechanisms usually leads to a relapse into the same behavior.

Daniel Moore: 4:30

Many smokers express a desire to quit smoking, but simply trying to quit cold turkey without addressing the psychological and physiological dependencies often leads to relapse. The habit is deeply ingrained, requiring a more holistic approach that addresses the root causes and offers alternative coping mechanisms. People often recognize the negative impact of excessive social media use and try to quit by temporarily deleting apps or setting screen time limits. However, if the root problem is loneliness, boredom or low self-esteem, simply addressing the behavior without finding healthier ways to fulfill those needs may lead to a relapse into excessive social media usage and some individuals struggle with overspending and frequently making resolutions to quit. However, if the underlying issue is emotional spending due to stress, low self-esteem or a desire to instant gratification, simply attempting to restrict spending without addressing those root causes often results in the habit resurfacing. Many people try to quit negativity and negative thinking patterns by just forcing themselves to think positively or practice affirmations. However, if the root cause is deep-rooted pessimism and resolves trauma or mental health issues, simply addressing the negative thoughts without addressing the underlying issues may result in a failure to break the habit. Excessive screen time, be it on phones, computers or TVs, can lead to various negative consequences. People may decide to quit this habit and set limits, but without addressing the possible reasons behind excessive screen time, such as escapism again, stress or lack of alternative activities, simply reducing screen time may not be very sustainable.

Daniel Moore: 6:26

Whatever your vow was, did you beat it? My guess is probably not. And why is that? Well, it's because behavior modification doesn't work. You don't get to the root of the problem, which is the thought that started the behavior. The problem is narrow pathway that leads to the behavior.

Daniel Moore: 6:48

Imagine you have a tree in your yard that you want to get rid of because it blocks sunlight or poses a safety hazard. You decide to take down a branch from the tree, thinking that removing that single branch will ultimately eliminate the entire tree. However, to your surprise, the tree continues to grow and new branches sprout in place of the one that you cut. The tree represents a bad habit you want to quit and its branches symbolize the surface level behaviors associated with that habit. By only focusing on removing a single branch, you attempt to address the habit, but the deeper roots of the problem remain untouched. Just like the tree, bad habits have underlying causes that sustain their existence. These causes can be emotional, physiological or environmental factors that contribute to the habit. Unless you dig deeper and address these root causes, your efforts will be incomplete and that habit is going to just persist. To truly eradicate the tree, you must take it down from its roots. Similarly, breaking a bad habit requires identifying and addressing the underlying issues that fuel it. By understanding the emotions, thoughts, triggers or environmental factors that contribute to a habit, you can uproot it from its source and increase your chances of permanently eliminating it. Remember, just as removing a single branch won't bring down a tree, solely targeting the behavior associated with a bad habit won't effectively break it.

Daniel Moore: 8:25

Imagine going to the doctor to seek treatment for a persistent cough. To your shock, the doctor reveals that your cough is not just a common cold or flu symptom. It is actually a symptom of a more serious underlying condition lung cancer. The gravity of the diagnosis hits you hard and you instinctively looked for immediate relief In a desperate attempt to soothe the cough, you grab a cough drop hoping it will alleviate the symptom. However, it is crucial to understand that the cough drop only provides temporary relief to the symptom itself. It does nothing to address the root cause, which is the cancer. In order to effectively treat the sickness and work towards recovery, it becomes vital to focus on treating the cancer itself, not merely the manifestation of the symptom.

Daniel Moore: 9:17

If we just say I'm going to quit yelling at the kids, or I'm going to stop isolating myself to keep from fighting loneliness, or I'm going to quit overeating, we are just sawing off a branch or taking a cough drop to solve the problem. We are ignoring the real lie that we believe and the mental rut we are falling into. We are attacking the symptom and not the source. The behavior isn't the real problem. We must remove the lie at the root of the behavior and remove the neuro pathway that leads to the rut of that type of behavior. This week we are going to learn how to get rid of the rut and dig a trench to rewire our minds. The first thing we need to do is define the difference between the two. A rut is a deep track that is created in the mud after repetitive use, taking the same path. It most generally is created unintentionally and needs repaired. A trench is a different kind of rut that is intentionally created. It has a specific purpose and addresses an existing problem.

