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Choosing the Helmet of Salvation against Satan and his Demons - Episode 167

Writer: Daniel MooreDaniel Moore

Daniel Moore: 0:03

How do spiritual battles manifest themselves throughout our daily lives? How do we navigate spiritual battles and why is God so concerned about our minds? Well, this week we're going to discuss that and more in our continued study on spiritual warfare. In this episode of Connecting the Gap, we're continuing our series, the Battle Within Overcoming the Invisible War. This week we're in Part 13. We'll be back right after this, and a word from our sponsor.

They, they say that it is darkest right before the dawn. So remember, no matter what battle you are facing, what war is raging the dawn is coming.

Daniel Moore: 1:26

Prepare for battle, prepare for victory. Be sure to visit our sponsor's website at wearewarriorsapparelcom. Welcome to another episode of Connecting the Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore and we have a good one lined up for you this week, as we're in part 13 of our 17-part series on spiritual warfare the battle within, overcoming the invisible war. Thank you, guys, for taking some time to join me this week as we continue this study. Don't forget that you can visit my website, connectingthegapnet. There we have a merch link that you can go buy some Connecting the Gap merchandise hoodies, shirts, sweatshirts, cups, mugs, hats all kinds of different things are available there. We have a few different designs that you can pick from. There are some more coming here in the near future, so please go check that out. You can find that link on my website and then, if you'd like a transcript for this week's episode, you can find that there as well.

Daniel Moore: 2:24

At connectingthegapnet, you can see the evidence of worry on his face. Years and years of anxiety were written into each wrinkle, the graying eyebrows, the sagging corner of his eyes and even his pale coloring. He had been a faithful Christian from early in his life church every Sunday, almost regular Bible readings, consistent tithes, service as a deacon and no hint of moral failure. He had been married for decades and raised a couple of respectable children, and he had run his business honestly. He was a fine, upstanding citizen with an awful lot of stress. His stress had compelled him to live his life extremely conservatively. In his business, that made for moderate success. As a Christian, that made for mediocrity. He dismissed opportunities for extravagant steps of faith. They were always too risky, something an unstable person would do. Besides, he said, you could never know if God was really leading you or not. He also dismissed opportunities for extravagant generosity. He never gave more than a tithe because quote one never knows when one might need something for a rainy day. Unquote. He rarely expressed any emotion to anyone really, but especially in his worship to God. He may have loved others, but no one could tell. He never let his love show itself. That would have required too much vulnerability. Though he had never made any major mistakes not the kind people can see. Anyway, he was full of regrets. His sins were relatively few, but he had no hope of putting them behind him. He was only human after all. He did know a few Bible verses about forgiveness, but only the really important ones. You know. John 3.16, of course, and his favorite. You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free in John 8.32. Except he looked like the truth had made him miserable. He did everything that people expect a good Christian to do, and he did it with painful persistence.

Daniel Moore: 4:49

What was this man's problem? Well, he was eaten up with doubts, anxieties, a lack of confidence in God's power and a fear of the unknown, and to him almost everything was unknown. He was certain that he wanted to be a Christian, but he was uncertain about everything else. He believed the Bible is the word of God, but he was too suspicious of his understanding to ever stand firmly on it. He took steps forward in his Christian walk, but they had to be small and predictable steps. He could never bring himself to believe God's extravagant promises. Any voice that urged him to cast all his cares on his father came across to him as the voice of irresponsibility and wishful thinking. He gave what was necessary of his time, talents and treasure, but he never gave out of any kind of passion. Passion, in fact, had to be subdued. It's hard to be filled with doubts and enthusiasm at the same time. Uncertainty won't allow for that sort of nonsense. Not in worship, not in service, not in relationships, not in work. I mean really not in service, not in relationships, not in work, I mean really not in anything.

