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Fighting Spiritual Warfare in the Family - Episode 154

Writer: Daniel MooreDaniel Moore

Updated: Mar 20, 2024

Daniel Moore: 0:02

What are Satan's strategies to destroy the family? What are Satan's targets? Should we just sit around and ignore the spiritual battle that wages around us every day, individually and in our families? Is Satan all-knowing to the extent he knows everything about me? Can a Christian believer be possessed by Satan? Can we really personally bind Satan with our prayers? Well, this week we answer these questions and more. On this week's episode of Connecting the Gap, we kick off a brand new series this week to battle within overcoming the Invisible War. We'll be back to tackle spiritual warfare in our family right after this.

Daniel Moore: 1:10

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Daniel Moore: 2:41

Welcome to Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast. Thanks for joining us this week. You can visit our website, connectingthegapnet, for everything about our ministry. You can listen to this podcast by subscribing wherever you get your podcasts to add, as well as YouTube Rumble and your Alexa and Google Smart devices. Also, don't forget, on our website at connectingthegapnet, there's transcripts of each of these episodes as we go through this series. So if you come across an episode that you listen to here and you really like it, you can go ahead and go to my website and you can get a transcript of that from there, and also on my Buzzsprout podcasting platform. The transcript is there also and it's available on YouTube. There are several places that will be available, but the easiest spot is probably on my website, so go check that out at connectingthegapnet.

Daniel Moore: 3:32

Well, it's been a while coming. I've been announcing this for several weeks now and the time has come. We're starting our new series this week the Battle Within Overcoming the Invisible War. As I was thinking about how to start this series out, I actually was going to be doing today's episode at the very end of this series. This series is going to last for probably a little over three months and as I was praying about this and trying to decide which direction that I wanted to go, I actually ended up deciding to move this episode to the beginning, and this week's episode deals with spiritual warfare in the family.

Daniel Moore: 4:17

I know, as I go through day to day talking to different people people in my family, people that are friends, people in church I find something that everybody has in common, myself included. We fight a battle in our minds, and I know you've heard many times the comments Satan's playground is our minds. That's our spiritual battlefield. We constantly seem to have two voices, one on each shoulder, telling us to do good things or telling us to do bad things, depending on which voice you want to listen to. And this is a real battle. It's a real thing that goes on in a lot of people's lives, and I know a lot of people really struggle in trying to deal with this problem of spiritual warfare. And so this week, as we start off this series, the very first thing I want to go ahead and hit is how to deal with it in your family. And then, after this week, we'll get into doing more of a personal processing of how this spiritual warfare takes place in our body scientifically, why we do the things the way that we do, because the way that we're made up, the way that God created us, and then we'll look at it from the biblical side also, of how we can combat all of these things that us, as humans, have a tendency to gravitate to.

Daniel Moore: 5:37

So the dysfunction within a family is often rooted in spiritual issues rather than solely relational problems, even though the constant tension and conflict may give it that appearance. Satan takes pleasure in destroying households and he strives to weaken families. The more feeble a family becomes, the stronger his influence grows and the more successful he becomes in achieving his objectives. Satan employs various tools and manipulates humans in this battle. He frequently operates through physical means. However, it is essential to remember that our fight is not against fellow human beings, as Ephesians 6.12 tells us. Instead, we rely on our tangible relationships to resist his influence within our homes.

Daniel Moore: 6:27

Spiritual warfare is an unseen battle that rages in our hearts and homes. They began at the dawn of creation and, although victory has been declared, the villain continues to fight until his very final breath. Scripture teaches us about heavenly creatures, highly intelligent beings without physical bodies, commonly referred to as angels. Their original purpose was to glorify God, carry out his plans on earth and provide an example for us. However, somewhere between creation and the fall of men, a rebellion occurred in the heavenly realm. This uprising was led by Satan, a created being who desired to be his own God. He is the serpent who enticed even the garden, the devil who tempted Jesus in the desert, and he is the father of all eyes. Satan and his demons exist in opposition to God, his angels and his people. The ultimate battle of good versus evil continues to this day and our families, unfortunately, are caught in this invisible conflict.