Daniel Moore: 10:23

The replacement principle emphasizes that the most effective way to combat falsehood, negativity or destructive patterns in our lives is by replacing them with truth, positivity and constructive habits. Just as darkness cannot be eliminated by fighting it directly but by introducing light, lights cannot be removed by simply condemning them, but by actively embracing and living out the truth. To illustrate this principle, let's imagine living in a deep rut of deception and falsehood. This rut represents a state in which lies have taken hold, negatively impacting our thoughts, beliefs and actions. One may try to escape this rut by merely willing themselves out of it or seeking validation through social media, but these approaches often fall short in bringing about significant change. Instead, to replace the rut of lies, we must create a quote unquote truth trench. This trench symbolizes a deliberate and intentional commitment to anchoring ourselves in truth. Just as a trench is dug deeply into the ground, our pursuit of truth should be thorough and unwavering.

Daniel Moore: 11:37

The most powerful source of truth is found in the Word of God, which provides guidance, wisdom and a moral compass for navigating life's challenges. Embracing and internalizing the truth within sacred scriptures can help reshape our thinking, beliefs and behaviors. While social media can have its benefits, it is often filled with a multitude of voices and opinions, making it easier for lies and half-truths to thrive. Relying solely on social media for truth and God forbid Google, it can be misleading and perpetuate falsehoods. Instead, turning to trusted and reliable sources, such as spiritual text, enables us to discern truth from falsehood more effectively. By immersing ourselves in the Word of God and surrounding ourselves with the truths that impart, we replace the lies that have held us captive, allowing genuine transformation and a path towards living a more authentic and virtuous life.

Daniel Moore: 12:38

Psalm 11911 states I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might not sin against you. This verse offers valuable insight into the power of God's Word as a weapon in the fight for truth. By internalizing and treasuring his Word within our hearts, we equip ourselves with a powerful tool to combat falsehood, temptation and sin. When we hide God's Word in our hearts, we commit ourselves to memorizing, understanding and internalizing its teachings. This act of hiding serves as a metaphorical weapon, an offensive and defensive tool that guards against the attacks of falsehood and sin. The more familiar we become with God's Word, the better equipped we are to discern truth from deception. It acts as a guiding light, helping us differentiate between what aligns with his teachings and what leads us astray. In times of confusion and decision-making, god's Word acts as a guiding compass, providing wisdom, counsel and direction. It offers practical insights and principles for navigating life's challenges with integrity and truth. By wielding God's Word as a weapon, we enter into spiritual warfare armed with truth, righteousness and the power of God's presence. It helps us combat the lies and temptations that seek to lead us astray and empowers us to actively live out our faith. The second tool is the rewire principle Rewire our brains and renew our mind.

Daniel Moore: 14:13

In last week's episode, I told you about my financial rut and the fear it would bring when I would have a trigger to put me back in that rut I had created and couldn't get out of. You know, we all have those triggers and we need solutions. The Bible provides solutions to all of those problems. What does the Bible say to my problem? Well, in Philippians 412, it says I know what it is to be in need and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.

Daniel Moore: 14:50

In Zachariah 813,. Just as you, judah and Israel have been a curse among the nations, so I will save you and you will be a blessing. Do not be afraid, but let your hands be strong. In Acts 2035,. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus Himself said it is more blessed to give than to receive. In 2 Corinthians 9, 8,. And God is able to bless you abundantly so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need and you will abound in every good work. In Philippians 419,. My God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.

Daniel Moore: 15:36

From all these scriptures I put together a declaration In other words, that is what I declare to be true about the trigger I have and the rut that it puts me in. The short version of my declaration for my scriptures would be Money is not, nor never will be, a problem for me. I can be content in my situation or in any situation, because God will provide for all my needs and bless me abundantly, empowering me to help others and be a blessing to the world. For the old neural pathways we used to live in, we have to create a new neural pathway to replace it with. Let's look at some of the other scenarios we were using last week.

Daniel Moore: 16:18

For those that binge eat during times of trauma or when they are hurt or angry, you can use 1 Corinthians 620, john 635 and Jeremiah 1619. I declare that my worth and value are not defined by food or emotional eating. I am fearfully and wonderfully made and my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. I will honor God with my body and seek His comfort and satisfaction. I will find everlasting fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the bread of life, and rely on His strength to overcome the urge to binge eat. I will turn to God in times of sadness, hurt and anger, knowing that he alone can heal and satisfy my soul. I surrender my emotional eating habits to God, trusting in His promises of peace and fulfillment found in Jeremiah 1619, where it says O Lord, my strength and my fortress, my refuge in the day of affliction. Also, if you are old Brett, you saw yourself as a victim. You would use Romans 837, romans 831, and Romans 828.