Daniel Moore: 6:07

When it came down to it, this man wasn't even sure of his own salvation. To him, the gospel was only a reasonably safe bet. His thinking may have made him a solid citizen, but he was a miserable Christian. He had lost the battle for his mind long ago, and it was written all over his face. There's an answer for someone in that kind of bondage to his own distorted thinking. In fact, it's more than an answer. It's an effective antidote to worry, discouragement, doubt, despair and even boredom. It applies when we are tempted to embrace relativism, another religion, a watering down of the gospel or any other such tactic that corrupts our understanding. It won't guarantee that we will never fail, but it will guarantee that failure isn't final. Underneath all the uncertainties of life is a rock-solid foundation, and the only way we can stand on it is the way we think. Our thoughts have far more influence on us than our circumstances or our relationships do. If a redeemed mind truly understands salvation and is set on the Spirit of God Himself, it will lead to fruitfulness and victory, and it will have to be protected very, very well.

Daniel Moore: 7:28

Francis Schaeffer once said the spiritual battle, the loss of victory, is always in the thought world. In our fast-paced microwave popcorn society, it is increasingly evident that there is a relentless and ongoing battle for our minds. This battle, however, extends beyond the reality of external influences such as advertising, social media, the woke society that we increasingly have to deal with, or the problems and emergencies life throws at us every day. It dives into a deeper dimension, a spiritual one that often goes unnoticed or ignored. Unnoticed or ignored, the spiritual battle for our mind encompasses the conflicts between positive and negative, light and darkness, truth and deception, righteousness and evil. It is a struggle of cosmic proportions, fought not only in the physical realm, but also in the world of thoughts, beliefs and emotions. The human mind is a powerful and enigmatic entity. It is a battleground where ideas, ideologies and belief systems clash for supremacy. It is in this battlefield of the mind that our thoughts take shape, shaping our perception of reality, influencing our decisions and, ultimately, defining our actions.

Daniel Moore: 8:48

This spiritual battle manifests itself in various ways throughout our daily lives. It can be seen in the constant stream of distractions and temptations that seek to divert our attention from what truly matters. It can be observed in the inner turmoil that arises from conflicting values, desires and motivations, that arises from conflicting values, desires and motivations. It can even be felt when we face challenges or adversity that test our resilience, faith and character. The spiritual battle for our mind is waged on multiple fronts through media, advertising, peer pressure and societal norms that often promote superficiality, materialism and selfishness. It has also fought through our own inner demons, doubts, fears and negative thought patterns that sabotage our well-being, personal growth and inner peace.

Daniel Moore: 9:40

To navigate this battle, it is crucial to cultivate awareness and discernment. We must strive to recognize the influences that seek to manipulate or control our minds and consciously choose what we expose ourselves to. This involves critically evaluating the information we consume, questioning its sources and intentions, and being mindful of its potential impact on our thoughts and beliefs. Satan loves to package up a bag of doo-doo and serve it as a lamb chop. Fostering a strong spiritual foundation can provide us with a solid framework to counteract the forces of darkness. It requires us to seek a higher wisdom or guidance from God. The spiritual battle for our mind is an ongoing process that requires constant vigilance and hard work. It calls us to examine our thoughts, beliefs and actions and consciously align them with values, principles and truths that promote growth, compassion and a more solid walk with God. This brings us to the last piece of armor that God would have us to put on, which is the helmet, or, as it is biblically known, the helmet of salvation.

Daniel Moore: 10:53

The helmet worn by a Roman soldier was called a galea. It was an essential piece of protective equipment that played a vital role in safeguarding the soldier's head during battle. The design and construction of the galea evolved over time, adapting to the needs and preferences of the Roman military. The typical Roman helmet consisted of several components. The main part was called the skullcap. It covered the top of the head and extended down toward the nape of the neck. The skullcap had a rounded shape to deflect blows and featured a ridge along the top called a crest. For additional reinforcement To protect the face, a face mask or visor was attached to the front of the galea.

Daniel Moore: 11:38

This visor was hinged so that it could be lifted or lowered as needed during combat. The face mask generally covered the lower portion of the face, leaving the eyes and the region around them exposed. It provided protection from slashing or stabbing attacks, while also allowing the soldier to have a clear line of sight. The galea was typically made of metal, most commonly iron or bronze. Layers of metal would be hammered or molded into shape, creating a sturdy and durable helmet capable of withstanding direct hits. Some helmets featured additional reinforcement in the form of cheek guards or extra ridges for added protection. To ensure a proper fit, a leather or padded liner was often placed inside the galea. The liner absorbed shock and provided a cushioning effect, increasing comfort while wearing the helmet for extended periods. It also helped to secure the helmet in place, minimizing movement during intense combat situations.