Daniel Moore: 7:35

In the context of spiritual warfare within the family, it is crucial to remember that you are not a passive bystander but an active combatant. We must take a stand and fight the battle before us, actively engaged, if we want to have any chance of winning a victory for our families. And maybe you are thinking well, how do I even know if my family is in a spiritual war? Or maybe you know you are fighting one, but you don't want to acknowledge it, or you don't even know where to begin the fight. If that is you, we are going to start with the basics and walk our way through this study. For this episode, the first thing we have to understand is the reality of the spiritual battle.

Daniel Moore: 8:18

In Genesis 3, we witness the reality of the spiritual battle that takes place within the family. Initially, adam and Eve were dwelling in a perfect relationship with God, but were tempted by Satan in the form of a serpent. This temptation led to their disobedience and resulted in the introduction of sin into the world. The serpent, being a tool of Satan, cunningly deceived Eve by twisting God's words and planning doubts in her minds. Through this act, satan sought to disrupt the harmonious relationship between God and humanity, ultimately causing division within the family of mankind. In Luke 4, verses 1-3, we read about Jesus being led by the Spirit into the wilderness where he was tempted by the devil for forty days. This account emphasizes the existence of the spiritual battle with Satan actively seeking to distract and deceive even the Son of God himself. It demonstrates that no one is exempt from their struggle and that we must be prepared to resist temptation just as Jesus did.

Daniel Moore: 9:24

Romans 8, verse 12 reminds us that we have a responsibility in this spiritual battle. It states that we are not debtors to the flesh, but to live according to the Spirit. This verse underscores the active role we play in actively resisting the desires of the flesh and allowing the Holy Spirit to guide our lives. James 1.13-15 sheds light on the origin of temptation and the consequences of succumbing to it. It teaches that temptation does not come from God but from our own desires. When we give in to these temptations, they result in sin, which ultimately leads to spiritual death. This passage underscores the need to be vigilant and discerning in the face of temptation. In Romans 12.2, it encourages believers to be transformed by the renewing of their minds, rather than conforming to the patterns of the world. This verse emphasizes the ongoing battle against the influence of the world and its values, reminding us to be intentional about aligning our thoughts and actions with God's truth.

Daniel Moore: 10:30

In 2 Corinthians 4, verses 3-4, the apostle Paul speaks of the spiritual blindness that Satan imposes on the minds of unbelievers. This further emphasizes the reality of a spiritual battle, as Satan actively seeks to hinder people from seeing and accepting the truth of the gospel. It underscores the urgency of our mission to share the light of Christ and break through the spiritual darkness. Stephen Fertig once said the enemy uses lies to keep us bound, but the truth burst forth with the power to set us free. This quote shows the deceptive tactics of the enemy in the spiritual battle. Satan perpetuates lies and falsehoods to keep us trapped, but the truth of God's word has the power to liberate and empower us.

Daniel Moore: 11:18

As we dive deeper into Scripture, we uncover more passages that shed light on the reality of spiritual warfare. 2 Corinthians 10, verses 3-6, calls us to recognize that our battle is not fought on a human level but on a spiritual one. It reminds us that, although we live in the world, our weapons are divinely empowered for demolishing strongholds and taking every thought captive to obey Christ. Second Corinthians 11, 1-3, paul expresses his concerns for the Corinthian Church, fearing that they may be deceived by false teachers and led astray from their pure devotion to Christ. This passage emphasizes the cunning tactics of the enemy in attempting to lead believers away from the truth.