Daniel Moore: 17:26

Your declaration would be I declare that I am more than a conqueror through Jesus Christ, who loves me no matter what challenges, obstacles or adversities I face. I am confident in the victory that is already mine. God is on my side and if he is for me, who can be against me? I believe that in all things, god works for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Therefore, I trust in His divine plan and purpose for my life. I declare that every setback, every trial and every disappointment will ultimately be turned around for my benefit and for His glory. I walk in faith and confidence, knowing that nothing can separate me from the love of God, and I am assured of His constant presence and unfailing love. I declare this truth over my life, standing firm in His promises.

Daniel Moore: 18:17

You know, maybe your rut is lust. Your scriptures could be 1 Corinthians 618, romans 612, philippians 4-8, and 2 Timothy 2-22. Your declaration could be I declare that I will flee from sexual immorality and refuse to let sin reign in my body. I will set my mind on things that are pure, lovely and worthy of praise. I will pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, running away from evil desires and pursuing a life that honors God. I am a new creation in Christ, called to walk in purity, self-control and the freedom that comes from living in obedience to God's Word. By His grace and with His strength, I declare victory over lust in Jesus' name. The whole essence is draw truth from God's Word and make it your own.

Daniel Moore: 19:10

Learn by studying the Bible with a desire to understand its meaning, context and the intended message. Read and reflect upon the verses or passages. Meditate on those words, allowing them to penetrate your heart and your mind. Approach your study with an attitude of humility and openness, inviting the Holy Spirit to guide you. Ask God to reveal His truth and wisdom as you delve into His Word. Pray for discernment and understanding. Consider how the truth in the verse or passage applies to your personal life and circumstances. Reflect on the areas where you may need growth, transformation or encouragement. Look for ways to align your life with the principles and teachings of Scripture. Memorize key verses that resonate with you. This helps imprint God's truth in your heart and mind, making it readily available when facing challenges or making decisions. You can also do this by placing Scriptures in places where you can see them if you need to. Repetition will dig your trenches deeper and deeper until your new pathway will be easier and more accessible. Doing some of this may seem strange to you, but remember it's never easy at first. Don't give up and don't get discouraged. Press in to make God's truth your truth.

Daniel Moore: 20:33

Going to the gym without considering nutrition is like buying a high performance car but be neglecting to fill it with quality fuel. I mean sure you may rev the engine speed down the road and feel temporarily powerful, but ultimately, without the right fuel, the car will sputter and struggle to perform optimally. Similarly, hitting the gym, pumping iron and exerting strenuous effort may give an immediate adrenaline rush and make you feel strong and invincible. However, without nourishing your body with a balanced diet, vitamins and proper hydration, your physical health will eventually suffer. But it doesn't stop there. This is what we fuel our bodies with affects our physical well-being, while we feed our minds affects our overall life.

Daniel Moore: 21:21

We consume a constant stream of information, ideas and thoughts that shape our mental and emotional landscape. If we nourish our minds with positive, inspiring content and engage in meaningful experiences, our mental health thrives. However, if we immerse ourselves in negativity, toxic relationships and destructive thoughts, the health of your minds diminishes, leading to a cascade of negative consequences in your life. It is truly surprising how little attention we pay to what goes into our minds. We often tend to overlook the impact that our thoughts can have on our overall well-being and the direction of our lives. With approximately 500 unwanted intrusive thoughts bombarding our minds each day, it becomes evident that we are not always in control of the thoughts that arise within us. These intrusive thoughts, lasting around 14 seconds each, can accumulate to almost 2 hours of our day spent dwelling on thoughts that we didn't consciously choose. It's as if we are passengers on a bus bombarded with unsolicited advertisements and billboards that hijack our attention.

Daniel Moore: 22:31

Just as we filter what we consume for our physical health, we must also actively filter and monitor the thoughts we allow to our minds. By being attentive to the content we expose ourselves to, whether through media conversations or even our own imaginative tendencies, we can ensure that our minds are nourished with positivity, growth and inspiration, rather than being swept away by the influx of unwanted thoughts. We have the power to steer the course of our minds towards more intentional and fulfilling thinking patterns. Through mindfulness, self-evaluation and consciously choosing our mental stimuli, we can create an environment in our minds that fosters well-being, creativity and personal development. We're going to take a break here for a moment. When we come back, we're going to continue this discussion this week on how we can reform these threats in our minds, using truth trenches, changing out the bad thoughts and the negative thoughts with the positive thoughts of God's Word. We'll be back right after this.