Daniel Moore: 12:41

In terms of protection, the galea offered vital defense to the soldier. Its primary purpose was to safeguard the head from direct blows that could cause severe injury or even death. The rounded shape and sturdy construction helped disperse the impact of a strike, reducing the chance of skull fractures or brain trauma. The face mask provided protection for the soldier's nose, mouth and cheeks, shielding them from sword slashes or spear thrust. It served as a crucial barrier between the soldier and his opponents. Additionally, the visor could be raised during less intense moments of the battle, allowing ventilation and improving visibility. While the Galea provided vital head protection, it was not entirely impenetrable Blows from powerful weapons or concentrated strikes could still prove dangerous, and certain vulnerable points like the eyes remained exposed. However, overall, the Galea played a significant role in enhancing the soldier's survival chances on the battlefield by providing valuable head and facial protection. Now, wouldn't it be awesome to have that kind of protection from Satan and his mind darts? Well, in case you weren't aware, we do have protection as part of the armor of God.

Daniel Moore: 14:02

There is an obvious allusion in this metaphor to the security we have in our salvation in our new birth. As we accepted, christ was baptized and justified through faith and delivered from eternity in hell and darkness. In the scripture in Ephesians 6.17,. Taking up this helmet gives us active deliverance from sin in the moment. The present evil that we live in today creates a battle that we have to fight moment by moment. There are many senses of salvation in the Bible, such as being delivered from enemies, calamity, sin and captivity, just to name a few. There are also three tenses of salvation in the New Testament. In the Bible, the concept of salvation is often described in three different tenses past, present and future. These three tenses show us different aspects of the Christian believer's journey and experience.

Daniel Moore: 14:56

With salvation Number one, we have been saved or justified. In Romans 8 24 and Ephesians 2 8, the idea of being saved or justified is portrayed in the past tense. It refers to the initial moment of salvation when a person puts their faith in Jesus Christ. This act of faith enables believers to receive forgiveness of sins, be reconciled with God and establish a new relationship with Him. This past salvation or justification is not based on our own works or merit, but is a gift of God's grace received through faith. Secondly, we are being saved or sanctified.

Daniel Moore: 15:40

The present tense of salvation, often referred to as sanctification, is depicted in 1 Corinthians 1.18. It represents the ongoing process of transformation and growth in the life of a believer. After accepting Christ, christians are continually being conformed to His likeness and are called to live a holy and set-apart life. Sanctification involves the work of the Holy Spirit within us, gradually maturing and shaping our character to align with God's will. It is an ongoing journey of learning, repentance and reliance on God's grace to become more like Christ. And thirdly, we will be saved, or glorification.

Daniel Moore: 16:24

The future tense of salvation, also known as glorification, is discussed in 1 Corinthians 3.15 and 1 Peter 1.5. It refers to the ultimate completion of our salvation, when Christ returns or when we depart from this earthly life, believers will experience the fullness of salvation. This includes the resurrection of our bodies and our ultimate transformation into a state of perfection, free from the presence of sin and its effects. Glorification marks the consummation of our salvation, where we will enter into eternal life in the presence of God. While we have already been saved and justified by faith, we continue to be sanctified through a process of growing in Christlikeness. Ultimately, we look forward to the future hope of glorification, when we will experience the fullness of eternal life with God.

Daniel Moore: 17:19

We are used to the concept of salvation in the past tense. That's the moment that we came to Christ with our life and submitted it to Him to fulfill His ordained work. Through us, we give ourselves to His purpose. But the word salvation literally means deliverance, and it is more often than not used to describe us being delivered from a threatening enemy. Through salvation, god protects us from the enemy. Today, this is an ongoing experience of protection and deliverance from sin daily. The visual of the helmet of salvation, then, is the absolute certainty of deliverance from the enemy and protection for our minds during times of battle.