Daniel Moore: 12:04

Second Corinthians 12, verses 7-10, speaks of Paul's thorn in the flesh, a physical affliction that he attributes to a messenger of Satan. Despite his plea for its removal, the Lord reveals to Paul that his grace is sufficient for him, demonstrating that even in suffering, god's power is made perfect. In Galatians 5, verses 16-26, it discusses the battle between the desires of the flesh and the leading of the Spirit. This passage highlights the importance of walking in the Spirit as it produces godly fruit and urges believers to crucify the flesh and live by the Spirit. Ephesians 6-10-20 provides an extensive description of the spiritual armor that we are to put on in order to stand against the schemes of the devil. This passage emphasizes the need for believers to be equipped with truth, righteousness, faith, the Word of God and prayer to withstand the attacks of the enemy. In 1 Peter 5, verses 8-11, peter warns believers to be sober-minded and alert, for the devil prowls like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. He encourages them to resist the enemy, standing firm in their faith, knowing that their suffering will only be temporary, while God himself will restore and strengthen them. In Revelation 12-1-17, it provides a vivid depiction of a woman about to give birth, pursued by a dragon. It speaks of the spiritual battle between the devil and those who hold the testimony of Jesus. Verse 17 highlights the devil's rage directed at the offspring of the woman, emphasizing his relentless pursuit of believers. These scriptures collectively illuminate the reality of spiritual warfare. Over the next few months, we will collectively study many of these scriptures and by then we will have an understanding that this war does exist.

Daniel Moore: 14:05

As Christians, we face a threefold enemy, composed of the devil, the world and the flesh. Understanding each of these enemies individually helps us navigate the spiritual battle more effectively. Firstly, we encounter the devil, also known as Satan. He is a fallen angel who rebelled against God and seeks to undermine his purposes. Satan is a powerful spiritual being with the ability to deceive, tempt and accuse. His primary aim is to oppose God's kingdom and to hinder the spiritual progress of believers. Secondly, we have the world as an enemy.

Daniel Moore: 14:42

The world system, under Satan's influence, operates in opposition of God's values and principles. It promotes selfishness, materialism, immorality and worldly desires. The world entices us through its allurements, seeking to distract and pull us away from living in obedience to God. Lastly, we are confronted with the enemy within ourselves, or the flesh. The flesh refers to our sinful nature inherited from Adam and Eve's disobedience. This internal inclination toward selfishness, pride and rebellion against God commands and creates a constant battle within us. Satan capitalizes on our fleshly desires, exploiting our weaknesses and attempting to lead us astray from God's will.

Daniel Moore: 15:27

Each enemy must be approached distinctively in our spiritual warfare. When it comes to the devil, we must actively resist his schemes by standing firm in our faith, relying on the power of God and clicking ourselves in spiritual armor. By remaining steadfast in prayer, study of God's Word and being aware of his tactics, we can effectively counter his attacks. Regarding the world, we are called to discern and resist its influences. We should not be conformed to its patterns, but seek transformation by renewing our minds with biblical truths, as it states in Romans 12-2. This involves separating ourselves from worldly values and pursuing holiness, focusing on the eternal rather than temporary treasures of this world.

Daniel Moore: 16:12

When combating the flesh, we rely on the power of the Holy Spirit within us Through constant surrender to God's will and yielding to the Spirit's guidance, we can crucify our fleshly desires, as it states in Galatians 5, 16-26. This requires self-discipline, accountability and cultivating a lifestyle of spiritual growth and maturity. While our enemies are formidable, we have the assurance that through Christ we have the victory, as it states in 1 Corinthians 15-57. By recognizing the strategies of the devil, being discerning towards the world's influence and crucifying our fleshly desires, we can walk in the freedom and power that Christ has provided for us. Don't be ignorant of the fact that, ultimately, the spiritual war has been won. Even though we are practically still in battle, victory is possible and expected. Jesus' life, death and resurrection secured the victory over sin, death and evil. Through His sacrifice, jesus overcame the powers of darkness and made a way for humanity to be reconciled with God. This victory is seen as already accomplished, setting the foundation for believers to experience victory over spiritual battles in their own lives. So as we fight this battle for our family, how are we aware of who Satan's targets are?

Daniel Moore: 17:37

The first target of Satan is Jesus Christ, the head of the Church. Satan seeks to undermine God's plan and purpose in the world. Satan, also known as the adversary of the devil is a spiritual being who opposes God and seeks to derail His plans. Throughout the Bible, satan is depicted as a tempter and deceiver who tries to turn people away from God. Jesus Christ, as a son of God and the head of the Church, presents a significant threat to Satan's influence and hold over humanity. Satan recognizes that Jesus' mission on earth involves redeeming humanity from sin and establishing God's kingdom. By attacking Jesus, satan aims to disrupt God's redemptive plan, which involves saving humanity and reconciling people to God. The temptation of God in the wilderness is one example of Satan's attempt to divert Jesus from His purpose. The conflict between Jesus and Satan is a symbolic battle between good and evil, light and darkness. Jesus' victory over Satan is crucial in demonstrating His authority and power over evil. His resistance to temptation and eventual triumph on the cross are seen as pivotal moments in defeating the schemes of Satan.

