Daniel Moore: 0:02
Fighting from victory rather than for victory acknowledges that, as believers, we operate from a place of already having conquered through our faith in Jesus, we fight our battles with confidence, knowing that the ultimate victory is already secured. Our role is to submit ourselves to God, resist the enemy and stay infirm in our faith, drawing on the power and victory of God to overcome any challenges or struggles we encounter. This week we have another new episode of Connecting the Gap. We continue our series, the Battle Within overcoming the Invisible War. We'll be back right after this. And a word from our sponsor Are you ready to join the army of warriors who conquer all challenges life throws their way? Look no further than we Are Warriors Apparel at WeAreWarriorsApparelcom. Their merchandise is designed to empower and inspire individuals to overcome any obstacles standing in their path. From stylish, comfortable clothing to eye-catching accessories, their merchandise is crafted with utmost care and attention to detail. But what truly sets them apart is their powerful slogan overcome. It represents the indomitable spirit within every warrior, urging you to push boundaries, shatter limitations and transform your dreams into reality. It encapsulates overcoming self-doubt, adversity and fears to emerge stronger and more resilient. With the opportunity to purchase we Are Warriors Apparel, you not only receive exceptional merchandise, but also a reminder to embrace your untapped courage and strength. From their overcome t-shirts that serve as a daily source of motivation to their overcome hoodies and joggers that symbolize your triumphs. Their offerings are designed to keep your spirit high and unstoppable. Unlock the potential within you and express it proudly through their high quality apparel. Step out into the world with an aura of fearlessness, knowing that you are part of the warrior clan that never surrenders. Don't settle for mediocrity. Embrace your inner warrior and let we Are Warriors Apparel be your partner in conquering life's battles. Visit WeAreWarriorsApparelcom today and equip yourself with the emblem of resilience, determination and the will to overcome. Together, we are unstoppable. Welcome back to another episode of Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Moore and, yes, please go check out my sponsor's website. We've got some great merchandise there that you can purchase from him. And while you're surfing the web, go ahead and head over to connectingthegapnet as well. That's our website. There you'll find out about our ministry. You can also get a copy of the transcript of today's episode and all the previous episodes of this series. And check out our merch shop. We've got lots of great items in our store. It's something new that we've launched here in this last month. T-shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, sweats, you name it. There's all kinds of stuff in there. Go check it out if there's some different designs you can pick from. And go spread the word about connecting the gap with some awesome merch from our store Again, that's at connectingthegapnet. Well, we've reached episode five of our series, the Battle Within, overcoming the Invisible War, and we've got another brand new episode coming your way. It's going to be a good one. If we are going to demolish our strongholds, we have to recognize the power that lies have over us. Think of it this way Once upon a time, in a quiet suburban neighborhood, there lived a playful and curious dog named Max.
Daniel Moore: 4:11
Max had always been full of energy and loved nothing more than chasing after balls, cars and the neighbor's cat whiskers. However, his adventures often got him into trouble, prompting his owner, mr Reynolds, to install an electric fence to keep him safe. Max was excited to explore the outside world, but as soon as he tried for the first time to leave the boundaries of the yard, he touched the electric fence for the first time. In a strong shock coursed through his body. The sensation caught him off guard, leaving him a buzzing reminder of his painful encounter with that electric fence. From that moment on, max associated the fence with pain and quickly learned to stay within the boundaries of the yard, terrified of being shocked again. Mr Reynolds saw after some time that Max had learned his lesson and turned off the fence to be sure an unsuspecting person didn't touch it and get zapped. Days turned into weeks and Max continued to play in the yard, though always within the invisible boundaries of the deactivated electric fence. Meanwhile, the neighbor boy, tommy, grew curious about the fence. After noticing that Max rarely left his area With a mischievous glint in his eye, tommy decided to test whether if that fence was actually on.
Daniel Moore: 5:30
Once sunny afternoon, while Max was lounging in the yard, tommy sneaked over in a Mr Reynolds backyard, planning to jump over the supposed electric fence. As he leaped over, his foot accidentally touched one of the metal posts and to his surprise he felt no shock. Astonished, tommy realized that the fence hadn't been electrified all along. Well, that upset Tommy. He thought about all the fun that Max had missed out on, all because he believed the lie that the fence was still active. Frustrated, tommy approached Mr Reynolds and put a guilt trip on him about having that fence up and it not being activated, making the dog think that it was activated so he wouldn't leave the yard. Well, mr Reynolds, he had some feelings and he started feeling sorry for the dog. So he agreed to dismantle the electric fence and take it down.