Daniel Moore: 18:02

The helmet of salvation gives us the capability of reasoning logically and wisely from a biblical perspective and worldview, no matter how that worldview comes under attack. This is a battle that has been proven time and time again that we cannot win for ourselves, but it is a protection we can choose to receive from God. It is up to us to make that choice to win or lose God. It is up to us to make that choice to win or lose. To see how that works, let's look at it from a different angle, using Romans 12.2.

Daniel Moore: 18:35

In Romans 12.2, the Apostle Paul urges believers to renew their minds and not conform to the pattern of this world. This transformation involves a conscious choice to let God's truth and wisdom shape our thoughts, beliefs and actions. By aligning our minds with God's will and discerning what is good and pleasing to Him, we can experience spiritual growth and protection from the detrimental influences of the world. Similarly, the helmet of salvation is a spiritual metaphor reminding us of the importance of guarding our minds. Just as a physical helmet protects the head, the helmet of salvation defends our minds from negative influences, doubts and attacks from the enemy. It reminds us that the assurance of our salvation and our identity as children of God serve as a protective covering for our thoughts, emotions and beliefs.

Daniel Moore: 19:27

By consciously choosing to embrace our salvation and the truth of God's Word, we can equip ourselves with the helmet of salvation. This involves regularly studying and meditating on the scriptures, seeking a deeper understanding of God's promises and His love for us. Through this process, we develop a strong foundation of faith which helps us combat the lies, temptations and doubts that may assail our minds. The helmet of salvation also reminds us that our transformation and protection from the battles of life are not solely dependent on our own efforts. It is through the power and work of the Holy Spirit that we are enabled to discern and follow God's will. By surrendering to Him and allowing His transformative work in our lives, we align ourselves with His purposes and experience His guidance, strength and protection. We're going to take a break here for a moment. We come back. We're going to continue the discussion this week on the helmet of salvation and how that protects us and the mind games that Satan tries to throw at us each and every day. We'll be back right after this.

Where is Jesus in your marriage? God gave us marriage as a sweet gift. It's supposed to be a covenant relationship that a husband and wife enter into with Jesus. Too often we get caught up in life, work and raising kids and we leave Jesus behind in our marriages. We forget that glorifying God is part of what marriage is actually about. Jesus wants to be first in your marriage and in your heart. If you want to learn how to have a personal relationship with Jesus, then call or text us at 888-NEED-HIM.

Daniel Moore: 21:33

Welcome back to the podcast this week. I'm Daniel Moore, your host. Thank you for joining me. We're continuing our series this week on the battle within overcoming the invisible war. It's our extensive study on spiritual warfare as we kick off the second half here. Why is God so concerned about our minds? Well, god is deeply concerned about our minds because it is the battleground where spiritual battles are fought. Our thoughts, beliefs and mindsets shape our perception of reality and influence our actions and responses. In 2 Corinthians 10, 3-5, these verses emphasize the spiritual warfare that occurs in our minds. They speak of weapons that are not carnal but mighty through God, able to pull down strongholds and bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ. This indicates that our thoughts and the strongholds of false beliefs or deceptive thinking patterns must be confronted and transformed by aligning them with the truth of God's Word. It underscores the importance of having a renewed and transformed mind In John 17, 17,. Jesus prays to the Father saying sanctify them by your truth. Your word is truth. The emphasis here is on the truth of God's word, sanctifying or setting believers apart. God's word reveals truth and when we embrace it, it shapes and purifies our minds. It guards us against deception and falsehood and aligns us with God's perspective.

Daniel Moore: 23:05

In Romans 8, verses 6-7,. These verses show the contrast between the mindset on the flesh and the mindset on the spirit. The mindset on the flesh is described as hostile to God and unable to please Him. Conversely, the mindset on the Spirit brings life and peace. It shows that our mindset and orientation determine our relationship with God. A mindset on the flesh limits our spiritual growth and hampers our ability to discern and please God, while a mindset on the Spirit leads to a transformed life and deep communion with Him. Set on the Spirit leads to a transformed life and deep communion with Him.