Daniel Moore: 18:53

The second target of Satan is the message of the Church, or the Gospels. Satan seeks to thwart the spread of God's truth and hinder the transformative power of the Gospel. Satan recognizes the power of the Gospel in bringing salvation and transformation to individuals. To undermine the impact of the Gospels, he may attempt to distort or discredit its message. This can take various forms, such as false teachings, heresies or misrepresentations that lead people away from the core truths of Christianity. The message of the Church and the Gospels are based on the authority of Jesus Christ and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Satan seeks to challenge and question this authority in order to sow doubt and confusion among believers and those seeking the truth. By attacking the reliability and credibility of the Scriptures and the teachings of Christ, satan aims to diminish the message's influence.

Daniel Moore: 19:50

The third thing that Satan targets is the mission of the Church, which is evangelism and edification, which are integral aspects of the mission of the Church and making disciples. Satan seeks to hinder the spread of the Gospel and the growth of believers. Satan recognizes the power of evangelism in bringing people to faith in Jesus Christ. He may employ various tactics to hinder or discourage the sharing of the Gospel message. This can involve creating obstacles, promoting apathy or instilling fear and doubt in the hearts and minds of believers who are called to be witnesses for Christ. Satan works to blind the mind of believers, preventing them from grasping the truth of the Gospel. He fosters rebellion against God and generates resistance to receiving the message of salvation. Through worldly distractions, false ideologies and spiritual oppression, satan aims to hinder individuals from accepting the good news. Satan refers to the process of building up and nurturing the faith of believers, helping them grow in their relationship with God. Satan seeks to undermine this process by promoting division, discord and false teachings within the Church. By fostering distractions, fostering pride or discouragement, or leading believers astray, satan aims to hinder their spiritual growth and unity.

Daniel Moore: 21:13

The fourth thing Satan targets is the body of the Church, both corporately and individually, as well as the Christian leaders. He seeks to disrupt the unity, faith and effectiveness of believers. Corporately, satan aims to sow discord, division and confusion within the Church as a collective body. He may do this by promoting conflicts, fostering dissension or spreading false doctrines or teachings within the Church community. By undermining unity, satan seeks to weaken the overall impact of the Church and hinder its ability to fulfill its mission. Individually, satan targets believers by tempting them with sin, doubt and discouragement. He seeks to exploit weaknesses, temptations and vulnerabilities to lead believers away from a vibrant and authentic relationship with God. He may use worldly distractions, personal struggles or deceptive tactics to keep believers from growing spiritually and fully experiencing the abundant life in Christ. Christian leaders, including pastors, elders and teachers, are particularly targeted by Satan because of their significant roles in guiding and shepherding the Church. Satan seeks to undermine their personal integrity, credibility and effectiveness by tempting them with pride, greed, immorality or burnout. If leaders fall into sin or compromise, it can have damaging consequences on the entire body of believers.

Daniel Moore: 22:41

And the final attack of Satan is on the family unit. Satan targets the family because it represents a strong bond, unity and love, which can act as a deterrent to his influence and divisive tactics. By attacking individuals within the home, satan aims to erode the very foundation that nurtures values, support and stability. The family unit is considered one of the fundamental building blocks in many societies, providing a sense of belonging, safety and emotional support. It is within the family that individuals receive guidance, values and moral teachings that shape their character and worldview. Consequently, satan perceives the family as a potential threat to his desire to sow discord, discontent and chaos. The family unit is a source of love, compassion and selflessness. These qualities represent virtues that counter the self-centered and destructive tendencies that Satan promotes. By targeting individuals in the home, satan seeks to provoke conflicts, break trust, foster negativity and disrupt the harmonious relationships that should exist within a family.