Many people often define themselves in terms of the clothes that they wear, the things that they buy, the friends they have, the job they work or the person they date. God cares about each of those choices, but doesn't define you by those things. God looks into the heart to see who you really are. He knows you truly won't be satisfied unless you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

Daniel Moore: 24:14

If you'd like a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, call or text us at 888-NEED-HIM. No-transcript. Minds and the impact of our thoughts on our lives. In Romans 8, verses 5 and 6, the apostle Paul addresses this concept, says those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires, but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace. In this passage, paul highlights the connection between our mindset and the outcomes we experience in life. He emphasizes that when our minds are preoccupied with fleshly desires, we align ourselves with destructive patterns and detrimental consequences. Conversely, when we align our minds with the desires of the Spirit, we cultivate a mindset that leads to life and inner peace. This biblical principle underscores the importance of being intentional about what we expose our minds to. If we consistently immerse ourselves in negative, toxic and worldly influences, our thoughts will naturally tend to reflect those influences, leading to negative attitudes, choices and outcomes. On the other hand, if we deliberately focus our minds on things that are uplifting, noble and aligned with the teachings of the Spirit, we cultivate a mindset that promotes life, positivity and an awesome inner peace. Just as the Law of Exposure suggests, the thoughts we allow into our minds will ultimately come out in our lives, shaping our attitudes, our actions and the impact we have on ourselves and others. We need to be diligent about what we allow into our minds. What consumes our minds controls our lives.

Daniel Moore: 26:57

So I live in some declarations that I've made about myself. Number one according to Psalm 13914, I am fearfully and wonderfully made. According to Colossians 312, I am chosen and loved by God. According to Ephesians 1-7, I am forgiven and redeemed through Jesus Christ. According to John 1-12, I am a child of God. In 2 Corinthians 5-17, I am a new creation in Christ. In Romans 837, I am more than a conqueror through Christ who strengthens me. In Ephesians 1-3, I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. In 1 Peter 4-10, I am a vessel of God's love and grace to others. In Acts 1-8, I am capable and empowered by the Holy Spirit. In James 1-5, I am guided and directed by God's wisdom. What do I do with these statements? Well, I meditate on them by writing, thinking and confessing these daily to myself, replacing those ruts in my mind with personally dug trenches to fix the ongoing problems in my life. I am allowing God to renew my mind with His Word. I identify the rut, create a new trench of truth with God's Word, write a declaration, I think it and I confess it until I believe it. This isn't an easy thing to do and it will take some work, but by the grace of God you can overcome. When you change your way of thinking, it will change your life.

Daniel Moore: 28:36

In the small town of Evergreen there was a man named David. David was a highly respected Christian known for his leadership qualities and his dedication to serving his community. He served as a church leader and held a prominent position on the church board. People looked up to David as a role model, and his charming personality and charismatic presence made him well liked by many. However, david had a secret burden that he had kept hidden behind closed doors when he began, innocently enough, with small lies, little white falsehoods that he thought would not harm anyone, he started exaggerating his accomplishments or withholding certain truths to create a better image of himself. Over time, these small lies grew more significant, intertwining into his everyday life.

Daniel Moore: 29:25

Unfortunately, as the web of deceit expanded, david's authenticity and integrity began to crumble. With each lie, guilt weighed on his conscience. Seeking refuge from his inner turmoil, he jumped into an online world of pornography, hoping to escape the reality of his own hypocrisy. This lustful habit morphed into an addiction, consuming his thoughts and distorting his view of intimacy and love. Unbeknownst to David, his secret life started seeping into his marriage.

Daniel Moore: 29:57

His wife, sarah, noticed a change in his behavior, a growing distance and emotional unavailability. She confronted him, sensing something was amiss, but David skillfully lied his way out of every situation. Sarah, trusting her husband, chose to believe his words. Unaware of the darkness that clouded David's soul. However his lies tend to do, they eventually unravel. One night, david's secret world collided with reality and he was found out. The weight of his duplicity crushed him. As his wife discovered the extent of his infidelity and his addiction to pornography, the pain and betrayal she felt was indescribable, leaving their once stable and loving marriage broken and fragile. Shattered by the devastation that he had caused, david reached his breaking point. He longed for redemption, desperately seeking reconciliation with his wife and, most importantly, with God. Recognizing that he had allowed little lies to grow into monstrous ones, he resolved to face the consequences of his action and start the difficult journey of rebuilding trust and restoring the honor he had lost. The question is, how did David get to this point? It all comes back to one thing that created a retina's life Lies. We've talked some about the armor of God in previous episodes this week.