Daniel Moore: 23:46

In 2 Corinthians 4.4,. This verse speaks of the God of this age blinding the minds of unbelievers to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel, which leads to death. It reveals that spiritual battle for our minds is not limited to believers, but extends to those who have yet to accept the truth of God's word. Satan aims to distort and blind minds to hinder people from embracing the truth and experiencing salvation. This is how Satan deceives non-believers from accepting the truth of God. He has blinded their minds. God is concerned about our minds because our minds influence every aspect of our lives. He desires to renew and transform our minds through the truth of His Word, enabling us to discern and embrace His will. Our minds are the gateway to our relationship with God, impacting our ability to align with His truth, experience His peace and resist the deceptions of the enemy. Experience His peace and resist the deceptions of the enemy In our daily lives.

Daniel Moore: 24:46

The emphasis on renewing the human mind and wearing the helmet of salvation plays out in various ways. As we navigate struggles, doubts and the constant barrage of lies from the enemy, one thing we have to do is recognize and reject false teachings. The New Testament warns about the presence of false teachers who distort the truth. By renewing our minds through studying and meditating on God's Word, we develop discernment to recognize falsehoods and deception. This enables us to protect ourselves from being led astray and make choices aligned with God's truth. Another way renewing our mind helps us is overcoming struggles and doubts.

Daniel Moore: 25:23

Renewing our minds with God's truth helps us combat struggles and doubts that often come our way when we face challenges. The helmet of salvation allows us to cling to the eternal truth revealed in the Bible. This truth reminds us of God's faithfulness, love and promises, giving us the strength and confidence to overcome difficulties and trust in His plan for our lives. Another thing renewing our minds does for us it filters out the enemy's lies. The enemy constantly bombards us with lies trying to lead us away from God's truth. Wearing the helmet of salvation means actively guarding our minds against these lies. It involves continuously filling our thoughts with scripture, prayer and seeking God's wisdom. By doing so, we fortify ourselves against the enemy's attempts to deceive and discourage us.

Daniel Moore: 26:14

And a fourth thing that renewing our mind does for us it cultivates a transformed mindset. The renewing of our minds is a transformative process. As we immerse ourselves in God's word, his truth becomes deeply ingrained in our thinking patterns. This renewal reshapes our perspectives, attitudes and responses to life's challenges. Instead of being overwhelmed by worldly concerns and anxieties, we learn to view situations from a heavenly perspective, trusting in God's sovereignty and depending on His guidance.

Daniel Moore: 26:47

Wearing the helmet of salvation in our daily lives is a conscious and intentional choice. It requires a commitment to regularly engage with God's Word, being open to the Holy Spirit's guidance and actively rejecting the lies and deceptions of the enemy. By doing so, we safeguard our minds, ensuring that God's truth remains firmly planted and influential in every area of our lives. When we actively protect our minds from the enemy. We can default to truth when we are in the midst of an attack. That's when we need it the most. When we're filled up with real knowledge of God and his truth, there isn't any room for counterfeits. Paul used this metaphor again in 1 Thessalonians 5.8, where he told us, as believers, to put on the hope of salvation as a helmet. We need to remember when we are in a supernatural battle, the front line of conflict is between our ears.

Daniel Moore: 27:43

Back in 2008, my wife Michelle and I went through a very difficult time in our marriage. It actually went so far as for her to be looking at apartments and I truly thought that our marriage was going to be over. We were both at fault. I had to come to terms that things I had done to kickstart our marriage off was done in the wrong way, which led her to not have the love for me that she once had. I had let her down in so many ways and it cultivated a true hate for me inside of her that eventually ate on her so long that she was done. I spent many hours walking the floor praying after I realized what had been done and when all hope seemed lost and all I could see was a wave of darkness. God's light shone through, only through God, we started working on our marriage again. I could once again see a glimmer of hope where there was seemingly no hope. God eventually restored us back and we started over again.

Daniel Moore: 28:42

In the years to follow, we were heading toward some seriously rough times with my wife's health. Michelle had always fought bad migraines, ever since we were first married and even before she had fought them, and they seemed to get worse and worse as time went along. A lot of the pain was attributed to cysts she had on her ovaries that would flare up from time to time. They tried an endometrial ablation surgery, where they burn and remove a thin layer of tissue that lines the uterus, hoping that would solve some of the female issues she was having. Over time we realized that was not the solution to the problem, so we decided, with the medical recommendation, for her to have a complete hysterectomy. There are two ways to have one of those they can cut you open or they can do it robotically. To eliminate healing and recovery time, we chose to have her do the robotic procedure.