Daniel Moore: 6:21
Well, that evening, as Max played in the yard, he noticed the absence of the familiar buzzing sound that reminded him of danger. Confused, but curious, he gingerly approached the once-feared perimeter. He cautiously stuck his paw just outside the boundary, waiting for the sensation of a shock, but none came. Max's tail wagged with joy as he realized that the invisible force that had kept him confined for so long was no longer present. As Max bounded out into the neighborhood, eagerly chasing after balls, cars and even whiskers, he couldn't help but to think about his experience. He realized that he had believed a lie that limited his freedom for far too long, and he wondered if this applied to other aspects of his life as well.
Daniel Moore: 7:08
In his newfound liberty, max roamed freely, always keeping an eye out for lies that may entrap him. He understood that, just as the electric fence had controlled his actions even when it wasn't electrified, our minds can sometimes become trapped by the lies. We believe. Max vowed to be more vigilant, not allowing himself to be bound by falsehoods that hindered his growth and happiness ever again. For the longest time, the only thing that constrained Max was a lie that he believed, and we may laugh. But is it possible? We may be more like Max than we think.
Daniel Moore: 7:45
In life, we all experience moments of hardship and adversity that can leave a lasting impact on our minds and hearts. These challenging circumstances have the power to shape our perception of reality, sometimes leading us to believe a lie that keeps us from moving forward and enjoying life to its fullest. I mean, imagine a person named Emily, who had a successful career, a loving family and a bright outlook on life. Tragedy struck when she lost her beloved husband in a car accident. Overwhelmed by grief and despair, emily couldn't comprehend how such an awful event could occur, and she began to believe a lie I am alone and life will never be good again. This lie took root in her mind and gradually consumed her thoughts, clouding her perception of the world around her. She distanced herself from friends, stopped pursuing her passions and wallowed in sadness, convinced that happiness was no longer within her reach. Emily had unknowingly allowed this lie to control her life, preventing her from moving forward and experiencing joy once again.
Daniel Moore: 8:55
The process of healing is complex and differs for each individual, but overcoming the lies we believe often requires acknowledging their existence. For Emily, this meant recognizing that the death of her husband, although tragic and heartbreaking, did not mean that life would always be devoid of happiness. It required challenging and unraveling the lies she had come to accept as truth. With support from loved ones and leaning on God, emily began to embrace her grief and acknowledge that bad things can happen to good people. She gradually understood that, while pain and loss can be devastating, they don't define the entire tapestry of life. She started to remember the love she shared with her husband, celebrating the joyous memories they created together.
Daniel Moore: 9:44
As Emily continued in her process of healing, she encountered small moments of happiness and gratitude, like relishing a beautiful sunset or finding peace in the laughter of her children. These glimpses of light helped her challenge the lies she had held on to for so long and create a new narrative, one that encompassed both the pain and the potential for joy. Through this process, emily discovered the power of resilience and hope. She understood that bad circumstances had led her to believe a lie that held her captive, but she was determined not to let it control her anymore. Emily chose to seek healing, to rebuild her life and to find meaning and purpose.
Daniel Moore: 10:25
Once again, emily's story reminds us of the harsh reality that the lies we believe can be born out of the most difficult moments in our lives. They can trap us in a negative mindset, preventing us from seizing new opportunities and fully embracing the beauty that surrounds us. Overcoming these lies requires honesty, self-scrutiny and a willingness to challenge our perceptions. By acknowledging the lies that we hold on to and actively working to replace them with truth and hope, we create space for growth, forgiveness and joy. Just like Emily, we have the power to break free from the shackles of these lies and navigate our journey with renewed strength, resilience and an appreciation for life's many blessings.
Daniel Moore: 11:13
The greatest weapon in Satan's arsenal is a lie. This could very possibly be his only weapon. Genesis 3, verses 1-5, tells the story of how Satan, in the form of a serpent, deceived Eve in the Garden of Eden. It says Now, the serpent was more cunning than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said to the woman has God indeed said, you shall not eat of every tree of the garden? And the woman said to the serpent we may eat the fruit of the trees of the garden. But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, god has said you shall not eat it, nor shall you touch it, lest you die. Then the serpent said to the woman you will not surely die, for God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be open, you will be like God, knowing good and evil.