Daniel Moore: 31:23

We gird our loins with truth. In ancient Rome, soldiers would gird their loins with truth as they prepared for battle. This phrase, often mentioned in biblical texts such as Ephesians 6-14, carries a metaphorical meaning that holds significance for both the spiritual and physical aspects of a soldier's life. In a physical sense, guarding one's loins involves securing the flowing robes or tunics worn by the Roman soldiers. They would gather the loose fabric and tuck it up into their belts, allowing for greater freedom of movement during combat. By doing so, they ensured that nothing hindered their ability to fight effectively and maneuver swiftly on the battlefield. When the battle cry sounded, the soldier would raise his robe and tuck it into his belt, whereas sword would hang and his shield would be attached. The belt was central and a lot depended on it being secure. During colder seasons, the Roman soldiers faced additional challenges. Instead of girding their loins to increase agility, they would sometimes let their robes hang down to provide warmth and protection against the elements. In this case, the purpose was to ensure their physical well-being and endurance in harsh weather conditions.

Daniel Moore: 32:40

However, beyond its literal meaning, girding the loins also carries a metaphorical significance related to truth and readiness. In a spiritual context, girding one's loins with truth symbolizes the act of preparing oneself morally and mentally for the battles of life. Just as a soldier secures their garments to enhance their combat skills, girding one's loins with truth involves embracing honesty, integrity and moral principles as a foundation for navigating life's challenges. Truth here represents not only the absence of deception, but also the embodiment of authenticity and righteousness. By aligning oneself with truth, individuals are better equipped to face and overcome adversities. This commitment to truth enables them to move freely, without the burden of deceit or dishonesty, and grants them the agility and flexibility needed to make decisions rooted in wisdom and discernment.

Daniel Moore: 33:39

Truth serves as a vital weapon in our arsenal against Satan's number one tactic deception. Throughout history, satan has consistently employed deceit as a means to lead humanity astray and separate us from our relationship with God. From the very beginning in the Garden of Eden, satan approached Eve with cunning words, distorting the truth and sowing seas of doubt regarding God's command. By questioning and distorting reality, he enticed Eve to believe falsehoods, ultimately leading to disobedience and the entrance of sin into the world. Recognizing this pattern, the Apostle Paul urged believers to put on the armor of truth to combat deception. In Ephesians 6-14, he encourages us to gird our loins with truth, emphasizing the importance of embracing and embodying God's truth as a means to counter the deceitful tactics of the enemy. When we internalize and uphold God's truth, we are equipped to identify and challenge the lies and deceptions that Satan presents. The truth becomes a shield, guarding our minds, hearts and souls from succumbing to the cunning schemes meant to lure us away from God's intended path. In this spiritual battle, let us remember that truth is not only a defensive weapon, but also an offensive one. As followers of Christ, we are called to be ambassadors of truth, shining a light in a world darkened by deception. Through our words, actions and lifestyles, we can boldly bear witness to the truth and dispel the lies perpetuated by Satan.

Daniel Moore: 35:14

As Christians, satan relentlessly tries to deceive us with various lies in an attempt to undermine our faith in relationship with God. Here are some common lies that Satan often uses. The first lie you are not good enough. Satan tries to convince us that we are unworthy of God's love and forgiveness. He seeks to make us doubt our worth and question our ability to be accepted by God. Satan also tells us God doesn't love you. Satan aims to distort our understanding of God's love, making us believe that his love is conditional and based on our performance or worthiness. This lie seeks to separate us from experiencing the depth of God's unconditional love and grace.

Daniel Moore: 36:00

Another lie you can't change. Satan tries to discourage us from seeking personal growth and transformation. He whispers that we are trapped in our flaws and shortcomings, persuading us to believe that change is impossible and that we are stuck in our old ways. Another lie you're all alone. Satan aims to isolate us, making us feel disconnected from God and from fellow believers. He wants us to believe that nobody understands us or cares about our struggles, leading us to separate ourselves from the support and fellowship of the Christian community.