Daniel Moore: 29:38

The surgery went well and my wife recovered from the surgery. A short time later she started noticing her arm swelling and hurting. The next day we went to help our daughter move into her dorm at college, and the pain in Michelle's arm was almost unbearable. We left and headed for the ER in our hometown and when we arrived they started extensive testing. In the process of the testing, they found a massive blood clot in her jugular, and she was then admitted into the hospital and transferred to a bigger hospital in the town next to us.

Daniel Moore: 30:11

After running extensive tests, the doctors came to the realization that when the hysterectomy was performed with the robot, it accidentally nicked her ureter, creating a pinhole, and it was leaking into her abdomen. To top that all off, when they went in to try to correct it, they saw that there was lots of scar tissue building up that was causing it to close off. They cut out the scar tissue and inserted a stent while it healed. The time came to remove the stent. They did so and things seemed to be better for a short period of time, but then, coming up on Thanksgiving of that year, she started hurting again with acute pain. Upon follow-up, they determined that the stent was removed too quickly and more scar tissue had built up. A surgery was scheduled to reinsert the stent, but they failed to be able to get the stent into place. The ureter had closed off too much, so she was going to have to see a specialist.

Daniel Moore: 31:07

We were in a race for time. Her kidney was shutting down and we were near Thanksgiving and we were awaiting the result of a referral we were given to KU Medical Center, where they take people by how badly they need surgery in special cases. Only After waiting for several days we found out that the first doctor turned her down. We then waited for the next doctor to respond. Thankfully he agreed to see her and we rushed her there to the first appointment available.

Daniel Moore: 31:35

By this point her kidney was damaged beyond some of its repair and she was very rapidly losing it. She was constantly in pain. The doctor we saw there realized the issue and told her that he could repair it, but his schedule was very tight before Thanksgiving vacation and he may not get to it until after he came back. He also did the manual procedure where he would cut her open to fix it. The other doctor that performed robotic procedures would be after January before he could get to her. So we decided to go with the manual procedure. He was talking about putting a cut in her side and inserting a drain to take the pressure off her kidney until the surgery could be done. Of course this was not a very feasible solution for her at the time because of her being on a blood thinner for the clotting issue, but we really didn't see any other choice if we were to save her kidney. Then a miracle of God happened. The doctor decided to move her in the day before Thanksgiving and he would put her at the end of the day for the procedure. He said he would just work her in and get it finished so she wouldn't have to go through Thanksgiving in pain. After the surgery she came out with stage three to four kidney disease. We knew it was going to be an uphill journey, but we were just thankful that God had intervened. Over the years since then her kidney has decreased to a stage two kidney disease and God also gave her a complete healing from her migraines.

Daniel Moore: 33:05

Of course, that is a condensed version of the whole story and you may ask why do I tell you this? Well, my mind was going nuts during this whole walk. We had to walk. There were times I was really thinking that my wife was going to lose a kidney or if it ruptured, she would die. In my mind I was thinking, god, why did you bring us through this marital stuff and restore us back to a godly marriage just to now be going through all of this and the possibility of losing my wife? I was being an Elijah, satan was messing with me between my ears and I didn't like it, but God came through in a miraculous way on all of those things I was worried about. My worst case scenarios never came to pass. My wife is now fine and we are living our life.

Daniel Moore: 33:55

Ultimate hope puts everything else in the perspective of eternity. That's the helmet of salvation in action. That helmet protects me from all my dread of failure and loss, even when the plans come from a destructive enemy such as Satan. This is how Paul's seemingly reckless pursuit of God's lead in his life, regardless of the dangers it entailed, can be better understood through the lens of 2 Corinthians 1.9. This verse states In this passage, paul acknowledges the perilous situations he faced, which could have cost him his life. However, he also recognizes that these trials served a purpose to remind him and others not to rely on their own strength but to trust in the power of God. By using the imagery of the helmet of salvation, we can better interpret Paul's mindset and actions. The helmet of salvation is a piece of the spiritual armor symbolizing protection and guarding the mind against doubt and despair. When Paul says that he has the helmet of salvation on, he signifies that his hope in God's ultimate deliverance is unwavering. This hope acts as a shield to the doubts and fears that might discourage or hinder him from following God's lead.