Daniel Moore: 12:06
In this passage we see Satan using a lie to deceive Eve. He questioned God's commandment, making her doubt what she knew to be true. Satan's tactic was to create confusion and misrepresentation in order to undermine God's authority and sow seeds of disobedience. Similarly, in 2 Corinthians 11, verse 3, the apostle Paul warns the Corinthians about the tactics of Satan. It says but I fear lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. Paul expresses his concern that, just as Eve was deceived by the serpent's cunning, the Corinthians' minds might also be corrupted and led away from the truth of Christ.
Daniel Moore: 12:54
Satan employs deception, lies and craftiness to distort and pervert the simplicity and truth found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. From these biblical passages we discern that Satan's methods of deception have not changed over time. He still seeks to deceive and manipulate humanity, instilling doubts, distorting truth and creating confusion. By casting doubt on what we know to be true and appealing to our desires and pride, he attempts to lead us astray. Even today, satan tries to deceive us by twisting God's word, convincing us that we can find fulfillment and happiness by going against God's commands. He appeals to our desires, encourages us to prioritize our own desires above God's will. Just as he enticed Eve with the promise of becoming like God, satan's lies often involve convincing us that our own understanding and wisdom should supersede God's wisdom and guidance. He masks his deceit as freedom, all the while leading us further from God's truth and into spiritual bondage. If Satan can deceive your mind, he can divert you from your promise, distract you from God's voice and destroy your potential.
Daniel Moore: 14:12
Jeremiah 17.9 states the heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Who can know it? This verse reveals the inherent nature of the human heart. It suggests that our hearts are prone to self-deception and are easily led astray. The deceitfulness mentioned here implies that our hearts can mislead us, making us vulnerable to believing lies, including those propagated by the enemy. Additionally, proverbs 14.12 warns that there is a way that may seem right or logical to us, but its ultimate outcome can lead to destruction. The first part of Proverbs 14.12 says there is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.
Daniel Moore: 14:57
These underscores are limited understanding and faulty reasoning. We often perceive certain paths or beliefs as right, based on our own flawed perspectives or desires. Satan exploits this inclination, presenting lies that align with our own flawed reasoning, making them appear attractive and convincing. Together, these verses highlight the human tendency to be easily swayed by deception, both from within our hearts and external influences. Satan cunningly exploits our vulnerabilities, using our flawed nature against us. He presents lies that resonate with our desires, ambitions or doubts, leading us away from God's truth. Satan's lies are often deceptive because they may offer immediate gratification, personal gain or a sense of control. They may appeal to our pride, promising greater wisdom, power or pleasure. These lies resonate with our fallen nature, feeding our selfish desires and masking the eternal consequences of following them. Moreover, satan often distorts God's truth, packaging his lies as half-truths, luring us into embracing them. He exploits our limited understanding and our desire for autonomy, convincing us that we can define truth and morality based on our own perspectives rather than seeking God's wisdom.
Daniel Moore: 16:23
If Satan's primary weapon is lies, then our greatest counterweapon is the truth of God's Word. And that's not just reading God's Word, but to wield Scripture as a divine weapon To combat Satan's lies. We have powerful weapons at our disposal. In Hebrews 4, verse 12, it says For the Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. The Word of God is a mighty weapon against Satan's lies. It is living and powerful, able to penetrate our hearts and reveal the truth.
Daniel Moore: 17:05
By immersing ourselves in Scripture, studying and meditating on God's Word, we gain discernment and counteract Satan's deceit. In Ephesians 6-17, it says and take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. In a spiritual battle against deception, we are encouraged to take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. By using Scripture to counter Satan's lies, we equip ourselves with this powerful weapon protecting our minds and hearts. In Romans 12-2, it says Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind that by testing, you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. In order to combat Satan's lies, we are called to renew our minds. By rejecting and conforming influences of the world and aligning our thoughts and beliefs with the truth of God's Word, we gain discernment to recognize and resist the enemy's deceit.