Daniel Moore: 23:52

Satan's attacks on the family take various forms, ranging from encouraging dishonesty, betrayal, substance abuse, materialism, infidelity, to fostering miscommunication, resentment and lack of empathy. His ultimate goal is to weaken the bonds of love within the family, causing disintegration and promoting individualism, thereby hindering personal and spiritual growth. The family is an institution of God built on a godly foundation. It is up to us to protect that reality by fighting back against Satan's advances. We are going to take a break here for a moment. When we come back, we are going to continue this week's discussion, the first installment of our new series on the battle within overcoming the invisible war. We'll be back right after this.

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Daniel Moore: 26:20

Welcome back to this week's episode of Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Morrier host, and this week we are starting our new series, the Battle Within overcoming the Invisible War. This week we're dealing with spiritual warfare in the family. So as we move on, there are many misconceptions about fighting spiritual warfare in the family which are misleading and lead to erroneous beliefs among believers in the home. The first misleading belief within the family is the phrase Ignorance is Bliss. This suggests that sometimes being unaware or uninformed about the spiritual warfare taking place can provide a sense of peace or protection. It implies that being ignorant of the tactics and influences of evil forces can shield individuals from unnecessary anxiety, fear and vulnerability. While ignorance may temporarily offer a sense of bliss, it is important to note that it is not a sustainable or effective long-term strategy when it comes to spiritual battles. Ignorance can leave individuals and families acceptable to the subtleties and manipulations of evil influences. Without awareness and understanding of the spiritual warfare surrounding them, individuals may unknowingly make choices or engage in behaviors that undermine their well-being and integrity of the family unit. In contrast, knowledge and awareness of spiritual battles equip individuals to recognize and confront the schemes and deceptions of evil. It allows them to actively engage in protective measures, seek divine guidance and make informed decisions that align with their values and faith. By understanding the nature of the battle, individuals can strengthen their spiritual defenses, fostering unity, resilience and growth within the family.

Daniel Moore: 28:08

Another misconception is that, as Christians, we can function as an army of one and do not need other believers. This belief undermines the very essence of Christian community and the teachings of the Bible. This belief disregards the interconnectedness and interdependence that should exist within the body of Christ. Throughout the scriptures, it is emphasized that believers are called to be a part of a larger community of faith. Jesus himself taught that believers should love and support one another and that they would be known by their love for one another, in John 13, verses 34 and 35. The Apostle Paul also emphasized the importance of unity and the diverse spiritual gifts within the body of Christ in his letter to the early Christian communities in 1 Corinthians 12, verses 12 to 27.

Daniel Moore: 28:57

Being a part of a Christian community provides several benefits. First, it allows for mutual encouragement, spiritual growth and accountability. By interacting with other believers, we can receive guidance, support and wisdom from those who have similar faith journeys and experiences. They can serve as mentors, offering different perspectives and helping us navigate challenges and obstacles in our spiritual journey. Second, belonging to a Christian community enables us to fulfill the call to serve others.

Daniel Moore: 29:27

Christianity is not solely about individual salvation, but also about spreading God's love and making a positive impact on the world. Being part of a community allows us to unite efforts, collaborate on projects of service and evangelism, and reach a wider audience with a message of Christ's love and redemption. And thirdly, christian community provides a space for fellowship where we can experience genuine love, support and belonging. It is in these relationships that we find friendship, compassion and the opportunity to share our joys, sorrows and struggles. Being able to lean on one another in times of need brings comfort and reminds us that we are never alone on our spiritual journey. It is worth noting that even Jesus, during his earthly ministry, surrounded himself with disciples in a close-knit community. He sent them out in prayers, emphasizing the importance of collaboration and partnership. You can read about that in Luke 10, verse 1. This example further reinforces the idea that Christians are not meant to function as isolated individuals, but rather as a unified community.