Daniel Moore: 36:37

Another lie your past defines you. Satan seeks to remind us of our past mistakes and sins, convincing us that they define us and disqualify us from God's plan and purpose for our lives. This lie aims to hold us captive to guilt and shame, hindering our ability to move forward in God's grace. And a final lie God's promises are not for you. Satan tries to distort our understanding of God's promises, making us doubt his faithfulness and goodness. He wants to steal our hope and convince us that the abundant life and blessings promised in Scripture are way beyond our reach. Well, the remedy for this is the belt of truth. Where has your belt slipped? In what ways are you playing games, blaming others and hiding from God?

Daniel Moore: 37:30

When we reach a point in our lives where we genuinely acknowledge our faults and shortcomings before God and open our hearts to Him with honesty and sincerity, we can experience a life changing encounter with a loving and forgiving Father. God's nature is one of grace and mercy, and he longs to provide us with a sense of peace and help us overcome the persistent negative patterns in our minds. Through this humble surrender and authentic confession, we allow God to work in our lives. He can begin to heal our wounded hearts, mend our brokenness and guide us toward a path of transformation. God's love is unconditional and His forgiveness is boundless. When we come to Him with true repentance, he offers us forgiveness and sets us free from the burdens of guilt and shame. In this intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father, we can find truth and peace. God's presence can fill the empty spaces within us and bring a sense of wholeness and restoration to our minds. Through prayer, meditation on His Word and seeking His guidance, we allow Him to shape our thoughts and align our thinking patterns with His truth. As we submit ourselves to God's loving care, he can help us break free from the negative ruts in our minds and replace them with thoughts of hope, joy and positivity. In this journey of honesty and vulnerability with God, we discover that he not only forgives and restores us, but he also equips us with His peace. This peace surpasses human understanding and guards our hearts and minds, as is stated in Philippians 4, verse 7. Trusting in God's faithfulness, believing in His promises and embracing His grace, we can find truth, strength and transformation.

Daniel Moore: 39:20

If you find yourself today living in a rut, if you know that you are not right with God maybe you knew Him at one point in time, but you slipped away or maybe you've never even experienced a relationship with God I invite you to go visit my website at ConnectingTheGapnet. There's a page there on how to get saved. There's just a few simple steps. All it takes is believing in Jesus Christ, asking forgiveness for your sins and accepting that redemption that he gave when he died on that cross. After you've done that, I'd love to hear from you. You can email me at Daniel at ConnectingTheGapnet or there is a contact form on the contact page. I'd love to hear your testimony or if you have any further questions about being a Christian, how to get over these ruts replacing the lies with truth. You can send me a message about that as well. If you need a Bible, let me know that I'd be happy to get you a Bible and to supply one to you. We always want to make sure that we can equip you the best that we can to be the best Christian that you can possibly be in the life that we live here with Christ.

Daniel Moore: 40:23

Well, I'm out of here for this week. That's going to do it for this episode. Next week we come back. We're going to have episode eight of this series, the Battle Within overcoming the Invisible War. And don't forget to visit my sponsor's website at WeAreWarriorsApparelcom and check out our merch link as well at our website at ConnectingTheGapnet.

Daniel Moore: 40:44

Also, one thing I wanted to drop here this week we talked a lot about Satan over the last few weeks with the previous episodes that we've been through, as we've been working our way deeper into this study on spiritual warfare, and I want to recommend another podcast to you. If you go visit Luke Taylor's podcast, he has a couple of them actually that I want to tell you about. One of them is Cross References and the other one is Weird Stuff in the Bible. Oddly enough, he and I have been on the same subject matter this year after January. His studies that he's been doing took him into a study of Satan about the same time that ours did, and so if you'd like some more in-depth information on Satan who he is, how he works in your life, luke approached a few different aspects of it that I did not touch, so if you would like to learn more about that, please check out his podcast Again. That's Cross References podcast and Weird Stuff in the Bible with Luke Taylor. So go check those out and that'll be some more resources you can have as you're trying to fight this battle and understand who Satan is, why he deceives us, why he's even here, why we have to fight this battle. Maybe all those why questions and what? Four questions can be answered between the episodes that I'm delivering here in this series and then combined with what Luke has been talking about here recently. So go check that out. Well, I'm out of here Until next week.

Daniel Moore: 42:06

Don't forget that God's Word never fails us. God's Word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap. You've been listening to Connecting the Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast, and I personally thank you for listening. Each week In this world there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives.

Daniel Moore: 42:26

This podcast is births from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week we take a few moments as we navigate God's Word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap. We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app, edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as Apple Podcast, deezer, spotify, google Podcast, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and many more. We are also available on your Alexa-enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.



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