Daniel Moore: 18:05
In 2 Timothy 2, verse 25 and 26, correcting his opponents with gentleness, god may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil after being captured by him to do his will. As believers, we have a responsibility to gently correct others who have fallen into Satan's lies. By helping others come to repentance and a knowledge of the truth, we contribute to their liberation from the enemy's grip. And in John 8, verse 32, it says and you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. Jesus himself declared that knowing the truth sets us free.
Daniel Moore: 18:48
By seeking and embracing the truth found in him, we can break free from the bondage of Satan's lies. Through a deepening relationship with Jesus, the embodiment of truth, we find the strength and discernment to combat deception. To effectively combat Satan's lies, we must utilize these tools and immerse ourselves in God's Word. By relying on Scripture, renewing our minds and seeking Jesus' truth, we can stand firm against the enemy's deceit and experience the freedom and victory found in Christ. We're going to take a break here for a moment. We come back. We're going to continue this discussion this week on the battle within. We'll be back right after this.
chataboutjesus.com: 19:45
The sign outside the auto body shop said we meet by accident Pretty clever God could hang out a similar sign. Many times it's the unexpected things that go wrong that get us thinking about God again. Hard times can be the one thing that really makes us ready to get serious about God. Don't wait for life to go wrong to get connected with God. Find out how you could always have him with you. Call or text us at 888-NEED-HIM. You are the reason for life to end inside my lungs. You've taken hold of my heart and there's no doubt in that. Your love is unexplainable phenomenon, and when your grace is done, there's nothing but a miracle. So tell me, how could I ever turn away from you when you've always been away? The life and the truth. You've given me a new heart To reality, living for the one who set me free. You've given me a vision better than a dream. You ain't gotta wake me up. It's not a fantasy. You're the God.
Daniel Moore: 21:00
You're the God. You're the God. Welcome back to this week's episode of Connecting the Gap. I'm Daniel Moore.
Daniel Moore: 21:12
We are continuing our study on the battle within overcoming the invisible war. When we've been held captive by the lies we believe, we now have to take those lies captive. Capturing Satan's lies involves actively engaging with our thoughts and emotions to identify the problem, asking probing questions and pinpointing the specific lie. The following steps can aid in this process. First of all, we need to identify the problem. The first step is to recognize that there may be a liar deception influencing our thoughts and beliefs. This requires self-awareness and an acknowledgement that the enemy may be at work. When negative emotions, doubts or unhelpful patterns persist, we can search out their origin and consider if they align with God's truth. Secondly, we need to ask probing questions. Once we identify a troubling thought or belief, we can probe deeper to understand its root by asking questions such as where does this thought or belief come from, or what evidence supports or contradicts this belief? We can gain clarity about its origin and validity by asking certain questions. Thirdly, pinpoint the lie.
Daniel Moore: 22:33
Through God's Word and prayer, we can pinpoint the specific lie being presented by Satan. Lies often contradict God's truth and seek to deceive us in the negative thinking patterns, doubt, fear or sinful behavior. Unmasking the lie allows us to replace it with God's truth. For example, let's say a person believes they are unworthy of love and consistently sabotages their relationships. They can identify the problem by recognizing the negative emotions and patterns in their relationships. Probing questions may involve asking why they feel unworthy or where this belief originated. Through self-scrutiny and prayer, they might pinpoint the lie I am unlovable and unworthy of love. Well, once the lie is identified, they can counter it with the truth of God's Word, such as in Romans 5-8, which states that God demonstrates his love for us through Christ's sacrifice.
Daniel Moore: 23:33
In capturing Satan's lies, it is essential to engage in prayer and rely on the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Word of God is a powerful tool in discerning truth and falsehood, so we should study and meditate on Scripture to equip ourselves. Additionally, seeking wise counsel from trusted Christian mentors or counselors or your pastor can provide valuable insights and support into the process. By intentionally engaging with our thoughts and emotions, asking probing questions and pinpointing the specific lie being presented, we actively combat Satan's deception. This enables us to replace the lies with God's truth, leading to healing, freedom and a renewed mindset, aligned with his wisdom and love. The battle we are in is especially insidious because it is invisible. We can't see our enemy, we don't realize he is the one leading us to believe the lies which we probably don't even recognize as lies.