Daniel Moore: 35:22

Psalm 73, 25 speaks of the unquenchable hope that the helmet of salvation provides. That verse states Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you? Here the psalmist expresses a deep sense of contentment and fulfillment in God alone. This unshakable hope and longing for God enables Paul and all believers to face danger, adversity and even the prospect of death with courage and steadfastness. Paul's seemingly reckless behavior, driven by his relentless pursuit of God's will, is not a result of foolishness or carelessness, but rather an image of his unwavering trust in the power and faithfulness of God. He knows that relying on his own strength would only lead to despair and failure. However, by putting on the helmet of salvation, he continually renewed his hope and reliance on God, enabling him to face any danger with perseverance and steadfastness In our own lives. The helmet of salvation can similarly provide us with unquenchable hope. When we trust in God's plan for our lives and seek to align our actions with his will, we can have assurance that he will guide and protect us through any trials that we may face. This assurance, rooted in the hope of eternal salvation, empowers us to face challenges boldly and steadfastly, just as Paul did.

Daniel Moore: 36:49

Christians who are not filling their minds with scriptures are like warriors going out to battle without a helmet. A raging battlefield is a frightening place to be. When your head is exposed, your shield of faith will become dramatically more efficient in quenching the enemy's flaming missiles. If you give faith a lot to hang on, to Let your mind be immersed in such truths and absorb them as deeply as you can, then, when you find yourself in the middle of a battle, you will know beyond a shadow of a doubt where you stand. That's going to do it for this week's episode of Connecting the Gap.

Daniel Moore: 37:26

Don't forget that that Bible reading time is so important, and I don't know if you have a daily Bible reading time set aside, whether if it's in the morning before you get out of bed, or maybe sometime throughout the day, in the afternoon or maybe in the evening before you go to bed at night. You need to figure out what works best for you and try to set aside that time to dig into God's word and let God speak to you through his word, and it will renew your mind. You will find that those battles that you face daily start fading into the distance and you start having victories. So I highly encourage you. If you are not into God's Word, if you're not reading, if you are not taking notes and studying and applying those things that you learn to your daily life, you're missing it. You're missing a lot, and I think that once you start doing that, you will understand exactly what we've been talking about today and how, if we keep that helmet of salvation on our heads, we keep those scriptures in our mind. As we've stated a few times here in this series so far, if there is truth in your mind and in your heart, then there is no room for lies. Satan has no room to put anything into you. If you're already filled up with what God wants you to be filled with, well, I'm out of here for this week. You can visit my website, connectingthegapnet, for everything about our ministry. You can also reach out to us there with the contact page. Go to Facebook. We're at facebookcom slash ctgaponline and we're also at Twitter with the same handle, and you can comment on our post there as well. We'd love to hear from you. Well, till next week I'm out of here. Don't forget that God's word never fails us. God's word has stood the test of time and, through Jesus' death on the cross, he has connected the gap.

Daniel Moore: 39:14

You've been listening to Connecting the Gap podcast. I'm Daniel Moore, the host for this podcast, and I personally thank you for listening. Each week In this world, there are many disconnects that cause chaos in our lives. This podcast is birthed from the desire to share hope and restoration of the power of the gospel by being transparent and open in our biblical walk with God. Each week, we take a few moments as we navigate God's Word and peer into other people's testimonies and encourage each other to connect the gap.

Daniel Moore: 39:40

We upload a new audio podcast every Thursday and a video version of it on YouTube and Rumble. We are also on the Christian podcasting app Edify. You can subscribe to our podcast on many of the available podcasting platforms, such as Apple Podcasts, deezer, spotify, amazon Music, iheart Radio, tunein Radio and many more. We are also available on your Alexa-enabled devices. If you would like to give us feedback or would like to contact our ministry for any reason, including prayer, visit our contact page at wwwconnectingthegapnet and send us a message. We hope you are blessed by this ministry. This is a production of Connecting the Gap Ministries.



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