Daniel Moore: 30:36

This brings us up to the third misconception—the belief that the home is a safe place, immune to spiritual warfare or off limits to the enemy. This is a misconception that can leave individuals and families vulnerable to attacks from evil forces. It is important to recognize that spiritual warfare can occur within the confines of our homes, and remaining unaware of this reality can have detrimental effects on our spiritual well-being. The home, being the primary unit of family relationships and personal growth, is a significant target for spiritual attacks. Just as the enemy seeks to disrupt and destroy any expressions of faith or goodness in the world, he also seeks to undermine the harmonious and spiritual nurturing environment that homes should provide. By targeting the family unit, evil influences can sow seeds of discord, deception and strife that can negatively impact relationships, communication and overall well-being of your family. Within the home, spiritual battles can take various forms. They can manifest in conflicts between family members, breakdown in communications, temptations towards destructive behaviors such as substance abuse, the infiltration of negative belief systems or ideologies, and the erosion of values and spiritual practices that should be nurtured within the family. Considering the significant influence that the home holds in shaping individuals' beliefs, values and character, it becomes crucial to be vigilant against the enemy's attacks and his tactics. Ignoring or denying the presence of spiritual warfare within the home can allow the enemy to infiltrate in subtle ways, often leading to unforeseen consequences.

Daniel Moore: 32:19

Another misconception is that Christians can be enemy-possessed. The belief that Christians can be enemy-possessed or demon-possessed is not supported by Scripture and is a misleading notion. The Bible affirms that when a person becomes a follower of Christ and receives the Holy Spirit, they are indwelled by the Spirit of God and become a temple of the Holy Spirit. The concept of being possessed by the enemy typically refers to demonic possession, which involves the complete control of an individual by demonic forces. However, the Bible makes it clear that believers are no longer under the dominion or control of the enemy because they have been redeemed and delivered by the power of Christ. That's in Colossians 1.13.

Daniel Moore: 33:07

First John 4.4 states you, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. This verse proves the fact that, as believers, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, and he is greater than any demonic forces in the world. The power and presence of the Holy Spirit enable us to resist and overcome any attacks or influences from the enemy. Ephesians 6.12 further emphasizes this. Truth says For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. This verse reveals that Christians may indeed face spiritual warfare, but it is not a possession or control by the enemy. Instead, it is a battle against the spiritual forces of evil in which we rely on God's strength, the power of prayer and the armor of God, such as in Ephesians 6.13-18. Furthermore, in Romans 8, 38, and 39, the Apostle Paul declares that nothing can separate believers from the love of God in Christ Jesus. This affirmation implies that believers have a secure position in Christ and are protected by His love, making them immune to being possessed by the enemy. While Christians can experience spiritual attacks and temptations from the enemy, such attacks do not result in possession. Instead, believers are encouraged to stand firm in their faith, resist the enemy and submit to God, as it states in James 4, verse 7.

Daniel Moore: 34:43

Another misconception that is taught quite frequently in Christian circles is the belief that the enemy knows us intimately and is aware of all of our weaknesses. This can lead to fear and a sense of powerlessness. While the enemy may have some knowledge of human nature and common vulnerabilities, it is important to understand that Satan and his forces are not all-knowing or omniscient like God. Scripture tells us that God alone is all-knowing, understanding the depths of our heart and minds, in Psalm 139, verses 1-4, and Jeremiah 17-10. The enemy, on the other hand, is a created being and does not possess divine attributes. Satan and his demons can observe and exploit patterns of human weakness and sinful tendencies, but they do not have access to all the intimate details of our lives or personal vulnerabilities, unless we willingly reveal them. However, it is crucial to recognize that the enemy is cunning and seeks to deceive and tempt us by capitalizing on our human nature and weaknesses. He may employ various strategies to exploit our vulnerabilities and lead us into sin or spiritual defeat. Ephesians 6-11 warns us to be aware of the devil's schemes, indicating that he uses deceptive tactics to attack our faith and resolve.