Daniel Moore: 24:34
One of the most notable instances of a spiritual battle in visible form is recorded in Matthew 4, verses 1-11. This event takes place immediately after Jesus was baptized and before the start of his ministry. It is often referred to as a temptation of Jesus. In this narrative, jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness where he fasts for 40 days and nights. During this time, the devil appears to Jesus and tempts him in three specific ways, which ultimately represents challenges to his obedience and trust in God. The first temptation occurs when the devil tempts Jesus to turn stones into bread. Jesus responds by quoting Deuteronomy 8.3, saying man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God, that is, in Matthew 4.4. This statement emphasizes the importance in spiritual nourishment and reliance on God's Word rather than seeking immediate physical satisfaction. The second temptation involves the devil taking Jesus to the pinnacle of the temple in Jerusalem and suggesting that he throw himself down, quoting Psalm 91, 11, and 12. The devil argues that if Jesus is indeed the Son of God, angels will save him from harm. However, jesus counters by quoting Deuteronomy 6.16, saying Again it is written you shall not put the Lord, your God, to the test. That is Matthew 4.7. This response demonstrates Jesus' trust in God's protection without the need for reckless test of faith.
Daniel Moore: 26:13
The final temptation takes place on a high mountain where the devil shows Jesus all the kingdoms of the world and offers him authority and glory if Jesus would worship him. Jesus firmly rejects his offer, responding with another quote from Scripture Be gone, satan, for it is written, you shall worship the Lord, your God, and him only shall you serve. That is Matthew 4.10, referencing Deuteronomy 6.13. This demonstrates Jesus' unwavering commitment to worshiping and serving God alone. In each of these temptations, jesus wields the massive power of God through his knowledge and application of Scripture. By quoting relevant passages from the Old Testament, jesus affirms his understanding of God's truth and his devotion to fulfilling God's will. Through these scriptural declarations, jesus successfully defeats the devil and emerges victorious in the spiritual battle.
Daniel Moore: 27:10
The Replacement Principle, also known as the Truth Principle, is a concept rooted in the belief that we can combat Satan's lies and deceptive tactics by replacing them with truth found in God's Word, the Bible. By understanding and embracing God's truth, we can counteract the lies and negative thoughts that Satan uses to deceive and discourage us. Here are a few examples of how we can apply this principle. 1. Satan's Lie you are unworthy of God's love and forgiveness. The Replacement Truth is found in Romans 5-8. God demonstrates his own love for us in this. While we were still sinners, christ died for us. When Satan tries to convince us that we are unworthy of God's love and forgiveness, we can replace that lie with the truth that God's love is unconditional and that his forgiveness is available to all who repent and believe in Jesus Christ.
Daniel Moore: 28:09
2. Satan's Lie you are alone and abandoned. No one cares about you. The Replacement Truth is in Hebrews 13-5. Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you. When Satan tries to make us feel isolated and abandoned, we can counter his lies by embracing the truth that God's promises to be with us, always offering comfort and companionship in every season of our lives.
Daniel Moore: 28:37
3. Satan's Lie you cannot overcome your struggles and temptations. The Replacement Truth is in 1 Corinthians 10-13. No temptation has overtaken you, except what is common to mankind, and God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, but when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it. When Satan tries to convince us that we are powerless against our struggles and temptations, we can replace his lie with the truth that God is faithful and will provide a way for us to overcome. By relying on God's strength and following his guidance, we can resist temptation and walk in victory.
Daniel Moore: 29:20
One more example of a Satan's lie you are not good enough. You will never be able to measure up the Replacement Truth, for that one is in Ephesians 2-10. For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do. When Satan tries to undermine our self-worth and value, we can replace his lies with the truth that we are God's masterpiece, created with the purpose In Christ. We have the ability to make a meaningful impact by fulfilling the good works that God has prepared for us. These are just a few examples of how we can employ the Replacement Principle in our lives. By meditating on and speaking God's truth over the lives of the enemy, we can experience freedom, renewed perspective and a strengthened relationship with God. So whenever we feel like we need to impress people, we take that thought captive and make it obedient to Christ. The verb tense of take captive in the original text of the Bible implies a repeated and continuous action. This is not something you do once. This is something you will do thousands of times in your life, maybe even dozens of times per day. It's a battle that we all must face, even myself, moment by moment in our life.