Daniel Moore: 36:01

But the good news is that, as believers, we have the power and protection of God on our side. 1 John 4-4 reminds us that greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world. When we invite Christ into our lives and rely on the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit, we have a divine source of wisdom, discernment and defense against the enemy. Scripture also assures us of God's faithfulness and His promise to provide a way out of temptation. That's in 1 Corinthians 10-13. We are encouraged to resist the devil, submit to God and actively engage in spiritual practices such as prayer, the study of Scripture and fellowship with other believers to stand strong against the enemy's attacks. That's James 4, 7, and 8, and Ephesians 6, 18. It is also important to remember that God's grace is sufficient for us even in our weaknesses. Second Corinthians 12-9 reminds us that God's power is made perfect in our weakness. When we acknowledge our weaknesses and depend on God's strength, our vulnerabilities can become avenues for experiencing His grace, transforming us and empowering us to overcome.

Daniel Moore: 37:09

As we finish up this section on misconceptions, it is important to understand that we do not have the power to bind or control Satan through prayer or any other means. The belief that we can quote-unquote bind Satan with our prayers or commands is a misunderstanding and misapplication of biblical teachings. In Scripture, binding and loosening are mentioned in Matthew 16-19 and Matthew 18-18, where Jesus grants authority to the apostles to bind and loose things on earth according to the will of God. However, this authority primarily pertains to matters of church discipline, spiritual guidance and the proclamation of the gospel message when it comes to Satan. We see in passages like Jude 9 that Michael the archangel, when disputing with the devil, did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment against him, but instead relied on the power and authority of the Lord. Likewise, in Ephesians 6, verses 10-18, we are encouraged to put on the full armor of God to stand against the schemes of the devil, not to bind or control him.

Daniel Moore: 38:17

It is crucial to recognize that Satan is a powerful fallen angel and the Bible portrays him as the prince of the power of the air in Ephesians 2-2, and the God of this world in 2 Corinthians 4-4. Scripture makes it clear that victory over Satan and his influences is ultimately achieved through the finished work of Christ on the cross. In Colossians 2-15, it is declared that Christ disarmed the spiritual rulers and authorities, publicly triumphing over them on the cross. Through His death and resurrection, jesus secured victory over sin, death and the powers of darkness. Therefore, our focus should be on our relationship with Christ, relying on His power, his victory and His authority over Satan, instead of attempting to bind Satan, the Bible instructs us to resist him in James 4-7, be sober-minded and watchful, in 1 Peter 5-8, and put on the whole armor of God, in Ephesians 6-11, to stand against his attacks. By cultivating a strong prayer life, studying and applying God's word and relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can effectively combat Satan's schemes and remain steadfast in our faith. Don't ever think that, as a Christian, our heart is out of the enemy's range. That couldn't be any more further from the truth. We have to stand watch for our family and claim the blood over our family each and every day to protect it from Satan's advances.

Daniel Moore: 39:42

Satan's strategies to tear families apart typically involve exploiting weaknesses and creating discord. Satan seeks to create conflicts within families, encouraging arguments, misunderstandings and grudges. By sowing seeds of discontent and promoting selfishness, he aims to break down the unity and love that should bond families together. He also likes to sow seeds of doubt and distrust in God's sovereignty, wisdom and goodness. Satan tries to make individuals question and doubt God's plans and intentions. He may use tragedies, hardships or unanswered prayers to fuel doubt in God's sovereignty, wisdom and goodness, thus weakening the faith of family members.

Daniel Moore: 40:25

Satan inundates families with various distractions, such as materialism, busyness and pursuits of personal desires. These distractions divert attention and time away from nurturing relationships, communication and spiritual growth. Satan aims to separate family members from their relationship with God and isolate them from each other. He may tempt individuals to prioritize their personal desires or worldly pursuits over cultivating a strong connection with God and spending quality time with their loved ones. Satan uses discouragement as a weapon to sap the hope, motivation and perseverance of family members. He may highlight failures, weaknesses and past mistakes to further demoralize and weaken their spirits. Satan employs various deceits and lies to lead individuals astray. He may promote false ideologies, encourage sinful behaviors or exploit weaknesses to create a distorted worldview, leading to fractured relationships and a crumbling moral foundation.