Daniel Moore: 30:43
Chip Ingram, in his book the Invisible War, shared a story he says we arrived in India six days after the tsunami hit. We had traveled over 30 hours straight and I had barely slept. In the last three days I would be teaching a city-wide crusade in a city where 160 people were swept off the beach and a fishing village was destroyed. The cab driver who took us into that city from the airport began to give us the lay of the land. The people here are very mad at God, he told us. They do not know why he is punishing them. He then described the spiritual climate as it related to the Hindus, muslims and Christians. He painted a picture of doubt, desperation and confusion. The church was in grave need and yet it had an unprecedented opportunity to reach out to many who felt abandoned and betrayed by the gods they worshiped.
Daniel Moore: 31:36
I fell asleep quickly that night, but awakened within a couple of hours. My room was dark, my body was worn out, I was apprehensive about what I would teach the following day and was very vulnerable to spiritual attack. The following six hours would be among the worst of my life. It was as though I was under an all-out assault from hell itself. Thoughts of condemnation and death bombarded my mind for hours. The enemy whispered, lie after lie, into the recesses of my mind as I quoted scripture and attempted to pray. Doubts that had not entered my mind since I was a new Christian came at me full force. Throughout the night I felt lonely, weak and completely inadequate for the task. In desperation, I turned on my CD player, put on my headphones and began to worship the Lord. I couldn't pray, I couldn't think, I couldn't concentrate. After hours of battle and feeling very defeated, I couldn't address the enemy anymore. All I could think was that God inhabits the praises of His people, as it says in Psalms 22-3. At first I felt nothing, but little by little, as I sang in adoration, the grip of darkness in the room was broken.
Daniel Moore: 32:57
I met my friend and collaborator, phil, for breakfast and shared my exhausting experience with him. He immediately asked me what time it began, because he had gone through a similar experience. He had found relief only by reading through 1st and 2nd Peter multiple times during the night. As we approached the ministry in India together, the need seemed so overwhelming and we felt so weak and inadequate that we questioned what real good we could do in the situation. We were two senior leaders of an international Christian ministry with the awesome opportunity to give people hope for both now and eternity. And yet we were struggling. We were vulnerable to the enemy's shots of doubt, condemnation and deception coming our way. We both experienced a major breakthrough and saw God do amazing things at the crusade. We had an overflow of crowd of thousands at our all-day seminar on the miracle of life change from used visions 4. We saw Christians rise up in faith and give generously to relieve the needs of both Christians and non-Christians in the city. God was triumphant and we were delivered.
Daniel Moore: 34:10
How the key came through a phone conversation Phil remembered having with his son six months earlier when we were in East Asia. We were hours ahead of United States time zones and the Olympics were being taped and rebroadcast. Back home, phil's son was less than attentive to his father's phone call explaining that the United States basketball team was on television and losing by ten points. Phil encouraged him by assuring him the United States would win. What his son didn't know was that the game was already over and we knew the final score. No, dad, you don't understand. Phil's son told him we're losing and it doesn't look good at all. Phil nevertheless guaranteed that, despite how things looked, our basketball team would win. You can relax, this is going to come out just fine. Maybe it sounds strange, but God used that random conversation to restore my perspective.
Daniel Moore: 35:08
Phil and I had battled through some of the most severe opposition we had ever faced, and in the midst of it I had forgotten one of the most important aspects of spiritual warfare we do not fight for victory, but from victory. Just as Phil knew the final outcome of the basketball game while his son agonized over it, we knew the final outcome of our battles, in spite of their fierceness. Somehow in the wee hours of the morning, as I was fighting doubts and condemnation, I lost sight of the airtight reality that the victory has already been won by Jesus. Spiritual warfare is never an attempt to gain the victory. It is standing firm in what we already possess. As believers in Christ. We don't fight for victory, we fight from victory. In Christ's power, we are invincible. This refers to the mindset and perspective of a believer in their spiritual battles. It means that, as Christians, we don't strive or struggle to attain victory because we already possess it through our faith in Jesus Christ.
Daniel Moore: 36:14
In John 4-4, it says you, dear children, are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world. This verse reminds us that, as believers, we have already overcome the challenges and obstacles of the world because of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit within us. We fight from a position of victory because the power of God resides within us. In 1 John 5, verses 4-5, it says For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. These verses show that our victory over the world, its temptations and its struggles, are already achieved through our faith in Jesus. By believing in Him, we embrace the victory that has been secured for us.
Daniel Moore: 37:08
In Revelation 12-11, it says they triumphed over Him by the blood of the Lamb and by the Word of their testimony. They did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. This verse emphasizes how believers overcome the enemy, satan, through the power of Christ's sacrificial death on the cross. Our victory is won through the blood of Jesus and the testimony of our faith. By recognizing and proclaiming this victory, we fight our battles confidently. And in James 4-7, submit yourselves then to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. This verse encourages believers to resist the devil, knowing that when we submit ourselves to God and His authority, we have the assurance that the devil will eventually flee from us. Again, this emphasizes that victory is already established through our relationship with God and we fight from that position of victory. The concept of fighting from victory rather than for victory acknowledges that, as believers, we operate from a place of already having conquered through our faith in Jesus. We fight our battles with confidence, knowing that the ultimate victory is already secured. Our role is to submit ourselves to God, resist the enemy and stand firm in our faith, drawing on the power and victory of Christ to overcome any challenges or struggles that we encounter.
Daniel Moore: 38:31
Satan is a defeated foe. This is emphasized in John 12-31, where Jesus says Now is the time for judgment on this world. Now the Prince of this world will be driven out. This statement indicates that Satan's power and authority over the world are coming to an end through Jesus' redemptive work. In John 10-10, jesus states the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I have come that they may have life and have it to the full. Here Jesus contrasts himself with the enemy, satan, who seeks to bring destruction and death into people's lives. But Jesus came to give abundant life, rescuing us from the enemy's lies and schemes.
Daniel Moore: 39:14
And in Colossians 2, verse 15, it further reinforces this victory over Satan. He says In having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them triumphing over them by the cross. Through Jesus' death and resurrection, jesus disarmed the powers of darkness and made a public display of his victory over them. This passage shows that Jesus defeated and triumphed over Satan through his sacrificial act on the cross. With these verses in mind, it becomes clear that Satan's defeat was accomplished by Jesus' work on the cross. Through his death and resurrection, jesus destroyed the works and lives of the devil, setting us free from his power.
Daniel Moore: 39:58
As believers, we can confidently proclaim that Satan is a defeated foe and his authority over our lives has been nullified by the victory of Christ. However, while Satan's ultimate defeat is certain, he still continues to wage spiritual battles in an attempt to disrupt and deceive believers. It is crucial for us to remain alert, armed with the truth of God's Word, and rely on the power of the Holy Spirit to resist his attacks. By firmly standing in the victory of Christ, we can overcome Satan's lies and live in the fullness of the abundant life that Jesus has provided for us.
Daniel Moore: 40:36
If you are currently in a situation, right now, where you are living in a lie, satan has pronounced lies over your life and you have chosen to believe those lies that he has put inside of you, it is time for you to be victorious. It is time for you to stand up, take the Word of God and fight for what is yours. Fight for that victory that's already been provided by Christ on the cross. If you've never had Christ in your life as a believer, or maybe if you've been a believer before but you've gotten away from God, I have a page on my website at connectingthegapnet that gives the steps on how to be saved. If you still have further questions after checking that out and doing so, you can email me at Daniel at connectingthegapnet or there's a form on our contact page to reach out. I'll do the best I can to answer questions you have. Pray with you, help you through whatever you need to get you back on track with God and to defeat Satan and tell him that he can lie about you no more. If you need a Bible and you don't have one, let me know. I'll be sure to get you one and get a Bible in your hand so that you will have that weapon that you need to come up against Satan and his demonic forces and drive those lies out of your life. That's gonna wrap up this episode of Connecting the Gap. For this week, visit my website, connectingthegapnet, for everything about our ministry. Thank you guys for listening. Don't forget the transcripts for today's episode, as on my website as well. I'm out of here till next week. Hope you have a great, blessed week. Until then, don't forget that God's word never fails us. God's word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap You've been listening to Connecting the Gap podcast.
Daniel Moore: 42:19
I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast, and I personally thank you for listening. Each week In this world there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives. This podcast is birthed from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week, we take a few moments as we navigate God's word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap. We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app, edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as Apple Podcast, deezer, spotify, google Podcast, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and many more. We are also available on your Alexa enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.