Daniel Moore: 41:29

So, as we wrap up this week's episode, what should our strategy be within the family to fight spiritual warfare? Number 1. We need to pray together with any other believers in the home, as stated in Ephesians 6, 18-20. Gather as a family to pray, seeking God's guidance, protection and unity. Secondly, cultivate caring relationships, not isolation. Intentionally be with each other, actively spend quality time together, engage in activities that promote bonding and healthy communication. Third, encourage each other as much as possible, as stated in 1 Thessalonians 5-11. Offer words of affirmation, support and love to family members, uplifting and motivating one another. Fourth, be involved with each other. Be informed, show genuine interest in each other's lives, actively listening and being involved in each other's activities and experiences.

Daniel Moore: 42:24

Fifth seek to maintain an humble mindset, as in Philippians 2-1-11. Foster humility within the family, honoring and considering others' perspectives and needs above selfish desires. Sixth deal with and resolve matters quickly and thoroughly, according to God's word, as stated in Ephesians 4, 20-60, 27, and Romans 12-18. Address conflicts and issues promptly, seeking reconciliation and forgiveness based on biblical principles. Seventh purpose to communicate biblically, not giving the devil a foothold, as in Ephesians 4-27. Use words that edify, encourage and build up one another, avoiding harmful or divisive speech.

Daniel Moore: 43:09

Eighth realize it was God's perfect design to place you where he did and with the people he deemed best. Acknowledge that God has placed each family member in the family unit for a purpose promoting acceptance, gratitude and contentment. Ninth have faithful and regular intimacy within marriage, as stated in 1 Corinthians 7-5. Prioritize the physical and emotional intimacy in marriage, strengthening the bond between spouses and fostering a healthy, fulfilling relationship. And tenth guard the truth in a very gracious way.

Daniel Moore: 43:43

Correct doctrine is essential for correct living. You can look at 1 Timothy 1-3-7, 1 Timothy 3-15, 1 Timothy 6-20, and 2 Timothy 1-13-14. Dissern and address unbiblical worldly philosophies. Stay rooted in God's word, understanding and upholding sound biblical doctrine. Address false teachings or worldly philosophies with grace and love, seeking to guide one another toward truth.

Daniel Moore: 44:13

In conclusion for this week, we have explored Satan's strategies to tear families apart and discussed various countermeasures to strengthen family bonds. It is crucial for families to recognize and resist the divisive tactics employed by the enemy. By praying together, cultivating caring relationships, encouraging one another and staying informed and involved, families can build a foundation of unity and love. Maintaining an humble mindset and promptly addressing conflicts according to God's word fosters reconciliation and lasting harmony. Purposeful and biblical communication guards against giving the devil a foothold. Recognizing that God has placed each family member where they are by His perfect design promotes gratitude and contentment In the marital relationship. Faithful and regular intimacy is essential for nurturing and deepening the bond between spouses. Furthermore, being vigilant and guarding the truth, and discerning and addressing unbiblical philosophies or teachings ensures the family remains anchored in sound doctrine. Let us commit to implementing these strategies within our families. By surrendering to God's guidance and relying on His strength, we can effectively combat Satan's schemes and cultivate flourishing, resilient and God-honoring relationships within our families. May we always be encouraged by the promise that, through our faith and reliance on God, we can overcome any of Satan's attempts to tear us apart.

Daniel Moore: 45:46

That's gonna be all for this week, for this episode of Connecting the Gap. This is the first installment of the battle within overcoming the invisible war, dealing with the spiritual warfare in the family. Please leave comments or any questions, anything that you may have to add to this discussion. You can do that on YouTube Rumble, and you can also do that on Spotify as well, and I encourage you to do that. Or, if you'd like to make some comments on our Facebook page, you can check us out on our Facebook page at CTGap online, and we're also on Twitter by that same handle as well. I'd love to hear from you guys and I'd love to see you guys kind of add to this conversation as we go through this extensive study. Next week we'll get on to the next part of this study on the battle within. Until then, don't forget that God's word never fails us. God's word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap.

Daniel Moore: 46:45

You've been listening to Connecting the Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast, and I personally thank you for listening. Each week In this world there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives. This podcast is births from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week we take a few moments as we navigate God's word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap.

Daniel Moore: 47:11

We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app Edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as Apple Podcast, deezer, spotify, google Podcast, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and many more. We are also available on your Alexa enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.



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